Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1980 09 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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.E Southern calI10rnla.~rlzona .southern Nev ada;Southern"'Callfornla·Arlzona.Southern Nevada· Southern Callfornla·Arlzoaa· • Western hotline t ~ ~..,..,.".--=--.,......~ Eric MacCrack en was maste r of t he 250cc Pro cl ass at DeAnza. 250cc NOV: 1. Skip Cristy IVom) ; 2. Dean Stockwell IKTM); 3. Brian Bradford (Yom) . 250cc AM/EX: 1. Pete Hames (Yaml; 2. Terry Singleton (Yam); 3. Darren Hulbert (Yaml . OPEN NOV: 1. M ike M cCaul ey IBul ~); 2. Don Meiner(Yaml; 3. Tom Graves(Yaml. A LM OST OVER THE Hili GA NG : 1. Gory Pettis IBull; 2. Bm Bartels (H-D!; 3. Mike Mockbee (H·Dl. OPEN A M/EX: 1. Dorothy Rowe (Yam); 2. Bo b GrIMlS IVam) ; 3. Tom F..guoon IVam). 250cc M ONEY: 1. Pete Homeo(Yarn); 2. Chr is Cano n (Yam); 3. Robert Pletzing (Vam) . OPEN M ONEY ; 1. Pet e Hameo (Yam); 2 . Chr is Cannon (Yem); 3. Dorothy Rowe (Yaml. MacCracken masters DeAnza MX By Ron Lawson SUNNYMEAD, CA , AUG . 10 After several months without even fini shing a 250cc Pro race at D e An za , Eric MacCracke n (Yam) fina lly put together a win -, ., 32 and did it in a big way. MacCracken is usually found on top of the Open class b ut bad luck and crashes have kep t him from proving what he can do in the quarter liter class unti l now . He got the holes hot in both moros and pulled away convincingly to the win while second place was up for grabs. In moto one, Gr eg Zitterkopf (Ma i) held th e runner·up spot until his Ma ico gav e up on the second lap, then the position went to Keith Dysert (Kaw). Dysert held on to the end whi le Don . Griewe (C· A) ca me up from a poor start to finish th ird ah ead of Danny Burtt (C· A). In round two , while MacCracken was on his way towards another win ; Fred Combs (Kaw) was in second . A seventh lap mistake , however , cost Combs three positions and Dysert moved into second. But the race- for the spot was far (rom over a nd by th e 10th la p , Dysert, Gri ewe , Burtt and Combs were all with in feet of one another. Griewe dropped out of th e battle when he tangled with a lapped rider, but the ra ce still ca me down to the last lap with both Burtt and Combs kn ifing under Dysert 10 move into second and th ird . Overall , MacCracken topped Bu rtt , Dysert, Combs and Griewe . Taking MacCracken's example, Kevin Co x (Mai) gave the same treatment to the 250cc Novice class . He topped his class every lap of both motes with on ly O pen Novice Mark Su1!ivan a ble to stay in front of him. Second 250cc in moto one was Chuck Wheeler (Suz) while Dan Cannon (Ma i) a nd John Mitchell nabbed thi rd and fourth. In round . two , Sulli van and Cox were aga in taking the wins in their respective classes and Mitchell was able 10 come up and grab second 250cc slot while Jim Trask and Ca nnon followed . That set the overall 250cc results at Cox , Mitchell and Cannon. Runner up to Sullivan in the Open class was Jeff Cra mer (Yam) . T he 125cc Pro class went to Doug Dursach (Yam) while firs t time Pro Jack Scott nailed th e second position over Kenny Trask. Results PEe WEE: 1. Tim Gafatioto (Yam); 2. Christopher Low en IYam); 3. M ike Micheni (Yam ). MIN I BEG: 1. Darren Hoopingarner tKaw ); 2. Chris Dominguez IYam) ; 3. Eric Metzger (Swl. MINI NOV : t . Kevin Richey (Han ); 2. Michael Peters (Yam) ; 3. Danny Cantley (Kawl . 