--~~h.. Ynnahas invincible off-road team has so totally
~~:~.~~ dominated the season so fat; they've decided
:c~~~k" to take on some real competition.
Each other:
At the upcoming Off-Road Championship Gran Prix June 20-21, the entire 7-man offroad teamwill be screaming for the very same
finish line (along with a few others, for color).
Ogilvie and Miller; 1st Overall in the Parker
400will be rivaling Roeseler andJohnson, 1st
Overall in the Mexicali 250, whowill be rivaling
FIshback and Rutten, 1stin their class inboth races.
Only.in this championship, it's strictlyeveryman-for-himself.
It oughtta be a hell ofa race. And ourfeeling
is, may the best manwin.
Were confident he will. Since all the best men
will be ridingYamahas.
'j::.:.: \
When you know how they're built