Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1980 06 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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;; Northern Californ ia-Northern Nevada-Oregon-Washingto n-ldaho-Utah.Alaska-Canada- Northern i:~liforni~:N~rthern N;v~da-Oregon:Waihingto;;.ldaho-Ut8h:AI8sk NORTHERN DATELINE o 00 0') -'- Vance Breese keeps his behemoth Harley ahead of Kerry Bryant 's Kaw. Davidson featured at Archie Clark Memorial By Ann Carr • 56 LOD! . CA. MAY 25 Modesto's Ted Davidson swiped one special event and the 500cc Expert main plus p aced second in the p la t e s-o n ly race to grab the featured spot in the 15th annual Archie Clark Memorial at the Lodi Cycle Bowl. O ne -hu ndred sixty -three racers showed for this benefit for the AMA 's hemophilia fund and mos t seemed to enjoy themselves in the 51 heat races , five specia l events and 17 mains. . McGill's Yamaha rider Mark Key started the fun by topping 11 of the 20 Sportsman plate riders in a plates-only contest. Mark nailed the start while Ted Da vidson worked up from a second- row position to finish second. The 125s led off the Sportsman races. Newman's Doug Baber scooted to the Novice win while Modesto's Chris Fischer grabbed the Junior go over Robert Pool. Oldtimer John McGill really wanted Archie's brass and bested you ngster Chris Scott in the 200cc Novice show . In 250cc action, Shawn Black blasted by Chris Fischer and Robert McDonnell for the Junior win and Novice Randy Fisher took a heady first over Roger Hamilton. BP number one Kim Jor. gensen moved ever closer to a return to the top spot by capturing his eighth of nine Expert mains this season. This time, Bill Scott and Ben Zakarian haggled over second with Scott tak ing it. Heavyweight action featured victories by David Boyles in the 560cc Expert trip with Johnny Pittman second, Randy Holycross over Tom Rose in a close 500cc Novice ma in. Debby Roch a over a strong 500cc J unior field with Jeff Iwanaga second and Teddy reversed the plate run by beating Key for the points and money in the Expert division . Then the fun began! Aaron Hill led the first half of the Mini plate race , but Kurt Chandler took it too deep into turn four . bumped Hill off the groove and fell. Chris Carr (suffering from clutch ' problems on his RM '80) - - . moved to the front and held off Aaron for the win . Tommy Knight aboard a Spinetti's Suzuki stung the troops for the win in the Min i King go (no plates allowed) with P.J. Sanchez second. New Expert Jerry Lanning led the major portion of the Max i King race (no plates), but slipped out in tum one near the end and Rocky Robinson and Gary Gallagher moved up for top money. . Ted Davidson borrowed Scott Casey 's Jorgy's Suzuki for the Sportsman Expert exhibition on 80cc bikes , jumped out front and held on for the win over former Mini Experts Doug chandler and Danny Moore . Scott got the money and Ted had the fun in th is one. Results MAX I PLATE RACE: 1. Mark Key (Vern): 2. Ted Davfd60n (Yam). 100 EX:·1. Chris CarrISuzl:2. Winkie Freitas (Yam); 3. Kurt Chandler (Vam). 85 NOV: 1. Mike McDonnell (Suz); 2. Harold Geplord (Suz). 85 JR: 1. Scon Casey (SUl): 2. Jason Paoli (VarnI. 85 EX: 1. Kurt Chandler (Kaw): 2. Winkie Freitas (Kawl: 3. Aaron Hill (Kawl. 250 EX: 1. Kim Jorgensen (C-AI: 2. Bill Scon IVam): 3. Sen zakarien (Kaw). 360 EX: 1. Ovid Soyles (Hon): 2. Johnny Pittman (Bull: 3. Jim Mahoney (Honl. 500 NOV: 1. Randy Holycross (BSAI: 2. Tom Rose (Hon). 500 JR: 1. Debby Rocha (Hon): 2. Jell lwanaga (Hon); 3. Dennis Houser(Yam). 500 EX: 1. Ted Davidson (Varni: 2. MlIfk Key IVaml: 3. Joe Knight (Yaml. 65 NOV/JR: 1. 8ryan Taber (Varni. 