125 BEG: 1. Chuck Brinkley IKaw); 2 . Pete Johnson (Han); 3. Darrin Bell (Suzl. 125 INT : 1. Ti Swartz {Varni ; 2. Richa rd Hoffman (Suz); 3. A. Siracusa (SUll. • 125 PRO: 1. Ooug Dursach IVaml; 2. Jack Scott IVam); 3. Kenny Trask IKaw). 250 BEG: 'l . Ken Lindemann IVam l; 2. Ken Carlson (Yam l; 3. Jim Sw artzbaugh. 250 NOV : 1. Kevin Cox (M ai); 2. John Mi tchell ; 3. Dan Cannon (Mail. 250 INT : t , Pat W eber (Su zl; 2. Geor ge J ackman IYaml; 3. Ron Lawson (5 021. • 250 PRO: , . Eric MacCracken (Yam l; 2. Danny Bu rtt (C·A) ; 3 . Keit h Dvsert IKaw l. OPEN BEG: t . Terr y Delange (5 ul l; 2. Larry Lowen IV am l. OPEN NOV: 1. Mark Sullivan; 2 . J eff Cramer (Yam l. OPEN INT : , . John Rogers (5 Ul ); 2. William Johnson . IYaml; 3. M ichael Lambie (SU1). OPEN PRO: 1. Roland Wood ISU1); 2. Jon Friesen IC· AI; 3. DIck Rog ers lKaw l. 5R VETS : t . Ron Brehm (Yam); 2. Paul W ild e (Yam); 3. Charles Ramos (Yaml. JR VETS : t . M ik e Evans (SU1); 2. William Clin e IHu st Holley, Heisser hot at AME $1.000 MX By Laura Richard VALENCIA, CA, AUG . 10 American Motocross Enterprises had a good turnout of riders for their race on the International track at Indian Dunes. Kolbe Can -Am rider Jim Holl ey proved ju st what a fin e rider he is with ba ck to back wins in both the 250c c a nd Open Pro classes to take hom e th e lion 's sha re of the $1,000 purse. In the 250cc Pro class round one saw Las Vegas Honda rid er Lenny Giger taking the holeshot followed by International Yamaha's Bill Ouellette and Holley. Holley was able to pu t the pressure on Ouellette to capture second, then went after Gige r and too k the lead . In th e second round it was Ouellette with the lead followed by Holley and Giger. Holley put the pass on Ouellette to tak e over the lead, dropping Ouellette into second and Giger went down , giving third 10 Kal -Gard Yamaha -mounted Bob Kline . Holley took home the first overall with Ouel lett e second and Giger third . In the Open Pro ra ce Holley too k th e hol eshot and the lead in bot h mot os followed by Intern a tional Yamaha -mounted Bill Hagen in second and Track 'N Travel Maieo rider Dal e Lewis in third . One of the most exciting races of the day was the 125cc Pro as DG Honda rider Chris Heisser, Internationa l Yamaha rider Steve Schmitz and Kolbe Honda rider Jim Holley battled it out for th e win . Moto one saw Heisser with the holeshot and th e lead , but a strong rid e on the part of Schmi tz enabled him to take over the lead and the first moto win with Heisser finishing second and Holl ey in thi rd . Round two saw Heisser ag ain with th e lead but th is time follow ed by Holl ey with Schmitz in third . Hei sser held off the hard cha rging Holley for