Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1980 07 09

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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em>. a F LOSANGE $500,000 AMA SUPERCROSS SERIES TOP TEN RIDERS M ike Bell Kent Howerton 276 Point. 247 Point. Chuck Sun 240 Points 8 roc G lover 179 Points Mark Barnett 216 Point. Jim Gibson 175 Point. _n Myerwcough 128 Polnts Warren Reid 123 Point. Donnie Han.... 106 Polnt. Storming in to LA - a im ing to c apture t he m o st prestig io us t itle in the Supercross Serie s ar e t he top 80 Superc ross riders in the wortd . O n hand to w a tch th e b ig facto ry b a ttl e w ill be t he e ngineers a n d product planners from the fo u r m ajor m o torcvcte p roduc e rs in th e wortd - a nd t he racing prom ises to be th e ho tte st . m o st furious of the ser ie s. At the fro nt of the pock a re the serie s points holders - rep resenti ng each of the fou r b ig manufactu rers: M ike "Too Tall" Bell who sta rted th e 1980 series out with a bang and ha s been on top ever since. Bell h a s a total of 276 series paints. the majority of which he p icked up with his doubleheader wi ns at Seattle and first p la c e finishes at Ho u ston. Pon tia c and New Orleans. Only 29 points behind Bell is Ken t " Rhinestone Cow boy" Howert o n. 1980 Dirt Bike and Motocro ss Act ion Magazine "Rider of t he Yea" . w ho had been in th ird position in the standings unt il he added Kansas C ity to h is list o f w in s a nd moved into second pl ace ahead of C h uc k Sun. who now occupies th ird positi on in th e standings with 240 poin t s. Howerton presently has 3 Supercrass w in s to Bell's 5. Chuck Sun with a b ig first pl ace in A tl a nta is fol lowed b y Mark Barnett. who sp lit victories w ith Bell in New Orleans leading him to his c urrent points total of 216. In fifth position is Broc G lover. teammate to Bell who shared w ins w ith him bec k-to-beck in Hou sto n. G lover is ridi ng hi s first Su perc ross Ser ie s this year a nd sits rig ht in the m iddl e of t he to p ten w it h 179 series points. Sixt h and se ve nth p lace s a re held b y Team Honda rid e rs Jim G ibson and Ste ve Wise with 175 and 137 points respectively. Bria n Myerscough. team mate to Suzu ki riders Howerton a nd Ba rnett. is eighth with 128 paints. fol lowed by the lone Tea m Kawasaki representative Warren Reid w ho 's halfway t h ro u g h his f irst seas o n w ith the Green Team. A nd. holding up t h e top ten is Donnie Ha nsen. a no th er Team Hondo rider. wi th 106 series poin ts. The Supercro ss Ser ies bottle has been to u g h and competit ive with th e se to p te n rid e rs ju g glin g finishing positions. Down t he roste r in 13th posit ion is " Rocket Rex" State n who took th e Supercross even t at the Da y t ona C lassic in Flo rida lost March . Also bock in the poc k. but still in the top twenty rid ers. are M arty Smith ridi ng h is first season for Team Su zuki and Ma rty Tripes. a lso with new team colors - riding fo r Team Ya m a h a . Bath M arty·s. a lo ng w ith Don n ie C antaloupi of Team Ya maha h ove shown sam e pretty spectac u lar riding th is season, and if there is o ne event that c a n in sp ire great racin g it's the Superbowl o f Motocro ss at the Coteeurn l There a re 140 wi nners paints still to be c a ptured towa rds the 1980 Supercross Series ... The Superbawl offers 56 of those poin ts. making it a MUST wi n for any of the top ten. SUPERBOWL IX • 2 DAYS 100 Cocc-Coo SupeIb<>NI d Motocross comes to