Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1980 06 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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World Championship Road Race Series Wednesday 6/15 6128 7/6 CMC MOTOCROSS ~Ascot Park, 18300 S . Vermont Ave .• Gerdene. CA. Gates open Yugos!avia Netherlands Belgium Finland 7 /27 Bi10 Great Britain Czechoslovakia W est Germany 8117 8/24 5 p.m., sign up to 6~. prac. 6-7. race 7:30. 150% Pro p.b. CMC lie. req. Entry $10 lno gate fee for ridEtfs). Watch $4.00 Jrs : $2.50. kids $1.50. New lights. Over 30 fNery wk . Info 7141557· 3323. World Championship MXSeries l25cc 6115 6122 Italy Czech oslov akia Finland LEXINGTON. OH 716 7127 813 8117 Canada Spa in 250cc Sovi et Union Great Britain 6115 6122 6129 France Neth erland s • NEW BERLIN. NY Finland Swed en 7113 7rJJJ 8/17 8124 SOOcc 6115 Neth erland s CARLSBAo.CA Canada W e s t Germany Belgium Luxem bo urg 6122 6129 7120 813 8110 World Championship Endurance Road Race Series 6115 Nurburgring. W. Germanyl8hr. 6122 Osterreichring. Austria18 hr. 7/!Hi 7/27 Montjuich. Spain124 hr . Suzuka, Japanl8 h,. 8/16-17 917 9113-14 9123 Spa. Belgiuml24 hr. TBA/ltaly Sol d·Or. Paul Ricard Fr.nceI24hr. Brands Hatch. England/I 000 Km . CMC MOTOCROSS Speedway 117. Chula Vista , CA. 1·5or 805 S to jet . 117. go E 5 }!r mi., end of Brown Field air· pert . Coca Cola 57500 Stadium MX. all classes. $3000 rider insurance. free park ing . Gates open 4 :30 p.m., prac. 6-7 , race 7:30. Entry $10. watch $4. 9 ·14 $2. Info 7141420·7414 . SPEEDWAY RACES National Orange Show Fairgrounds, San Bernardino . CA S.B. Fwy . to Or.nge Show Rd. exit . Free parking and program s. Entry $7, mech . $5. Watch $4. 6- 12 $.50. Races star t 8 p.m. Info 2131 446-0069 . 0-36 SHORT TRACK Fremont Raceway. Fremont, CA. Hwy . 17 to Durham Rd ., go W ., take 1SI left. follow sign s. All classes Semi-Pre & Mini . Gates . o pen 5 p .m., Pfac . 6. race 7:15 . $3 wstch, $B ride. Info 41519691682. Thursday RAC.E. NIGHT MOTOCROSS Orange CountY Internattonal Raceway. Irvine. CA . 1-5 at Sand Canyon. 1-405 at Irvine Center Dr. Gate opens 5 p.m .• prac. 6. race 7. Entry $15 Pros, $8 roomemb.. $6 RACE memb. (admission not inc.L Admission $3.50. students $2.50. children $1. 100% Pro p.b, 30% br.... Info 7141552-5511. AMASPEEOWAY Aacot Park, 18300 S. Varmom Gardena. CA. $1.165 Ave.. purse, % mi. track , 22 events. 1st & 2nd Div . only. Sign up 5 Carlsbad. CA Women's 125cc Expen MXNationals Lake Whitney. TX HondaiAME Americsn 8/1-3 Minicycle Grand NatI. Finals Morgantown, 'NV 812-3 AMA/Suzuki Youth MX , Nad. Final Ponca City . OK NMA N.tionsl 8/17 Carlsbad. CA Women's MX Nationals Wendover. UT 9121 ·27 %nneville Speedweek 1014-5 Zumbro Falls. MN AMA Amateur MX N.lI. Final 11/1-2 C.r1sbad. CA Superbikers 8I5-tO race separate. min. 8 riders . 30 % same night brass. 125% Pro p.b. entrY $10. watch $4. Info 916/ 363-2646. Other Major Events Abroad 6122 8/16 915 Yugoslavia Speedway Pairs Wo rld Championship I Ireland Ulster Tourist Trophy Road Racing Sweden World Individual Speedway Championship France 917 9114 9114 9121 Trophee des Nations Great Britain Motocross des Nations West Germany long Track World Championship Poland Team Speedway World Championship 9122·27 Fr.nce ISDT SPEEDWAY RACES Orange County Fairgrounds, Coste M.... CA. B:OO p.m. Admission $4.50, Jrs . 