the win. The overall win went 10 Heisser with Schmitz finishing second and th ird going to Holley. Snyder (Hon ) and Andy Nort hru p (Hon) held off Sta ten for half of th e first moto before giving in . Northrup moved past Snyder for second in t he late laps and Juan Bena vid ez (Kolbe CoAl recovered from a get-off to nab fourth. rl In mo to two , Staten was on top of every lap. Bena videz gave him a hard time for a while , t hen ba iled again ana retired for the night. Northrup was again second a nd Snyder also repeat ed his third . Rou nd ing out the top five in the overall standings were J on Fr iesen (C -A) fro m Suzuki of Riverside and Benavid ez. J ohn Begin (Su z) proved the val ue of consistency in th e 125cc Novice class . He p ut together a 3·2 performance to win over La ne Steeber's 2-3 ta lly. Win· ning the first moto was Tony Thompson (Suz) who in herited the lea d after Sean Corcora n (Suz) fell . In round two, howeve r , it was Corcoran on top all the way. Thompson could do no better than eighth in that race and so third p lace in th fina l standings went to Kit Pa lmer (Suz), who had two fourths'. Victor Line (Yam ) d id much th e same thing in th e 125cc Begi n ne r class, division on e. With a 2-3 score he too k the win whil e Darin Maddox (Yam) went 1·4 fo r second and Mark Brown (Suz) went 8·1 for third. . Results MINI BEG: 1. Tom M artinez (SU1); 2. Erc Fraser (Yam l; 3. Rtch Hovis (Yaml. MINI BEG: t . Ron W illiam s (Yam); 2. Brett Guyett (Vam ); 3. G,eg Flanaga r ISUl). M INI NOV : 1. Terry Fow ler (Yam l; 2. Don Hovis (Vam ); 3 . St eve WestISU1). MINI EX: 1. Don Sigrist ISU2I; 2. Dan Wawrzniak IVam) . MINI INT : 1. Don Turk (Vam); 2. Jeff Sc haeff er tKaw); 3. Steve Morehouse (Kaw l. 100 BEG: 1. Ernie Garcia IYam) ; 2. A da m Pow ell (Yam l; 3. Dean Chr ising er (Yaml . ' 125 BEG: 1. V ietor Line IYam); 2. Darin Maddo x (Yam ); 3. Ma rk Brown ISuzl . 125 BEG: 1. John Gabl e ISU1); 2. Steve Watson IVam! ; 3. Leroy Oozois (Kaw!. 125 BEG: 1. Bob Hoopef (Yaml; 2. Bruce Harcrow (Sw ); 3. Gary Thompson (Yaml. 125 NOV: 1. John Beg in ISUl); 2. lane St eeber IVam!; 3. Ki t Pelmer (SU1). • 1251NT: 1. Craig Cabl elVam); 2. Bob Berney ISUl!; 3. Paul Ellis lSu zl. 1251 NT: 1. Riel< FioreIVam); 2. Brian Tripp (Yam); 3. Brad Fay (Ho n!. 125 PRO: 1. T, oy Lee (KTM); 2. M ike Edson IVam); 3. Edd ie Glover (Yaml. 250 BEG: 1. Bill Sco tt IVam) ; 2: Bruce Silvera ISul ); 3. larry Gro ss (Vam !. 250 BEG: 1. Ted Hammer IVam! ; 2. Rick Hahn IC·A); 3. M on ty Bu rcham ISu zl. • 250 NOV; 1. AI King (Vam); 2 . Dave Whatley IHonl; 3. Kevin Koeslag IVaml. 250 NOV: t . Chris Farrow (Yam) ; 2. Rick Vanderham (Yaml; 3. Don Pen ingillIYam). 250 INT : 1. Pat W eber (SUl) ; 2. MI ke Blake IHon!; 3Ken Cam pbeIlIC·Al. 250 PRO: 1. W recks Stat en (Vam ); 2. Andy North,up (Hon ); 3. J im Snyd er lHonl. OPEN BEG: t . Dennis Hopkins {5 uzl ; 2. Gary Tr ussell (Yam ); 3. Greg Whitf ield (Yam l. OPEN NO V: 1. Bill Nov ack (Yam); 2. James Lorimer (Yam) ; 3 . Scott Joh nson 15021. OPEN INT: 1. M ike Hair (Yaml ; 2. Ron Behnq uis t (Vam ). 