Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1980 06 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Southern Callfornla·Arizona.Southern Nevada· Southern CaUf Ken Blackburn's got style. It's not enough that he broke his ownworld record during an incredible 8.02 second/18O.0 mph semi-final run at the IDBA W:>rld Finals. On his final run, he handed Ray Price's Harley-Davidson a one-way ticket to hog heaven and wrapped up the 1980 Super Eliminator championship. Ken's not lettingthe good times pass himby. And neither should you. o 00 0') ...-4 _ Kawasaki Heh, heh, heh. Yamaha's " Earthquake Erik" Ke hoe rumbled t o two NMA w ins. Paul Hoesko (Suz) ; 3. Chris Dominguez (Yam ). 83cc MOO INT-9-11: 1. Mike Healey ISun; 2. Scon Brown (SuzJ 3. Frank Brundage lS uzl. ; 83cc STOCK INT-9-1! : 1. Mi ke Healey ISuzl; 2. Frank Brundage (Suz); J . Eddie Hicks (Yam ). 83cc MOO NOY-9-11: 1. Joh n RaV ISuzl; 2. Eddie Connelly IKawl; 3. Michael Peters (Varni. 83cc STOCK NOY-9-11: 1. John Ray ISuzl; 2. Greg Yowel l (Kawl; 3. Chr;s LNalSuzl. JR CVCLE MOO INT-9-11: 1. Scon Brown ISuzl; 2. M ike Healey (Suz); 3. Eddie Hicks (Yaml. JR CVCLE STOCK INT-9-11: 1. Mouse McCoV (Yaml; 2. Eddie Hicks (Yam); 3. Mike Healey (Suzl. JR CVCLE MOO NOY·9-11: 1. Shane Trittler (Vaml; 2. Shane Sheffieid (Yam l; 3. Chr is Lara ISuzl. JR CVCLE STOCK NOy-o-ll ; 1. Ooug FISh IVaml; er 2. Shane Trittler (Yam ); 3. Richard Hutner (Yam l. JR CVCLE STOCK~: 1. " King Rk:hard" Saxton (Yaml; 2. BobbV Headworth (Yam); 3. Jus tin Otto !Yaml. PEE WEE MOO: 1. " King Richard" Saxton IItjl ; 2. Bobby Vorba ISuz); 3. Joseph Lane Iltjl. PEEW EE STOCK: 1. "King Richard" Saxton IItjl ; 2. Bobby Vorba ISuzl; 3. C. Platenhauer IItjl . Lewis, Lawes, Welty score CRC night minicross • wIns By Nanette Marie VALENCIA. CA . MAY 23 T he California Racing Club continued their T'ri-Valley Su zu ki Dea lers' Night Su m m er Motocross Series at Ind ia n Du nes with the second round of action up on a re vised Min icycle course. where the riders in attendance not onl y qualified for the drawing for a b rand new Suzuki RM 80 . which will be given away at the end of the series. but also raced for 30% trophies, more drawing tickets to all trophy winners , and S10 gift certificates to all of the class winners who had th ree or more riders in their class . To top it off, in between the first and second rounds of motos , a drawing was held for an additiona l gift certificate, to on e of the Suzuki dealers in the San Fernando. Simi Va lley, and Newhall a reas . Racing got underway with the Pee Wees , a nd in the first rnoto , Ronnie Densford got off into the early lead on his modified Italjet, with Stock Novices James Chamberlin, Bradley George , Paula Densford and T on y O'K eefe in tow. Within a lap Densford and Cham berlin pulled awa y and began di cin g for th e front position . as George kep t tabs a few seconds behind . Beh ind them , Paula Densford was having a time with O'Keefe. wh o was running his JR Suzuki all around the sides of he r trying to get by, A few laps later, Densford and Chamberlin had really stre tc hed a lead over George , who was a very comfortable third overall, at that time second stock Novice , and O'K eefe was still pressuring Paula Densford for t he th ird spot. In the lat e laps , O'Keefe found his line around Densford for third . and the positions wer e set for the rest of th e rnoto . Round two was a rerun of the first , with Densford and Chamberlin getting out front and running off to dice Modi field against Stock. while George trailed a comfortable th ird overall again . But in the battle for th ird this ro und , Paula Densford gained control of third and never let it slip away, and O 'Keefe crashed himself out of contention for third overall in the Novice sto ckers. At the checkers, it was Ron Densford , Chamberlin, George. Paula Densford , and O' Keefe . in the same overall posi tions as well , Next up were the 60cc Stock Novices , with Kyle Lew is in there as the only Intermediate. Lewis put th e roost on both motes and took the overall win ; while Troy Welty picked up the No vice overall ahead of Paul Mathews , Dennis "Bubba" Erickson and Chris Vensel. Welty cont in ued his win streak in the 83cc 9-11 Stock Begin ners , with a pair of moto victories and th e overall . Royce Hager . Jeff Dunlap and David Chambers were next. In the 12 and over 83cc Stock Beginners , James Collier took th e overall victory ahead of Brad Winnaman and Robert Curtis. while in the 83cc Stock Novi ce , Toby Lawes proved to be th e on e to beat , as he swep t the class ahead of Gary Mi ller and Richard Welty. • 1980 Super Eliminator No. I, Ken Blackburn. • HOT MUGGY DAY? PLACE YOUR CYCLE NEWS WANT-AD THE COOL WAY. BY PHONE. VIA MASTER CHARGE OR VISA BEYOR IS BETTER FRffiOUS BETOR LONG TRRVEL FORKS NOW RVRILRBLE FOR YOUR SUZUKI-YRffiRHRHONOR OR KRWRSRKI 2Sffiffi-7" TRRVEL USED BY mANY TOP comPETITION RIDERS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. AVAILABLE FO~ ImmEDIATE SHiPmENT. JQQ.Q5 EACH F.O.B. VAN NUYS. CA Resu lts PEE WEE STOCK NOV : t . Ja mes Ch am berlin llt jl ; 2. Brad ley Geor ge (SUl); 3. Paula Densf ord (Su zl. PEE WEE MOD: 1. Ronnie Oensford Utjl . 60c c STO CK INT : 1. Kyl e Lewis (Y am). SOcc STK NOY: 1. Troy W elty ISuz); 2. Paul Mathews {Suz}; 3. Dennis Erickson ISuzl. 83c c STK BEG 12 + : 1. James Co llier IKaw); 2. Br ad Winnaman (Yam ); 3. Robert Curt is (Suz ), B3cc STK BEG 9·11: 1. Troy W elty IKaw l; 2. Royce Hager (Yam) ; 3. J eH Dunlap ISuz l. 83cc STt< NO V : , . Tob y Lawes (Yam) ; 2. Gary M iller (SUl): 3 . Richard Welty IKawl. 6625 VAUEAN AVE. VAN NUYS, CA 91406 PHONE 213-873-2141 ;;'5~ NATIA~ A CCE S S O ~\ES mAILING ADDRESS P.O. BOX 7259 VAN NUYS. CA 91409 55

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