Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1980 06 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Rickman Rickman Rickman 125 Zundappl250 Mont... engine partS. Large inventory. Rickman Distributor . TARGET PRODUCT5. INC.• 2724 W . Main se, A1hambr• • CA 91801 . (213) 284-3238. (7fTFN) * RMN400 - 79 7 8 yz 125 - sharp - $625.00 _ $1150.00 or offer RD400 - 78 - 4500 miles. ext r• • - $1300.00.1213) 943-3884 or 1213) 868- 1163. 1221231 * o 00 0') New 1980 TZ250G In crate with partS kits. CONCORD YAMAHA 1 51 41 7982580. I2OI23l Suzuki Dealers If you are a Suzu ki dealer and have difficulty obtaining bikes while Suzukihas also opened new sales points ~ your .ea. please contact us . All repties confK1entiai and may lead to resolution of our problem. SOUTH SHORE S UZUKI, INC.. 41 W est Sunrise Hwy., Freeport. NY 11520.15161868- 31 11. 119fTFNi "Motorcycle Racers go in 1979 Maico 440 deeper - come out harder" T-shirt with s1Kting graph ic dirt bike. 5-M-l-Xl. '7.00 or bumper st icker, $2.00 . Check or C.O.D. T·SHIRT OCCUPANT, P.O. Box 103 , Saugu., Cal~. 91350. 1231 Used 2 months. Call fo r details, $1,700 .12 131450-2373. 1231 FOR SALE : Forks ccmpeee with crowns l or Honda CR25OR. 12 13194~141 . 1231 TZ 750 engines '78 Kaw Z1R frame, new, $450 Two availabkJ 79 Vesco porting, new cytinders, pistons. heeds. $4.000. Ask 10< John or 8i11 15121 993- Man v Hi Perf . parts and sloc k partS. Complet e a nd parti al eng . 900 , 1015 , 1075, 11 32, Quit racing. mu SI se ll. IJ iml(21 3) 86().6327 or 17141827-8723. (23) 0693. 1231261 Nitrous Oxide Injection Special Salel Horsepower in a bott le, "" a ll motoreydes. Safe and rel'abkt. For information wr ite or call: H P INTERNATIONAl. 8721 Garden Grove Blvd.. Garden Grove. CA 92644. (7141 537-6033. l23I241 TRICKIT. shocks and springs. Blac k - $40 .00. chrome - $45 .00 . Sat lsfaet ion guaranteed Of your money back. S peci fy mak e. year and model of bike. $10 deposit. ba lance C.O.D. CYCLE MOTIVE. 9534 Atlantic Ave.. Southgate, CA 902IlO. 12131 567.Q409 . l23I241 Wanted 1980 RMBO R.C. Engineering Honda motor Have like new 1979 RM 80 wont to trade. You keep 1980 engine , P;pe . ign .• carb o Ask for Ted (209) 686- Zero time 1.080cc Honda eng ine. 12.5-1. rods. P&P 3866.123l head, st ainless 0 .5. valves. COfTlP'et 8 - ready to run. Call George at R.C. 12131 327-6l15ll or 18(0) 42 1.1878. 1231 Two Maicos to go S UZUKI 1980 RM125 . ~ke new. $895.00 . 1213134554 12 .1231 1976 AW 440 with new up pipe. 1974 enduro with 1975 ~ freme. long travel forks and shocks. $595.00 each. (7141751·nOS. 1231 Fast fill gas can 5 % galkm capacity, fas t (appro ximately 2 seconds! gallonl, light weigh t 1 lbs.l, heavy duty aluminum , 6 $106.95 . PACIFIC RACING PRODUCTS. USA, P.O. Box 17855 1, San Diego. CA 921 17 . (7141 278-9808. 1 22125) Honda 350XL engine Has never been uncrated . best offer. 3424 M ag nol Ui Blvd . W .• Seattle, WA 98199. 1231 Honda Z-5O trail bike '73 We repa ir stripped ports, threads. COMPETITION CYCLE CENTER, 2629 W . N.'iona l Ave .• Milwauk ee , W I 53204 . 1 14) 672-401 0. fTFN) 4 Castre Glove Sale Motocross Bot-Cross glove IC-8000, $22.00. Ju nior Hot-Cross glov e IC-87oo. $14 .00. Cross Country glove IC·3000, $22 .00 . Road Racing glove IC ·2000. $26.00. ONLY 12 MORE DAYS ' til Cal. City G.P . en tries close. Info. 12131644-0035. 