Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1980 06 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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. 1 Non hern California-Nonhern Nevada-Oregon-Washington-Idaho-Utah-A laska-Canada- Nonhern California-Nonhern Nevada-Oregon-Washington-Idaho-Utah· • NORTHERN DATELINE ~ 360 NOV: 1. Leland Yetter IHanl. 360 JR : 1. J ohn Carter (Henl. E o 500 NOV : 1. Guy Woods IYam). 500 J R: 1. Jeff Iwanaga IHonl . 500 EX: 1. M ike Inderbitlen (Yaml ; 2. Dann y Moor e IHen); 3. Fred Bennett lY am). 00 ~ ..... McKinney, Hames, Sullivan win Porterville ST By Bob Hill PORTERVILE, CA, MAY 30 Buffy McKinney (Eddie'n'[oe's Yam) took the 80cc J u nior win Friday night a t Porterville's short track and showed that the girls Rod Spencer proved to be the man to beat at the Monterey short track. Spencer bests the lions in their den By Bill Spencer MONTEREY , CA , MAY 31 At the end of every spring, just like in ancient Ro m e, a gathering of the clans to watch the Christians a nd the lions do bat- 60 tle drew great throngs, and so it goes at the Monterey Cou nt y Fairgrounds where jazz greats ' gather every year , this year joined by D-36 short trackers. T he sand base, one-ten th -mile oval surrounded by covered grandstands with eight -foot high walls m akes for great wa tc hing, bu t no t necessa rily good racing. Rod Spencer continues to dominate what is really short short track racing on his Bud Martin- tuned , ND -sparked Hap Jones Dist. Yamaha . Mike Inderbitzen blitzed the 500cc Expert class whi le you ng Da nny Moore contin ues to increase his abilities. The little track is ideally suited for the Pee Wee class and maybe even the 60s, but the speeds of the 80s are almost too much for the fences . Patrick Ballew continues to be the best of the way·under-l0-years -of-age set winning on the Salinas Suzuki over Matt Busb y. Jerem y Chisum was the big winner in the 80cc Novice class doing some great outside passing on his dad's KX80 . Mini Expert Kurt Cha nd ler had been giving advice to the youngster about passing on the outside a nd it worked , along with a new set of Team Green leathers from Salinas Ka wasa ki. Bryan Taber won the 60cc Novice ! J u nior combined affair while Eric Mayfield found litt le competition in the 80cc Junior go winning big over Da n ny Cahoon . Ku rt Chandler, in turn , won the 80cc Expert poi nt battle after a good d ice in the early laps . T od d Beecher held second unti l the last lap when he lost the stinger off his Yamaha of Salinas mo unt and with the loss of power, it was Winkie Freitas who made the last corner pass for second . A number of Experts that usu ally turn out were attending th e wedding of H -D and Yamaha , t hat is Jerry Warren , Warren H -D of Salinas , to R honda Yvonne Buckner. Yamaha of Salinas, assuring champion success. Nonetheless , it was Rod Spencer tha t the assembled had to wat ch out for. Doug Chandler continues to amaze as the 14-year-old was nearly last in his heat when the white flag appeared and he pulled an outside to inside pass worthy of a 1D-year Expert. In the first start of the 250cc Expert main , Doug had the wire shot on the Salinas KX 250 a nd 'with only one rider falling and Rod Spen cer stuck in fifth, it looked like a wrap . Only one rider entering the first tu rn in last , by a bunch, decided he hadn't gotten a very good start so he laid it