12·15 $3. 5-11 $1. Info 714 1492·9933 . SACRAMENTO SPEEDWAY Cal Expo Fairgrounds. Sacramento. CA. Ethan W.y & Exp0sition Blvd.. Gate 9. $1 Z2S purse. entry $7. R.ce 8:15 p.m . John f1ouston 9161448-7557. 485-71.0. W A SH INGTON SIR NIGHT MOTOCROSS Seatrle International Raceway . Seanla . WA. All claSl8S. BMX. Entry $B. $13 Pro. Prac. 6 p.m.. race 7. 2061631·1550 . BONNEVILLE NIGHT MOTOCROSS Bonneville Raceway Park, 6555 W . 21st South, S.1t lake City , UT . 12 mi. W of town on 21at South W -bound. All classes from Pee Wee to Pro inc. Ex. class for trophi es only . 100% Pro p.b ., 20% trophies. Rest rooms , concessions. padded seats . Gates open 4:30 p.m., sign up to 6. race 7:30 . Entry $8, Pros $10, watch $3. Bonnevi lle MX Assn . Info 8011250-2600. Sat urday IESRA SHORT TRACK Triber's Stateline Speedw.y. Stateline. 10. 20 mi . E of Spokane. WA. on ~90. 5075Occ. 100% pu",e. 50-1250 trophy only. 2SOs 20% . 500s 30%. Open 50%. Entry $4. Pros $6. Silencers & cJass C traction req. Prac. 7 p.m., race 8. Rob Simon 2081773-5890. NIGHT MOTOCROSS Thunderbird Park, Claremore, OK. NW of Claremore All classes. FCM' info: Leonard Smith , 700 SE 10th, Pryor OK 74361 . 9181825-3049. TEXAS TEXAS NIGHT MOTOCROSS Mosier V.llay MX Park, Ft. Worth. TX. Gate & track 0') 1'"""4 ._..... Cycleland Speedway. Chico, CA. 14 mi . S of Chico on Hwy. 99E & Gag ..Shippee Rd. All Mini clasaes to 100cc; 125. 250 & 500cc Sptsmn. & Sami-Pro. High pt . trophies, handicap events. No rider insurance. Class C traetton & full leathers req. Gates open 4:30 p.m .• prac. 7. race 8 . Entry $8. Semi-Pro $4 . 2nd bike $6. w.tch $3. Sheila 9~~. W A SHINGT ON PARA MOTOCROSS Woodland. Washingt on, 5 m i. E of ~5 on Hwy . 503 . All clo..... 100% Pro p .b. Entry $8 .50 Am /$12.50 Pros. Hom e of Gresham Toyota Pro series. For inf o: Act ion OZ. Rt. 3. Box 379 E. Gresham. DR 97030. 503 16656707 . TEXAS TEXAS SHORT TRACK Ross Downs. 6500 Business 121 . Colleyville, TX. 8etween Ft, Worth & Grapevine. Mia-o Mini ttvu Open Ex.. 100% p.b. Entry $6. Ex. $10 . Royal Enterprises. 8171267-6636. Every Sat. & Sun. RUN WHAT YOU 8RUNG STREET RACE BrotheUlO p.O .aa. _ U1. \MIttft8v T. ... J'III2 . ENTER THE MOST IMPO RTA N T YOUTH .MOTOCROSS SERIES OF ALL TIME! CO AST.TO-eoAST W IN A REGIONAL TITLEI Junior-Intermediete -E.pert 9 Stod. S. Modified Ai. For NoItion.",nton! AM U ICAN CHAMP IONSHIP FIN ALS August 1-2-3. "uk. Whitney Cvde Rench LIik. Whitney. Tun ~ DUN.£DP ~ ~ ~ ~ LUjE1 ~ ~ (!I a.) T lRAILERS' 2a HO N DA RAC ING TO THI WIN N IRS PItO-TIIAC Other Prize.-eontm,encin-Trophiu CO ........" ..d-CO.......I. __ $co".. " Wl' M4"u/e cturl' ti ll' FiIIl'Jr. MOil A llrtlc rt.r ~ HONDA 8ft "-ttoq! FlnIil. No Membenhip ..-qui,1d All Em,ie. Qu.llfy to, N8tional Fin.. s... MoIMy-T,...1 un <# 5Occ-6 I ce-83cc- I 00cc -105cc-125cc a. ls ''''10 ~ 1OJItn. 1m 10. AllOW,. J44U"'" MA11OIU.Ln&AU oUTICIIAClW.. , COLOII .. OO. . . . . . .. CO. TOflyGoN-.... 91 ............... 1" "I..