1231 . Vented Warm Weather glove le-5000. $21.00 . Cold Wea ther glove with 4" g.untle t I C·7240. $26 .00 . Send check. Visa or M.C. to S . & L DISTRI8 UTORS , 246 13th 51.• Vallejo , CA 94590. (7071552-01 28 . 1231 JUNE 9-13 Sen Antonio. Te••• . JUNE 9-13 Tucson, Arizona . JUNE 16-20 Thund..bird MX, Clarem or e, Oklahoma. JULY 14-18 MiII";lIe Minn . JUL Y 21·25 , Rep id City. South Dako ta . JULY 28-AUG . 1 Oma ha , Nebraska. AUG. 18-22 Di. on , Ca l;tom;a. AUG. 25-29 Austin, T..... AUG. 25-29 McM inn.,;lIe, Oregon. SEPT . 1·5 Seddleback. Califor nia. SEPT. 1-5 Thu rston County ORV, Washington. FOR RESERVATIONS AND INFORMATION CAll 12131 767·1854 OR (714) 9IlO32 12. 118/32) New XR 750 H-D available Ducati 900SS Desmo 7 8. mags. 4600 m iles, pict ur e available. $4000 or trade lor Guui SP1000 or leM.ns. 1805) 834·9954. 1221231 YZ 250 '79 Distressed Inventory Sale Hook .. 2 & 4 stroke pipes lapprox. $2,000 worthl. lee Skin packed accessories such as Universal mirrors, grips. levers. pegs, etc. (approx. $8,000 worth), 18 knobby tires , misc. cables , rac ks, mufflers , custom part s . Make offer . Call Russ, 1 ~8001238-5790. 123 1 T2125G: 3 races , complete parts kit. best off... DaY' , (J()5 ) 685-8335. 123124 1 Indoor M/C swap meet Orange County'. largest - Fri.• June 27 - 6-11 p.m . Orange CountY Fairground s - Sellers move in 3 p.m . Used bikes - Vintage - Brit ish - street - off road - (714)831-51 16 or (7141492·9938. l23I25 ) ltaljet Motorcycles, Bird Karts. Vespa Mopeds. Youth Apparel New Knight-Frames XRSOO n. Mot or by Engine Dynamics. Runs 30 min .. best of everything, and re-ly for Santa Fe $4, 500 irNes ted ; asking $4.000 firm. Call SCRAPIRON , Cera, MI, 1517) 683-29 16. l23I24) Invnediate delivery - in stock now - special deal to Prof. lie. Holders only. Cell H-D WEST - Scot or 8 ill 12131822-3426. (151TFN) * YZ 250 78 79 has dez ta nk. Wh ite Bros . suspension . $1000 0 .8.0. Su per condo'78 has dez tan k, 17" rear wheel wI Meueter. super cond o $825 O.B.O. 80 th bikes must sel l. 12131518-2822. 123) Uke new, $1750.00 . (7141628-2724.1231 Norton Triumph owners/dealers Excellent condition - ru ns good - fold up handlebars. automatic clu tch . $125 . C7141598- 10 12. (23) Russ Darnell Motocross School 1980 YZ 465 Must sell CDI ignition To buy rods "" XR750 . COl only 6 months, no problems, will oonsider trade. Call .tt.. 9 p.m .• 13011 882·9725. I23l Aircone Yamaha TT 250 pipe More mid range and top end pull, repackab5e silenced meg , tucks in dose, mou nts on st ock bracket. dealer and dtstributor inquiries welco me . AIRCONE INC., . 5901 Em..ald Ave.. Las Vega. , Nevede 89 122. (702) 456-41 n . 1221231 Moving Sale H-D KR aluminum roar fender. $25 ; H-D KR (1~ 11 6 gallon RR liberglass fuel tank , $100; H-D K model parts: 5 gallon tank, swingarm. tailligh t, headlight, wet dutch. erc., $125; H·D orig ina l leat her saddlebag. , good shape, $150; H-D 1971 SportSter fiberg lass dual seat. $35. Ca ll 1901) 386-9623Gh.. 6:00 p.m . l23I24 1 79 KX 250, GOOD CONDmON , $700 . (7141 521 · 9870.123l Reg ular Special Price Price $53 .95 $37 .95 12.95 . 5.95 6.95 3.50 21.95 14.95 Nylon CordUf. MX Pants MXGIovos Il C Goggles Gear Bags BEll AT & Star 125 Helma1S (sizes to 6 :J(. , wh ite onIyl MXJ..seys MX Boo ts, child's size J.4-5 MXDenims Prk:esvalid unt il July 1, 1980. 58.95 14.95 79 .95 23.95 39 .95 9.95 59.95 17.95 10% savings to any members of racing organizations . Mail and telephone orders accepted. Mast..Charge. V.... STRADAllTAlJET, 13148 Seticoy, No. Hollywood. CA 91805 lbetween Coldwater & Woodmanl. 