500 PRO: 1. Jim Holley IC·A!; 2. Bill Hagen IVam ); 3 . Dale Lewis (Ma il. 250 PRO: 1. Jim Holley IC·A); 2. Bill Ou ellette IVam !; 3. Lenny Gig er C n). Ho 125 PRO: 1. Chr is Heisser C Hon) ; 2. Steve Schmitz (Yam) ; 3. J im Holley IHonl. 500 INT: 1. Brand Johnson (Yam); 2. Tom Bic e (Hus); 3. Eric Oattold (Yam ). 250 INT : 1. Brand Jo hnson (Suz); 2. Randy J ohnson (Yam); 3. Martin Klopman IC-Al. 125 INT ; 1. Eddie Green (Vam ); 2. Jack Greenberg ISuzl; 3. Jon Al exander (Han). 500 JR : 1. Erik Bowers (Yam l: 2. Ken Renau t (Suzl; 3. Dave Welty ISU1). • 250 J R: 1. C,aig Stanton IVa m); 2. Todd MacDonald (Yaml; 3. V inc e Fried l ISuzl. 125 JR: t . Kenny A itken (Swl; 2. M ike Wolfe tC-A); 3. Randv Lipp;e (Vam). V ETS JR : t . Ron Co le ISUl). l00cc EX: 1. Jack Greenberg (Suzl . 100cc INT: 1. Zoli Meszaros {Yaml ; 2 . Pat Dolan (SU1); 3. Eric Silg ero ISu zl. 100cc JR : 1. J oe Sutter (Yaml; 2. Kelly V ercho n (Vam!. 83cc MINI EX: 1. St eve Va n Ower IYam ); 2. Ty M ad du x (Yaml. 83cc MI NIINT: 1. Richi e J am es ISuz); 2. A lan Lippi e IVam); 3. lance Johnson ISUl) . 83c c MI NI J R: 1. W estey Furrh {Yaml : 2. Tony Aless i (Yam l; 3 . Sean Riley (Suzl . PEE W EE: 1. Tony Sulek ISUl), 60cc M INI INT: 1. Danny lamb ISUl); 2. KeVIn Heisser (Yam). 60c c MINI JR : t . Steven Kotajarvi (Yam) ; 2. Kay le Johnson ISu zl; 3. J oe Brown (Suzl . Lee tops' Corona 1.25s By Ron Lawson CORONA, CA, AUG . 8 Troy Lee a nd his DG KT M pulled off a doub le moto win in the 125cc Pro class at Co rona Raceway after a hard fought ba ttl e. In moro one, it was a two way duel be tween Lee a nd Bre nt Blou nt (Yam) aft er ea rly leader Edd ie Glover (Yam) went down . Blount led every la p except t he one that counted , losing the top spot to Lee on the last lap. Yamaha of Redl a nds rider Mike Edson was thi rd over Warren Bell (Suz ) a nd Glover. Glover again' jumped into th e lead of round two , but Lee took over on the second lap. Blount was missing from this round and so Lee had littl e trouble in taking it home. Edson came back from a crash early in t he moto to take another thi rd for second overall. Third overall went to Glover . It was again Rex Sta ten in the 250cc Pr~ _c~~~ _~o.i~~ .a~ l. ~~e. ~!~~i?g.)i~ Results Jackson jams at OCIRMX By Tom Corley IRV INE, CA , AUG . 7 Rick Jackson (Yam) continue s to be the fastes t 125cc Pro in OC IR raci ng. T his class is usua lly just a m atch race between two or t hree riders b ut ton ight a couple of new riders joined in on the action. J ack. son had the track wired so these visiting riders went home disappointed . J ackson got ou t a head in th e first moto and stayed th at way till the checkered flag . Micky Dymond ha s lo ng been a fas t Intermediate bu t as of tonight he was moved up into the Pro ranks . Congratulations Micky! Dymond proved worthy of thi s adva nce ment a nd hung in second in thi s race. Don Griewe came out on a n Italian watercoo led Ca giva 125cc ma chine tha t got a lot of a tt ention . Y.o u probably ha ve

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