~o. ~. T.... UabettI Town. No. C8tollnloZlIJ31 a3« CHALlENGI Hand_ Inriution. EKhibnion fb_ 12 Select Ch_mps Allot on Idmtu Stoc:k CR'S ' Special Prm. To The Winner HUO CLASS RACES 8lcc -1I3cc - l00cc - l2Scc Ride Wilh Natioul Ct..rnps On ToUl' Win Flbulous Pr ius H ONDA X. _ - STaOK I MINI CLASS ~ TrwikrtA".Y~l''' · P.O BO 1421, RFSEDA,CAUF. 913Jj ( 213) 881·$778 Mon.- Fri. X • "Follow Th. L.od.r....H.·s On A Honda" CASTLE ROCK We have been forced to cancel.our entire season including the AMA NATIONAL TT July 12th Those holding reserved seat tickets will re ceive a full refund by returning them BEFORE July 26t h to: Bill Bolar 350 Delameter Road Castle Rock, WA 98611 Thank y ou for your understanding and pat ience and f or your support for the last 15 years. ISignedl Th e Management Mount st. Helens Motorcycle Club c:= Don't waste gas. . .SU BSCRIBEI We deliver. MOTOCROSS RACE SCHEDULE June 13 -Indian Du.... F 'NIIM June I S - I n Dune. June 22 - June 27 - I n Dune. F 'NIPt hlp Requlr.d 213-830-7119 CALIFORNIA CMC MOTOCROSS Carlsbad Raceway, Carlsbad. CA. Gales open 7:00 a.m., praCo B:OO. race 9:00 '.m. 7141727· 1171 . LAlli an CYCU ,. ......DUOIOOtQ,_ 4001 S. Leelito "AlLY. CRC M.mb Sund ay L..-..... .... ..... ... ..... 1. . . 14011 ITONIIIIYEIt Me MAIM'iLU. TJII CA LIFORN IA SAooLEBACK SATUROAY MX Saddleback Park. Orange. CA. Gate opens 7:30 a.m., prac. g. 8:30, race 9. Pros race 40 min.• others 30 min . Entry $10. Pros $15 . No mamb. or mail entry req. 33.33% trophies. 714 /4954nl . OKLAHO MA Tuesday 00 UTAH D.J6 NIGHT ROUGH SCRAMBLES Sand Hill Ranch, Brentwood. CA. Corne< of Camino Diablo & Vasco Rd. Gat.. open 5 p .m.• . prac . 7. race B. Entry $1 O 80% Ex p.b. Spect. $4 . D.J6 nUmbers . & colorl a must. Tom Anderson 4151798-5695,634-332B. o 0090. Frid ay SACRAMENTO NIGHT MOTOCROSS Sacramento . Raceway, 5305 Excelsior Rd., Saerernento, CA. Gates open 5:30 p.m., sign up to 7. pr.c. 6-7:15 . race 7:30. NovllntJExlPro classes for 125/ 25010pen. MinislPPNetJoT/ody AMERICAN MINIC'r'CLE . . . , CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES ~ NIGHT MOTOCROSS Capitol City Nigh t M X, Au stin. TX. Adjacent to Austin MX Park, Hwy . 183 N of 7th Street. Race 8 p.m. 7 131482·7593 . D.J6 SHORT TRACK R.A .C.E. MOTOCROSS Carone Rcwy.. Hwy. 91 E Buchanan. Corona, CA. Mini thru Open, 100% p.b. to f:x. 714 /689-1913,735-1705. &ONDA.~ A.M.E. TEXAS MOTOCROSS Rio Bravo MX Park, Hou ston. TX 5 mi. E on E M ount Houston Rd.. off Hwy. 59 North. All classes. Trophi es thru 6. places to Am , Ex. 100 % p.b. Entry $8. Swimming , • showers . game room. grandstands. 713/458- NITE DRAGS Carlsbad Raceway . Carlsbad, CA. Motorcycles welcome. 7141727·1171 . CA LIFO RN IA ~ 1980 SHORT TRACK Ross Oown s Short Track. Colleyville. TX . 8 :00 p.m. ProAm . Located on NE side of Ft. W orth . 241 ·t359. p.m.. race 8. Watch $4. 13-16 $3. g.1Z $1.50. Info 21313215323, 3ZJ.6055. Other Major U.S. Events 8121 changes inc. over/under bridge. Trophies thru 5th , Ex. purse $300 or 300% p.b. All cl...... Ex ride 3 motos. Gates open . 5:30 p .m.• prac. starts 7 . Entry $8. Ex. $10, gate $4. Info 214/ 2 _ 3. £ACE Motocross FRIDAY Corona Raceway THURSDAY O~C. I .R . MX RACES EVERY SUNDAY ' Open 7 days-78.m. 'till dark Located 2 miles west of Interstate 5 on Highw.y 126 near Castaic. 18051255-4200 altaa.1t aalt&l 63

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