Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1980 06 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Southern CaUlornl a·Arlzona-Southern Nevada· Southern Call o 00 0') By Nanette Marie VALENCIA, CA , MAY 25 Racing continued at Indian Dunes for the California Racing Club's Tri-Valley Suzuki Summer Night Motocross Series, with a • CAII-"* LE S2CHI OF R! Now's your chance to get one of the hottest bikes on the circuit .. .any new MX or Qualifier model .. .at an unbelievably low price plus a $200 Bonus check from Can-Am. But hurry... offer expires June 30, 1980 CAII-" MX 6/Qualifier: We will win you. · Trademark of Bombardier LId. 52 NOTE: Offer 110/ applicable in the follo w ing stales-New York. Penn. . Conn .. Virginia . West Virginia. Wash. D.C.. Maine . Ne.... Hamp .. Vermont. Mass . . Rhode Island. Maryland. Delaware . New Jerse y. consistently growing rider turnout as the summer nears and the weather slightly warms. As in the first rounds of the Series, each class winner received a $10 gift certificate from one of the participating Suzuki dealers, along with a drawing for a set of stereo speakers, and qualifying for the final drawing for the new Suzuki RM 80 to be given away at the end of the series. In the night's Pro classes, Kurt Sturgeon ran away with both motos of the Open Pros , while the other two classes , the 125s and 250s, saw a lot of action going on for the leads. In the 250cc motos, Cycle Guide Magazine's Dean Taylor holeshot the first race and held onto the lead for the first third of the race. Soon after, Premier Yamaha's Ed Arnet slipped by for the lead , and roosted off to the win. Taylor trailed in second for the rest of the moto, as Richard Bunch and Jay Haroutunian followed across the finish line. Round two saw Taylor again jump out into the early lead , and again Arnet pressured in second. But this time Arnet didn't just slip by - at the end of the backstraight while trying to go outside of Taylor, Arnet momentarily lost control of his Yamaha: and took Taylor's front end right out from under him, Arnet went into the lead as Taylor somersaulted in second with his bike in third for a bit, then the two of them went off into the sand and stopped tumbling. This gave Bunch second and Haroutunian third, but Taylor managed to get back into the race after a brief visit from the arn bulance crew , and worked back into fourth by moto's end , Overall it read Arnet, Bunch. Taylor and Haroutunian. In the one-two-fives, Chip Johnson and Jimmy Simons took a moto win a piece, but it was Johnson's first moto third that earned him the overall after Simons · dropped to fourth in the second round. The first moto was all Simons' however , and he put the roost on from start to finish. Second went to Perry Cendro, while Johnson, riding for Tommy's Cycle Fun and Devo Sunware, ran third ahead of Jeff Harriott and Luft Racing's Mark Moscrop . Johnson was the sole possessor of the second moto lead , as he shot into the lead right from the start and never was touched. Moscrop put his CR into the hunt all the way, but he couldn't catch Johnson. Meanwhile, Cendro was doing a beautiful job of blocking and holding off Simons' O'Neal Distributing /Simi Valley Cycles Honda , and despite numerous attempts to get by, Simons could not find a way around Cendro. At the finish the overall order was J oh nson in front with Cendro second, Simons third, Moscrop fourth and J ay Haroutunian third wit h a 6·5 tally. Results 500 INT: 1. Adam Ford IHus); 2. Bob Ridgeway ISuzl. 125 INT: 1. Jack Greenberg ISuz); 2. Paul Arnold (Yam); 3. Ron Willison IYam). 250 INT: 1. BillH... ry IVam); 2. Greg Taylor IVom): 3. Randy Owens ISuzl. MINI INT: 1. Bob Simons lVam); 2. John Gesjes lVomJ; 3. Rocky Hash lVoml. 125 PRO: 1. Chip Johnson IHonl; 2. Perry Cendro lVomJ; 3. Jim Simons (Honl. 250 PRO: 1. Ed Arnen lV.m); 2. Richard Bunch lV.m); 3. Dean T.ylor IV.m). MINI NOV: 1. Richie J.mes ISuzl; 2. Com Johnson ISuzl; 3. David Roes ISuz). .... lVam); 2. Chris W.llis MINI BEG: 1. Joe Loz lVom): 3 . James BoIdizar (Voml. 100 BEG: 1. BI.", Vitali lVom); 2. J im Spotts (Suzl; 3. D.nny Willson (Suzl. 100 NOV: 1. Herman Loaiza ISuzl; 2. John Petees ISuzl; 3. Rick Valdez lSuzl . 125 NOV: 1. Bob Bvrne (Honl: 2. Mike Wo~e (Hon); 3. Mike Washko IHan). 125 BEG: 1. Tony Broussard lV.m) ; 2. Kevin Berger ISuzl; 3. Tony Pulliam lVaml. 125 BEG 2; 1. Ron King (S uzl; 2. Tony Rodriguez ISuzl; 3. Luis River.lVom). 250 NOV: 1. Rodger Williams (Hon); 2. CrlOgStanton lVom); 3. Kent Bon'" IHanl. 500 NOV: 1. Mike Wright lVam); 2. Bill Andrews IHusl: 3. Mike Stepak lV.m) . VET JR: 1. Bob Dunham; 2. George Thomas IMaij; 3. Tom Simpson ; 500 BEG: 1. Kally DoylelVam); 2. Steve Hole IKTM) 3 . BillCord IKTM). 250 BEG: 1. Jeff Bouchillon IKaw); 2. Mike Emerson IHon); 3. Tom Smith IHon). Hames daims tame atCoronaHM By Elaine Jones CORONA , CA, MAY 21 Pet e Hames, the "Simi Flas h," showed the troops the back of his exhaust pipes as he collected both Money classes on the half mile at Coron a Raceway, In the 250cc Money clash it was Hames wire to wire but not without one whale of a fight from Terry Singleton who stayed right with him , looking for the mistake that never came, Robert Pfetzing had the third off the line and after a brief challenge from Greg Gaw on the second lap was able to put the lock on third. The Open Money half mile go had a duel between Hames and Bobby Garabedian right from the start. Hames got the holeshot but Garabedian was right there and Eddie San Rom a n wasn't very ' far out of it. They ran 1-2-5 until the third lap when Bobby got a wheel under Hames and won the drag race to take the lead on the front straight. Hames came fighting back and on the sixth lap returned the favor and reclaimed the lead. Garabedian's troubles were not over beca use San Rom a n was knocking on the door. He moved as the white flag came out and took over second and held Garabedian at bay to the checkered , On the TT 250cc Money go it was Ben Meyer who got the lead off the line but it was short lived as Robert Pfetzing took over on lap two when he and Shawn Pettis both tried to get by at the same time. Pfetzing now was in control but Pettis and Meyer had just begun. The third lap again had Meyer back in second but Pettis was still look ing for a piece of the action. His dreams came to a screeching halt when he went ou t with bike problems . and had to watch Pfetzing collect the gold. It was Bob Russell on top at the start of the Open Money TT with Jim Gentile second and Mike Baker third. On the third lap Russell and Baker swapped places while Gentile held his ground with second, Baker, a newcomer to Corona, sure didn't look like it as he attacked the TT and came home with all the marbles, Gentile was second with Russell third. Terry Singleton got off behind Greg Gaw in the 250cc Amateur /Expert ha lf mile bu t it di dn't take him long' to take over the top spot a nd one lap later Jim Rosa followed suit as he dropped Gaw to the third spot. From there on out they were locked in and finished in that order. Rosa fared much better on the TT where he had a wire to wire romp in the 250cc Amateur/Expen. Shawn

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