Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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The team of Freddie Spencer and Mike Baldwin (HoD) ~:r won the Sept. The Cedar Rapidl Naticma1 half mile, rescheduled to Aug. 50 after an earlier rainout, met: the same rainy fate. Rain began falling ear1y Saturday morning and continued through much of the day. With forecasts of rain continuing into the evening, the race was cancelled at mid-afternoon. In a Tuesday, Sept. 2 phone conversation, AMA Profasional Competition ManaF Bill Bo,ce Aid, "We've 100ked at the achedu1e and don't lee any place to put it. 10 we doubt if it will be rescheduled." o CO 0') ...... So O'Brochtll end his Terminal Van Linea K.w... kl once epIn left the Top Fuel c:Ieea In ......... this AMA G...nd National Chempton Steve Eklund wiI not be et Syrecu. . or TuIH for 1hoee upcoming Netioneia. After the helf mile et Topeka. where his blka broke and he f1niMed 14th. Eklund HId. "Thia is my lest rec:e. going beck to I ~ IoedIng up of OW' equipment Mel going home. I cen't efford to go to SyrlICUH Mel hIIve It rain out. or . . . . my wrIet or something. fm hurting so bed fInenc:ieIy right now thet I cen't W.·... a. mek. my living et ~ any longer. My 8POMOI".ln the ...... poaItIon. W.·ve etruggled so herd this yeer... Nobody ceres ebout CIua C anymore. Thet". too bed becat... 1 cen't do It any 1onII-, et Ieeat for this yeer. I went to race. I know I'm a better rider dIM ..,.. tbodY here. But I've got a wIf8 to t8k. cere of. I've got a house, fm putdng my neck on the 1M:' Eklund going concluded by a.yIng. .. w.·... OH MV MV, there It is eplnl ThIa time the 'li.... ~1g IcenH plate thet formerly edorned the front of Steve McUughIIn·. CecllIIIc,.. seen et the Ninth Annual SunHt Beech Tricycle Recea with race h ••dlll. . . . et Mother'. ber. No, It dldn't win. Photo by MI' a M~ time et the reln·postpolled NHRA U.s. NetioI.... held et Ind1IInepolia RecMny Pn. O·Brochta finely got to mlIb Ilk w.... 1g 7."170.13 run on Tueacley. Sept. 2 eftar hIIvIng let a fat u. of 7.28 HCOIIda In queHfylng. The run , . . not a record. however. slnee h. couldn't beck It up. Runner-up In the Top ft*.only meet wea 1Mry McBrIde riding o.nny Johnson'. Kaw.. lkl. McBride medii an 8.021 1 - . . run. The TesonI8enllrd V........ eM clocked a high top . . . . . of mph but were unebIe to beck It up, 1... Forry-two teams Itaned the Aug. 51 Mountain Road Racing AIIociation's 6-bour endurance race at Woody Creek Raceway, and the results were interesting to say the least. Winning the race were Bruce Sua and Rusty Sharp OD a Yamaha TTSOO-baaed road racer, and following them was a European RD5SOLC (watercooled, mODOlbock) ridden by Mike Cameron and Ricky Orlando. Third overall went to the Val A~/Thomas Marquardt/Bruce GiblOn team on their Kawasaki KZ6SO, and on another KZ6SO were fourth placers John Ulrich and Charlie Hennehm. Tony D1St8f8no rode a 2IOcc Husky et the Aug. 31 grend prix at Corona Rec~. pIKIng fifth In the 2IOcc c:Ieu. then teeming with RIcky Hogen to win the 2&Occ c:Ieea In a 1O-minut8 t8IIm 11ICI. "The D" UYI his beet contact lena COI'nICU his viaIon to 20140 In hIa Injured .ye. good enough to pas the drIver'. 1IceI... without gl......... _.tedve lnc:Iude rec:Ing In fIorIde'. winter ..... then C8mpelgllllng ...... the 2IiO or IIIOcc AMA NetioI.11 In '11. D1Stwr.1O ,.... Husky wII beck .... 