Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1980 09 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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o 00 0') ..... Kenny Roberts rode 8 smooth. cooIy celculllted race lit the flnlll round, ....Iy securing World Championship title number three. World Championship Road Race Series: Final round Roberts wins third title with calculated GermanGP perforDlance By Nick Harris ' Photos by Shigeo Klbiki NURBURGRING. GERMANY, AUG. 24 As the curtain dropped on the 1980 Grand Prix season at the torturous Nurburgring circuit, Kenny Roberts, John' Ekerold and Eugenio Lazzarini clinched World Championship titles in a dramatic and appropriate farewell to the historic 14.mile German t~ack . . . Roberts third suCCessIve 500cc '.. 14 World Championship-clinching perfor· mance was a calculated affair. He finished a professional founh in a race won by Italian Marco Lucchinelli. Robens' only championship challenger, Suzuki's Randy Mamola, dropped to fifth place with a broken oil seal after leading for three laps. World "IT For· mula One Champion Graeme Crosby showed his obvious liking for the circuit by finishing second, his best ever GP placing. Suzuki's sadness at missing the indio vidual World Championship was tempered by their clinching tbe Manu· facturen Award by just sis points from Yamaha, their fifth COIIIeCIItM IlKIt'eII in this CODtl!St'aDa oae wIUcb Yamaha yerr !Ouch wanted to add to Robfits' mdJV1dual success. In the Nurburgring's checkered history rarely can there have been a more exciting battle than the epic S50cc race between championship leaders John Ekerold and Anton Mang. For six unforgettable laps they fought for the championship crown smashing the lap record by over 15 seconds - and the tears of emotion at the finish conveyed the popularity of South African Ekerold's victory among his fellow competitors. "Neither of us would give an inch," recalled Ekerold. "My bike (Bimota Yamaha) was faster on top speed but his (Kawasaki) had better acceJeration. I just wanted to get out in front and stay there." Witb 10 mucb excitement at the front, hardly anybody ooticed a supei-b battle third place iii w'liidi • ror Yamaha·mounted Johnny Cecouo, despite brake problems, fougbt off the Kawasaki challenge of Jean·Francois Balde and Gregg Hansford who was hampered by carburetion troubles. In the 500cc race, Yamaha's Robens witb a 14 point lead could adopt a cool approach as he was safe in the know· ledge that as long as he finisbed in the top nine be would remain champion. Witb Mamola and Lucchinelli steaming from tbe line on their Suzukis. the World Champion tucked in behind a battle for. third place between Wil Hartog and Crosby. Lucchinelli, desperate for his first World Championship victory, took the lead on tbe second lap while country· man Virginio Ferrari, making bis debut on a Yamaha·based Cagiva, retired at tbe pits reponing a loss of power. Mamola regained the advantage a lap later at Karussell but tben staned to drop back with oil over the rear of the macbine and any chance be bad of tbe World Championship faded. "I don't know what broke," explained Mamola. "There was oil all over tbe place and I think it must have been a seal. Anyway at least an American bas won the title." Gregg Hansford, makilfg his return to GP racing, bad a lucky escape on lap three when the steering damper broke on his Kawasaki. "I was flat out in founh wben the damper went," be recalled. "I just let tbe bike go and somebow she stayed uprigbt and I stayed on. It really frigbtened me." Lucchinelli, witb a new lap record which will probably stand for evermore, crossed tbe line with a 20second advantage over Crosby who gained his best ever GP result. Hanog was a comfonable third and there were anxious glances from the Yatnaha camp until Roberts arrived in fourth spot to clincb his third conseculive World Championsbip title abead of rival Mamola. "Thole guys at the froDt were too fast today and I'm ~ just to finish 1JecaUle I don't like tIiia arcuit, " , •said Ro&erls. .,.. ....,.. • ~ Resuhs IlOcc: 1. S. Daftngor lKnJI; 2. E. L - . (ljIrI; 3. H. _ l K r I I ; 4. H. ~ lKnI; 5. L _ So W. _ tKnl; 7. G. lKnI; 8. H. V ~ 1PInI;'. T. ~ 1IIuIl: 10. G.lIahIlKtel. _ l i p : Daftngor_. llm:lB.C*. 74.40 ....... 121ia:: 1. G. _ ~ 2. A. _ CUW; 3- H. MulIor lMlIAI; 4. M. II . i_i (Mini: 5. G. _ tIIenI; 8. K . . - lM8AI: 7. P.P. 8lIncIi lMlIAI; 8. H. V., ~ (ConI; •. S. _ lMlIAI 10. P. Scl.,A"" acoe; e. ~CMIIAI. lip: G. _ lMoll, 1m 12M, 92......... A. NiIIlo fMInI. 1m 17.oa. .1.53mph. 2fiOcc: 1. K. ~ lK-'; 2. J.F. _ (I(-.l; 3T. Mony ~; 4. G. ~ (ColI; 5. J. Cornu lV.,r, e. D. DoRodIgo_lV ; 7. H. HouIlVlmI: e. R. I't8ymgnd lADl••. M. WI lVlml; 10. Tomic lVlmI. 3liCl= 1. J. EUraId lV....; 2. T. M-.g P

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