down looking for a red flag , which he wro ngfully got. On the seco nd start it was Spencer on the m ove and Ch and ler stuck in traffic. Spencer mo ved off to a wide margin of victory while Danny Moore and Brad Spencer fought it out for second. In th e waning laps , Moore took the Yamaha of Sali nas mount to a good second while Bru ce Johnson made some moves to pass , lose and repass the younger Spe ncer brother for thi rd. A slim field of big bikes saw Leland Yetter the winner of the 360cc Novice class while John Carter won the Junior and Guy Woods the 500c c Novice. Jeff Iwanaga remains very spectacular riding brother Paul's Champion Honda and won, handily, in the 500cc Junior . A couple of sta rts in th e 500cc Expert race still had Mike Inderbitzen blitzing the troops on th e Palm Gardens special. Danny Moore and the Champion Honda did yeom a n work for second with ancient age Fred Ben nett newly-attired in better-than ever Yamaha Sports Center stuff third . Results PEE WEE: 1. Patrick Ballew (SU1); 2. Man Busby ISuzl . 80 NOV: 1. Jer emy Chisum lKawl : 2. Mike Foust (Yaml. 60 NOV/J R: 1. Bryan Taber (Yam l. 80 JR: 1. Eric Mayfield (Yam); 2. Danny Cahoon IYaml. 80 EX: 1. Kurt Chand ler IKaw .; 2. W inkie Freitas (Kaw); 3. Todd Beecher IYaml . 125 NOV: 1. Jim Wallac e (Yaml; 2. Royal Barnes IYaml . 125 JR : 1. Charles verse IBul1. 250 NOV: 1. St eve J ackso n; 2. J im Cole. 250 JR: 1. Vance Sherv ield (Yaml ; 2. David Hufford (Yaml. 250 EX: 1. Rod Spencer (Yam l; 2. Danny Moore (Yaml : 3. Gary Johnson (Yaml . ca n bump and shove just as well as the boys. Mike Price (Yam) , who has Porterville dialed, got by on the fifth lap onl y to have McKinney repass in the same place the nex t la p and hold on for the win . Bla yne Hollenbeck (Fosters Freeze Sumners Suzuki) took the 80cc Expert win ahead of Ryan Land (Pizza HutYam ) a nd Ste ve Hill (T a rget Sal esYam ). Hill came back to take the l00cc Expert go over Ricky Hollenbeck (Fosters Freeze-Sumners Suzuki) and Scott Price (Yam ). Pete Hames (Bill 's Pipes' Yam) took the 250cc Expert win in his usual wireto -wire race with Mike Garrison (Garrison Roofing-Yam ) a nd John Burnett (Kaw ) behind. Rod ney Sulliva n (Kings Cyclery-Yarn) had the 500cc Expert race dialed as he got the holes hot ahead of Mike Garrison and Anthony Urias (Yam). Sulliva n held his line all eight laps for the win. This was the last of a five-race Ba tes Leathers-sponsored series . The overall series winners plus the Race of Champions will be in la ter results. Results PEE WEE: 1. Jason C,aven IVaml ; 2. M ike Lucio ISull. 80 NOV ; 1. Albert Biscag lio lYaml; 2. To dd Alberti ISUl l; 3 . Roger Panerson lYam). 80 J R: 1. Bufty M cKinney (Yaml; 2. M ike Price (Yaml; 3. Glenn Fujioka (Yaml. 80 EX; 1. Blayne Hollenba<: ISUll; 2. Ryan Land k IYaml; 3 . St eve HiII IYam). 100 EX: 1. Steve Hill (Yaml ; 2. Ricky Holl enba<: k ISUll: 3. Scon PricelYaml. 125 NOV: 1. Tim Teserio (Yam); 2. Darin Knoll: (Yaml ; 3. Billy Wi lker (Yam). 125 J R: 1. M ark Davis ('(am); 2. M ike Jones (Yaml . 125 EX; 1. Robert Land IYam); 2. Rickey Hollenba<:k ISuzl; 3. Dennis Rodrigues (Yaml. 200 NOV: 1. John Hanesen (Yaml ; 2. Mike Biscaglto IYam l. 200 EX: 1. Robert Land lYam) ; 2. J im Rose lYam) ; 3. Kelly Oennison lYam!. 250 JR : 1. Secn Dunlavey IBul); 2. Terry Oixon lYam) . 250 EX; 1. Pete Hames lYa ml; 2. M ike Garrison lYam); 3. John Burnett (Kaw) . 