100% In his 111 rec:Ing effart. Ital·jet·mounted Bernie Scbreiber won the Aug. 51 Swem.h round of the World Observed Trials Champiolllbip, posting a 97-point score to best Ulf karlIIoD (MOD). who bad 107. Eddie Lejeune (HOD) and Yrjo Vesterinen (MOD) finiIbed 5-4/ According to our adminedly·aketcby repon, Karbloo dincbed the World Cbampioasbip while Scbreiber moved to aeccind in die Itandinp. One round, in Czecbodovakia, remains. Rallied Sp.adw8y CMmp Mike Bast CIIIIed A8cot II8cewQ to tel them he'. gonne be ........ for the next two ThuradIIy nlghtl. Sept. 4 end 11, Thet mey be good or. bed news to his compeddon on the GerdeI.. . . . . . . . . whIct'I wIIlncIude Bobby Schwertz Mel Sh8wn Moren CSept. oW and Scott Autrey end Dennis SIpIoa ova 2 CSept.11). .' .... 1 AAMRR 6-Hour Endurance Race at Loudon, New Hampebire's Bryar Motorapon Park. The pair covered 451 miles on the 1.6 mile course to finish 55 miles ahead of the Parkway Cyclea team of joel Samick, Mickey Fearon and Mark Soups (Suz). DicIt Burleson CHua) continued his men:h seventh AMA NetionIII Chlmplonahlp Enduro Series title with en overell win In the Aug. 31 Indilln Creek Netioael et Columbia. South c.oInL Burleson fInIahed tow points up on a tow rid.- deadlock et 19 points Ioat led by his c:Ioaeet ch"anger for the title. John Fero (Yam). town • Special thanb to Peter Defty and 'lumbo jim" Doyle for the photos uaed in this week's West Gennan GP road racing coverage. No, they didn't take them - Shigeo Kibiki did that - but the two Pan-Am pilots were responsible for carrying them back across the Atlantic. Papa owes 'em a beer or two...or three...or... American Federetlon of Motor· c:rcIal8 ...... tiIIIo for the Milia_ Dy.bophy fouIidlItion etthelr Aug. 17 event held et Ont8rlo. Ever heard of the Cycle Camping A.sociation? They offer a complete listing of camping areas acrosa the U.S. to members, discount information and other Iel'Vicea. Their addreaa is P.O. Box 29, Salem. NJ 08079. The October laue of "tGrc)' el.t mepzIne wII be their 1.01IIIth, Not bed for a ••• ..,)'1 La Habra Yamaha/Saddleback Park Amateur Point Series standings after seven of ten races completed: Bill Olsen 55; Craig RobenlOn 29; Tom Makowaki 26; Dave Perry 25; Mike Eng1isb24. You deaen folb will want to mark Sept. 4 on your calendar as a mucho imponant date. The BLM will be holding a public hearing on th propoaed Oct. 25 Check Chase, and your imput is needed. The 0-57 Sporta Committee feels it's 10 imponant that they're postponing their regular meeting by a week. The hearing is to be held at the San Bernardino Convention Center, 505 N. "r St. in San Bernardino, and stam at 7:50 p.m. The Checkers. AMA and D-S7 have been wo~ hard to get this event for deaen riden, 10 don't let themdownJ AaembIymen Bob Heyea. Gene CheppIe end Norm W... hIIva Introduced A ••• mbly Jomt ReeoIutIon II. which cella upon the U.s. 811.... Committee on NeturIII Reeoun:ee to hold fuI pubic h••rInp on the WIdern••• laue; aomed*lg the House of ..lilted... ,..... to do when HB 7702,.. p.... d recently. R..- Coming up Sept. !O at San Bernardino's Inland Motor Speedway will be the ISth annual California State Cbampiolllbip. Alan Cbriatian loob to be the favorite in the all-Scratch racing program. Tickets are $7 for adulu, $5 Cor children 6-12. and are available at Ticketron and at the track. The Llghtw.lghts M.C. wit host • Dlatrict 'S1 TT race on Sept. 14 at Secld1ebeck Pn. AI trK1Ion II elawecL end the lightweights . . hoP,ng this wIIlnduce. a few more