125 NOV: 1. Ooug Baber lVaml. 125-175 JR: 1. Chris Fischer IVaml: 2. Robert Pool ISUlI. 200 NOV: 1. John McGiII ISUl l: 2. Chris Soon (Hon). 250 NOV: 1. Randy Fisher lVaml: 2. Roger Hamilton (8ull . 250 JR: 1. Shawn 8lack IC-AI: 2. Chris Fischer (SUlI : 3. Robert McDonnell (Yam). ODV·SK: 1. Leo King lHonl: 2. Steve Philpon (Honl. ODV·MOD : 1. Ken Dapont (Honl: 2. Manual King (Honl. MIN I PLATE: 1. Chris CarrISuz); 2. AaronHiIlIKaw). MIN I KING: 1. Tommy Knight (Suz): 2. P.J . Sanchez (VarnI. MAXI KING: 1. Rocky Robinson (Varni: 2. Ga"( Gallagher (C·A): 3. Ooug Chandler IKawl . MAX I 85 EX: 1. Ted Davidson ISuzl; 2. Doug Chandler (Kawl . Memorial weekend championship at Territorial MX By Suanne Light EUGENE, OR, MAY 25 . . , !--?Ok, up In t?e sky; It s snowl No , rt s ... volcanic ash. What , vo l -c a n ic ' a s h ?' ''W o w l'''sa i d e ve ryo n e as they watched the Mount St. Helens debris fall on streets. cars and the excellently prepared track . Falling ash was due to the wind change which caused it to rain on Portland. Salem and now the Eugene area . Pee Wees started th e program with young Jeff Dail y (Suz) leading Randy Byrd (Ya m) and " Flyin' Ryan" Huffman (Suz). Daily went 1·1 for the win and also wrapped up the season high point trophy. In Mini Intermediate action . "Sca ry Cary" Lund (Suz ) led the field with huge leads and went 1·1 to demolish the field . It was then time for the race of the day and fans hoarded the fence line to witness the Pro contest. Local rider Michael Sommerville took th e lead on his 250cc Yamaha with Richard Earle (H us 250) from Lincoln City. OR; Wayne Church (Ya m 125); Clay Light . (Suz). a lso 125 -mounted; and Joe Spangler (Yam) rounding out the top five on lap one. Somm erville pu lled away from the pack leaving Church in second while Light and Earle had a private duel. Light tried to pass when suddenly he crashed horrendously on the dow nhill, bending up his new Gresham Suzuki ride. Though wiped out with pain, he remounted and fin ished second 125 . Moto two saw Earle take the lead with Light behind. First moto 125cc winner Church was in back of the pack as was Sommerville, but both local riders quickly disposed of the leaders and took huge leads over the pack. Taking the flag first again was Sommerville. Since today was the final race, Hi-Point awards were awarded at half-time. Five riders were lucky enough to take home the four-foot laurels: Jeff Da iley, Pee Wee; Mike Miller, Mini; Wayne Church. 125cc ; Mike Sommerville. 250cc; Harv Williams, 50-40. The prestigious overall S portsman Award in memory of Jeff Cairns, who died two years ago and was an excellent Pro as well as State 125cc Champ in 1978. went to W ayne Chu rch . It was given to Church for havi ng the most poi nts at Territorial MX as well as having the best sportsmanship (conduct. grades. etc.), Results PEEWEE: 1. JeH Daily (SUlI; 2. Randy Byrd lVam): 3. RyanHuffman. MINI JRJINT: 1. Cery Lund (Suz): 2. Terry Davis ISuzl: 3. Seth Malcomb (Vam). 100cc JRIINT : 1. Rick Gunderson (Suzl: 2. Seth Malcomb (S Ul). 125cc JRIINT: 1. Rodney Kelle<(Suzl: 2. Terry Baker (Varni: 3. Dirk Martin (SUlI. 125cc PRO: 1. Wayne Church (Varni: 2. Clay Light (Suzl: 3. Joe SpanglerlVaml. 250cc JRIINT ; 1. Richie Moore (Kawl: 2. Dave Stemer lVaml: 3. Bill Row (CZl. 250cc PRO: 1. Mike Sommervi lle (Varni: 2. Richard Earle (Husl: 3. Skeet Hi.. IVam). OPEN JRnNT: 1. Winston Rice (Yam); 2. Jim Sargent (Vam): 3. Marty Webb lVam). JO.40 CLASS: 1. VIC Church IVam): 2. Rick Byrd (Yam). HI·POINT AWARDS; PEEWEE: JeH Daily. MINI: M ichael Miller. 125cc: Wayne Church. 25Occ: Mike Sommerville. 