500 NOV : 1. Martin BowteslYam); 2. Dale Andrew lYam); 3. Robert Dunlap lYaml. 500 JR ; 1. John HiIi IYam ): 2. J immie lynch (Yam); 3. Ilaory Clark lY arn). 500 EX: 1. Rodney Sullivan lYam); 2. M,ke Garrison lYarn); 3. Anthony Urias lYam ). OP'EN JR : 1. Scott Reed lY am!; 2. James ReM:l lYam); 3. Rick Mattos ITri!. OP'ENEX: 1. Doug Garrison lYam! ; 2. J im Keener IH01; 3. Scan Andrews CTri). Faria still flyin' at Sand Hill By Roy Hartbauer BR ENT W O OD , CA : MAY 23 David Faria added another to his long string of victories by ta king home the Open Expert money on t he fast Sand Hill Ranch scram bles course. Faria got off to a good first lap lead in the weekly Fr id ay nigh t event and went virtually unchallenged to the checkered. Tracy Hayes moved from back in the pack to close the gap, but cras hed before he could make u p the distance. Gary Johnson captured th e second spot followed by Rocky Rob inson and Jerry Brand t. Steve Delay took the 80cc win after losing the early lead to Bob Sisco. Delay kept coming back and regained the lead for good. Sisco rode Delay's tail for th e rest of the contest, but settled for the runner-up spot. Richa rd Davis rounded out the top three. Joe Wilson again devastated the O pe n Novice class for the third straight week . Wilson , who's been running up those Junior points, won't be missed by the other Novices as he cruised way ahead of the pack for the win . Junior J oe Heckmann finished a distant second followed by Chris Ridd le . James Casey is also proving to be a consistent winner as he took the 250cc Novice class . Derek Keck closed in to challenge for the lead, but went do wn for his efforts. Mark Ibbotson finished in the second spot followed by Ron Dinapoli. Mike Underhill ret u rned from an inj ury lay-off to fin ish second in the Vets class behind Jim H artb auer , Ha rt bauer, who seems to have a lock on this class , cruised for the win . Mike Crosby, with a third overall, finished as the top No vice of the race followed by Pen Pa rks. Results 80= 1. S. Delay ISuz); 2. B. Sisco (Suz); 3. R. Davis (Yaml. 5Occ: 1. M . PllSC8'ella lYam); 2. D. Delay (Sull; 3. O. leff lYam). 125cc: 1. T. Leat IYam); 2. J . Casey lY am); 3. B. Flinn (Sull. 250cc NOV : 1. J . Casey (Yam); 2. M . Ibbotson lYam); 3. R. Dinapoli l Hen ). VETS : t . J. Hartbeuer lYamt, 2. M . UnderhililYam). OPEN EX: 1. D. Faria lYam) ; 2. G. Johnson IMa i); 3. R. Robinson (Kawl. OPEN NOV ; 1. J . Wilson lYaml; 2. J . Hectunann lY am); 3. C. Ridd le lYaml. Burgess bounds to CMC Ruth Lake • win By Cathy Nordstrom RUTH LAK E, CA , MAY 18 The second motocross in the CMC Hi Point Series at Ruth Lake was held today with all classes filled with tough competition . Don Church (Mini Int) and Ken Beebe (250cc Int) were the only two riders who ran away from their packs. Pe te Porter (Mai 250) finished well ahead in th e Vets and Old T imers class, though . In the Pro class, it was La nce Bu rgess taking the overall win with a second and first . Pa t Richter followed seconds behind to place second over all after breaking his bike in the first m ot o and placing fifth. The Pro class put on a very exciting finish for the day. with Burgess and Rich ter passing a nd repassing each other in every other corner. So far in the Hi Point standings, Don Church and Brad J ohnson (125 Int ) a re tied . • Results PEEWEE : 1. Freddie Ne

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