1213) 982·2000. Open M-F 9-6 p.m.. Set. 1().3 p .m . I22fTFNI BO Yamaha YZ250G 8rand new, MetzeIer, Boysen Reed, extra _ I I fill... . O'Neal hendlober•. $1650. 12131 320-3224. (23) PRIVATE PARTY RATE • Ten words $2.50 11 throUllh 25 words $4 Over 25 words, 10 cents per word Heedlintl in Bold T.,pe $2 extra Pictures $4 extra No -rver Nn 5.7 Photo. $I $5 axtra Tenworda . . . •. . • •• •.•• .• .. . . . . . . ... • 3 11 through 25 words .. ov« 26 worda, JOe per word H_InB?ldType S3 THE GREAT COAST ~O·COAST WANT AD OFFER! Your .d th.t runs in the We.t can run in the &at for .n .dditional *2.00 tor 25 word. or len; .n edditiona' $6.00 for .ct. over 2S words. Picture••r. *3.00 extra. COMMERCIAL RATE: 10 0< I... edd 12 .00. 11·25 .dd *5.00. over 25 warda 30C per word. Pictu,.. • $04.00 SPECIAL HANDLING Blind box or Rotating Ads HELP WANTm ADS PLEASE PRINT RM 125 C and RM 250 N Rabuill engine. l uft reservoirs and Boysen Reeds. Cen be seen at Tazer'., 349 N. Hwy . 101, Solana Beach. (7141755-3036. l23I241 BANKAMERICARD 1978 Yamaha YZE 400 Almost brand new - ridden only 8 times . never raced or crashed, desert tank , skid plate, etc . induded. $1000.00 or offer . (7141 ~790 or (7141 499-1492. 123124) WANT ADDEADLINE Frid8y noon fo' the follow ing Wednesday'. public.tion. Send check or mone., order or cherge it on your M••tar Charge or Via credit card. Credit card limit m inimum '5.00. CYCLE NEWS, P .O . BOX 498 lONG BEACH. CA_1 PHOTOS RETURNED ONLY WITH SELF ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE ~ i.. Plea.. fill in your complate account number and expiration date $6 11 through 25 words $9 Over 2Ii wonk. 30 cents per word H_dll.,. in BokI Type . . . • . . . . . . $3 extra • Ii Credit card limit minimum $5.00 Plus .50 postage and handling COMMERCIAL RATE Tenworda . Card expires Signature The issu., of the c.rd iden tif ied on this item i. authorized to .-y the .mount shown •• TOTAL upon proper pr . . .ntation. I promise to ..,y ~h total t ogether with .ny other charges due thereon sub;ec:t to and accordlince with the .gr.... ment governing the UN of such card. r. ••n . _._ No ThuncIIIy 5:00 p.nt. Please run my ad __ times in West Please run my ad _ _ times in East Name Address City Yamaha 465 G Power!! THE PORT FACTORY elso has porting with more torq ue & midrange for your 465, blueprm ting or the works, you decide. Call 1213) 963-8679. 1211221 State Zip PRINT BOLD HEADLINES HERE - $2.00 EXTRA !leave spaces) New 1980 YZ125, 250 & 465G's Immediete delivery . CONCORD YAMAHA { 51 79841 2580.(20123) Invest your pyramid $$$$$$$$$$ Classic British mo torcycle coUeetton 1~1975. B.SA, Norton , N.S.V., Triumph , Velocette. must sell ccnececn. out 10 yeer S .A.S .E. R. Porzel1 16854 Tu lsa , St ., Granada Hill• • CA 91344 or call R.lph 12131 36J. 9130. 1211241 1978 SUZUKI GS 75OE. low miles . 900d condition, Amco rack and bac k res t. $1725. (213) 894-4984. 1231 Husky 390CR 1979, e xlnt. cond., $l300loffer . Denni. 2947.1231 15031 485- 79 Yamaha 400YZF 68 Cycl. N.w. ClInnot be r.sponsibl. for illegible phon. numbers. Area Code Phone Number Excellent cond., like new. Desert 01 MX setup, full susp., matched porting plus xtr. . Going to smaller bike. $1100.00 . 121314JD.8779. 1231

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