30-40: Harv Wil liams. JEFF CAIRNS MEMORIAL OVERALL HI·POINT AWARD:Wayne Church. A Hawk takes AFM Golden State contest By Karl Okamoto SONOMA, CA . MAY 18 Pat Eagan and his Cy cle World / Ontario Mototech Honda Hawk won the 430cc Production class race at G olden State International Raceway (formerly Sears Point) in the first AFM points race of theseason at the facility. While proving that the previous weekend's victory at Riverside was no fluke . Eagan and the Hawk have clearly shown tha t. finally, th ere is an alternative motorcycle to the Yamaha RD550 /400 that is capable of consistently winning the 450cc Production class. "W e had a helluva race . and the Hawk soars," smiled Pat wryly. Eagan rode the same Honda last year, a year that brought confusion , equipment breakdowns, poor parts availability, inj ury and general disappointment to Eagan. "(Kaz) Yoshima , using Moriwaki parts, is the reason we got horsepower - 5 hp more than last year. " The Honda led at the opening lap . followed closely by Marc Sal visbe rg (Karl's Motors RD 550) and Mark In galls (Berkeley Yam RD400). By the fifth lap the threesom e had pu lled far ahead of Dale Alexander (Ya m RD 400 ) a nd the rest of the field. Aft er Ingalls m ade repeated tries for the lead, he settled into t he third position a nd waited for a m istake by the leading pair to let him by. Bu t Salvisberg wouldn't give in a nd continued to b adger Eagan. "T h a t sucker's got torque!" commented Marc later. Eagan said, "I kept blowing th is turn here," pointing at Go lden State's tum II , "and either Salvsiberg or Ingalls would stick a wheel inside of me . but I'd 'm ake a hook' on the tum and motor by." Salvisberg was later disqualified for mechanical violations and Dale Alexander was awarded third place. Torque was the name of the game in the Open GP contest, also. Vance Breese (Sputhe Eng. Harley 1290) led from the start, only to be passed by Pa u l Ritter (Aero Union/Euromart Ducati 885) on the third lap. Breese followed Ritter (who was riding his 1978 Sea rs AMA National win ner) for the next five laps. holding off Kerry Brya nt (Goodyear Kaw Z-I) and m aki ng his move on the last lap. Vance su ddenly close d the gap coming out of the Carousel and passe d Ritter in the tum seven hairpin. Wi th on ly four turns left in the race . R itt er tried valiantly to regain the lead bu t crashed spectacularly in turn 8A . "I was trying to pass Vance and used too much throttle and low-sided it. His bike has a lot of pull," said Paul, who only sustained a bruised shoulder and sprained wrist despite severely damaging Dale Newton's Duck. Brya nt and Jon Woo (Kaw KZl000) followed Breese in. In other action, Mike Spencer of Champion Cycles in Costa Mesa put on a real display of smooth riding while winning 750cc Superstreet, 750cc Production and 600cc Box Stock. He rode 650cc and 550cc Kawasakis. Kurt Knollenberg (San Jose BMWI Su zuki) rode his brand-new Suzuki GS1100 to the track, bolted on number plates and handily won the Open Box Stock class. The top three 750cc Box Stock bikes were the new Kawasaki 750s. Dave Emde made a rare appearance at Golden State, placing third on an im maculate Suzuki 750cc Production ride. John Glover ventured up from L.A . to win the 125cc GP race and Fre d Winters (Bob Wirth Yam TZ250) took the 250cc GP contest. Today's race was part of m u lti -race series points for ND , Kal Gard and Kawasaki. The front straightaway at Golden State had been paved the previous day and a strip of asphalt was literally com ing unglued . Although it did not directly contribute to any mishaps, Al Collins. Tom Beisheim and Curt Maddox crashed as a group in that area during a practice session , with all

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