Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1980 06 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Southern Call1ornla·Arlzona·l!joutnern I'ilevaaa. aou~nern ~alllornla·Arlzona·SouthernNevada. Southern Call1ornla·Arlzona·S Western hotline rider Dave Hamada ran right on his heels. followed by Kawika Adrich, aboard a Yamaha. Hamada went down and was so snarled in weeds . he was held out of the running for some time. Hammond. coming up strong. took control and held Sofka back to second to the end of the moro . The second time around . Sofka once more led the way as a duel between Hammond and Adrich came down . wheel to wheel . handlebars clanging clear around th e course. Sofka and Hammond now were engaged in a neck and neck race to the finish with Hammond emerging for top money of the day . Second place went to Sofka with the third place dollar Adrich. Results Kurt SofkaleadS eventual 250 Pro winner Dave Hammond at CRC Carlsbad. When the machines came to life for the second time. Black found himself back in eighth on the stan. Edging his way up . bike by bike . Black found McCormick in second. On the down· hill . Black once more took charge and fought McCormick off. down to the wire for the overall win . McCormick took down second place honors and third overall went to Marc Johnson . The 250cc Pros dueled wheel to wheel and burned up the track in a race that saw the leaders dueling right down to the wire. David Hammond led the way to an overall win with a brilliant pair of first place rides. At the stan of the first moto a tight field of riders spilled onto Carlsbad Freeway with Kurt Sofka aboard his Yamaha leading the way. Kawasaki 80cc BEG 1. Eric Goosen IHon); 2. Jelt Orozco : IKaw); 3. Ole Williams(SuzJ . 80cc NOV: 1. RK:hard Reming (Kawl; 2. Jeff ••Jam;," BAtbacovi (Yam). lOOcc: 1. Jerry Ank.. IVam); 2. Steve 2ampardo ISuzl. WOMEN: 1. Jam Murray IVernl; 2. Karon Laning.. . IVaml; 3. Tam Tracy ISuzl. l25cc BEG: 1. Ted Cordts lSuz); 2. George Griego IHon); 3. Sam Metranga ISuzl. l25cc NOV: 1. Roy f atr (Vam); 2. Roa Wagy (Yaml ; 3. Keith ClearyISuzl. 125cc INT 1. Ruben Torr.. IVam); 2. Art Corbin ; ISuzl; 3. Jon fauza IHon). . 125 PRO: 1. Robbie Nolin (Yam); 2. Joaquin Picazo (Vam). 250cc BEG: 1. Rich Volkin IC·Al;2. ErichJoi ner IMai); 3. Tom Smith IHpnl. 250cc NOV 1. Bob ~ ISuzI; 2. Art Olivier : IHon); 3. MichaelTarkington lKawI. 250cc INT 1. Jerry Black IMaa; 2. John McCorma : (Yam 3. Marc Johnson (Suzl. !; 250cc PRO:1. David Hammond (Honl, 2. Kun Solka (Vam!; 3. Kawika Adrich (Yam !. • OPEN BEG: 1. Pete Boyd lMea; 2. Gary n bury (V am); 3. Man Parsons (Yaml. OPEN NOV 1. Mike KoIl IMea; 2. Stephen J . Von : Curok (Suzl; 3. Bob Burleigh IHusl. OPEN INT 1. KoIIy Saulie (Yam); 2. Rudolfo : ~ISuzJ. OPEN PRO: 1. Donald Draokovith (V am); 2. Steve BlazekISuzl. CRC VETS JR: 1. J .B. Wise (Mai); 2. E.I Fradara ISuzI; 3. Raymond WiUiams ISuzi. CRC VETS INT 1. Dino Magliochetti lMail; 2. R.N. : Buzz MoellerlHUIl; 3. TImFItZPatrickISuzi. CRC VETS SR: 1. Bob Ctoeta (KTM); 2. Ron Tuzinoky IVaml; 3. MerahallJennings IVaml. Eierstedt thumps to SRA Saddleback GPwln BySueSenn ORANGE. CA . MAY 18 Rich Eiers tedt, who 'has been a factory rider for several of the m ajo r motorcycle m akers, dazzled fans on his new four- stroke Honda du ring the Open ra ce. The fans weren't the only ones who ap precia ted Eierstedt 's talent. Cr aig Adams (KTM) spent most of the race right on th is 26-year·old retired professional's tail and took a close second in front of Mark Asbury's Santa An asponsored Kawasaki . Third may not sound too impressive. but Asbury was still in the pits putting on his gear when this race started. Asbury's gre en machine worked its way past every rider except the two leaders. including experts Keith Fearing. David Seriemes and Paul Huffman. Top amateurs were Lee Evans . Doug Kribell and Jerry Seeley. Top Novice riders were Eric Evans . Kim Baird and Mark Ford. Beginners were led by Andy Pollock Don Farley and Tom Taylor. The 81-200cc race was the secon d race of the day and true leadership was C06.5T TO CJ:JP.ST, SERlOlJS (AND Nor so SERIOUS) RlDER'5 KNOW WHAT WE MEAN WHEN WESA'( · HUSQVARNA - TO WIN~ ' steve Morri60tl rode his 390 to vietoey in the New E~ncl. 500 ee NI~ Championship series in wate..boro, Maine. I ~ I ( ~ ~ ~~~ Mike Melton 15t 250 and 1st overall at Lel1oi .. ~ N.C. enduro. ~t . verall winne;'j atld l!.t Opelt A. Class in the South '" Easter" Trail $ -:::Ridel"$ A$$Ocicdion 0 ~ ,r~ WayPe 8Qt~~ ~ Endurose..ies W36 elton W8$ the OA ~ 250 Class Winner' in the S£TRA series. -rEAM~ For 46 .. £f~~O~~~~ deakr\ Consult the, \'tZ.llow Pa~ or write to:~~ , WESTERN Off'"/492.5 Mczrc.ury:St,San Oie&.C) 9.e1l1 ~ EASTERN OFFICE/.2400 Marilyn P l.ane.CdombliS ,~ 4.32.i9~ ark

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