the LA CoIiseun just ONCE A YEAR - ard ",turns this -'-'IV 12 ard 13 tor the ninth spectacula r veer. Th ~ -'-'IV you 've got 'M'O big days d the hottest moIon::\<:Ie MA sorc1iored Supercross 5eries Surday oflemoon. -'-'nly 13. race number 14 d the series tokes df on a c:orrpIeteiv different ttoekl Saturday night the riders toke df from the srorr line ard head sltoight tor INSANITY RIDGE toward s the west end of the stadium. Sunday when the gate drops the riders will toke a hard left ard head l-P the Peristyle -'-'mp ard run the flOck In the ~te dlledion! S01urdoy night the oozers will work on reoonstrucflng the jurrps and 1I.mstor the tIock IElI.efX]/ to oeote on en1ileIy different race coose. Plus riders stage viC a IOrrp from the pits No deIOV between rrotosrTv.<:> separate sets d Af\AA series points will be 0\MJlded. Each oovs rac ing will die< a sepot01e pussl CHAMPIONS' CHALlENGE Sunday. -'-' Iy 13 otte< the 2Q.lop flf10l d the f>MA race tormo1. the CM>IOII winner d Soturday's race will cha llenge Sunday's """rail wimer fO' a SI0c0 shOOt-out bonus puss. In the case that the some nder tokes both daYs rrn pbce, the liCler ""th the second highe5lpoints 0CCUT1U/0tl0n tor both races will toke l-P the cha llenge "ARTISTRY IN IRON" S01urdoy and Sunday Hor1ey-[)oIAcl: pesents the Iorg est custom and an1JQue bike show on E>01th. P<:tmission is Ilee at the LA Sports Ateoo (just next door to the CoIiseun ). Show hous on Soturday Ole 9 am - 12 midnight ard Sunday 9 am - 6 pm. RiCle \IOU' own motO'CVCie to the Motocross ard Hor1ey-Dovidson show and park Ilee in lot " 6 d the Sport Ateno . Flee parking both Soturdoy ard s Sunday coutesv of HorIey-Oovidson Sunday, July 13th. Hortev-DoviClson parades tor MusculO' Dvs!lqJhv with special ceIebrrty GNI of MotOICIOSS IX. You need net pulChase anything O' be present at the event to win. ~kes sign-cps Ole toking pbce ("'ON at IocoI Tovoto Dealers d Southern Colitomia You co n sigrHJP at the SuperbcMil on S01urdoy O' Sunday ard hOve a crorcs to be the lu:ky wimer d th~ scper grand prize v.uth SC:OTT:":~ INRATION RGHTER SPECIAL... nCKETS ARE CHEAPER THIS YEAR THAN LAST! SUPERBO'M. llCl-2222 . GREAT FAMILY SAVING KIOS CAN GErIN $3ANY$D. r THIlOUGH T O'llOTA DEAlERS OF SOUIHEIlN CAIJ. FORNIA PIO<-tP THE ~ TO\OTA KIDS ORDER CQ,l'()N AT !W'I SO. CAl. TOYOTA DEAlfR ._~ MAIL ORDER WIll. RESBM \"OlR SEATS CoII~n Olded. RIDE YOUR MOTORCYClE TO THE Sl.U'ERBO\M. - PARK fllff in Sports Alene Lot " 6. Guarded motorcycle parking coutesv d Hc:rIey-DoviOso. RACE DAY SCHEDUlES 5atuIday NIght - .My 12 EatvEnltV 4:30p.m. Gate 4 Rider Flo etice Gates Open Opening Ceremonies Racing Storts Event Ends 4:00• 600 p .m. 6:00 p.m. 7:30 - 800 p.m. 8:00p.m. 11 p.m. :00 SUnday AII8moon . Ally 13 EatvEnltV Rider Pioetice Gates Open Opening Ceremonies Rocing Storts Rocing Ends Champions' Challenge 1100am. Gate 4 ll00 -12noon 12:00 noon 1:3O p.m. 2:00p.m. 500p.m. S:15p.m. 2 COMPLETE AND SEPARATE DAYS OF RACING 2 sets of f>MA Series Points 2 Separate winners 7 Eliminations o rd 1 Rnal Each Dov Duplicate winners' purses each day No pre liminary racing Spectator derrord rrode It necessary to bring 2 separate SuperboMs at the Coliseum this yeat. No you can g o Saturday night O' Su nday Atterncx::>n a nd not miss 0 1hing MOTOCROSS UPDATE us GNI NEED A RIDE? Coli (21 J80.R1DE 3) IIJ!IJflljf ~' TOYOTA DEALERS OF SOU THERN CALIFORNIA '(~a£> .. NINE GIANT YEARS Ie WE'RE STILL #1- CAN'T MAKE SATURDAY? GO SUNDAY

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