Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1980 06 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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• - C...ta M... - San Bernardlno - J r ~ • ~ III Mike Bast made it two Scratch Main wins in a row before a large crowd at Inland Motorcycle Speedway Wednesday night. Bast took the lead at the start from his number three starting posi tion over Dennis Sigalos , Mike Muntean and Da ve Sims . Sigalos, who rode in England the night before , fell coming out of tum four on the opening lap gi ving second to Muntean. Muntean had his best ni ght of the year at IMS and stayed close to Bast. but was unable to pass the champ. At the finish it was Bast, Muntean . Sims and Sigalos was credited with fourth . The Handicap Main started out with a bang as Steve Columbo, Jeff Carmello and Jack Kee came together in tum one of the opening lap . Carmello and Kee went down with Kee unable to continue. O n the restart, they made it to the middle of the backstraight where Carmello decided to unload into the wall causing another red flag. With Carmello out they had another restart. Sterling Cogar and Columbo moved out front with Cogar taking comand as they came out of tum two . John Sandona moved into third while Dave DeTemple ran fourth . DeTemple dropped out on lap three with mechanical problems. Sandona went to work on the inside of Columbo coming out of tum two on the final lap. Sandona and Co lumbo battled side by side with Sandona mo ving into second spot in tu m three . Cogar crossed the line with his first win of the yea r follo wed by Sandona and Columbo. DeTemple was credited with fourth follow ed by Carmello and Kee . Second Division ended up going to the last man standing. On the start, Dwight Hill broke the starting ribbon and was disqualified . Cary Faas took the lead on the restart over Ed Thurman. Thurman got sideways in tum one on lap two and was drilled by Dan Braviroff. Braviroff was shaken while Thurman had to be removed by stretcher. Faas , Paul Belisle and Joe Burmeister returned to the line to give it another try. Faas jumped out front with Belisle moving into the second spot ahead of Burmeister. Faas led after one lap but got into the wall in tum one on the second lap. Belisle had nowhere to go and piled into Faas, At that point the officials called it a race with the win going to Burmeister followed by Belisle, Faas , Thurman. Braviroff and Hill . Third Division was not to be outdone as it took them three tries to get it started. On the start Dennis Abbott. Tom Conrad and Don Bovee moved out front . Conrad took sole possession of first down the back chute but it was short -lived as the red flew for a crash in tum four involving "Wild" Bill Bunting, Ken Williams and Don Bovee. Bovee was unable to continue and Bun ti ng couldn't get his bike to fire before the two -minute clock ran out. Conrad took the lead on the restart over Williams, Abbott and ' Pat Hawley. They made it to tum four where Williams and Conrad were involved in a na sty looking crash. Both were out with Conrad sustaining a shoulder injury . W ith only two riders remaining the offi cia ls decided to run it for two laps with the "W hite Kn ight ," Hawley, leading all t he wa y over Abbott . Fin ishing behind Hawley and Abbott were Conrad , Williams , Bunting and Bovee. t o 00 0') .-4 00 .-4 Q) I: ::s ....., Order Now To Save Freight! Driver & truck w ith trailers on the road to all Nat ional Motocross Events. . Cycle News want ads work Call ASAP for W estern Delivery ! Ae rod yn am iC 1" Traile' Haul . 4 Bik es Av ailabl e in Flip T op or H at ch Back • ¥ _._-_.._-_.- YAMAHA - HUSKY ~H SUPER SALE ON 1979 & 1980 MOTOCROSS AND DESERT BIKES \!JI 1979 YZ125F's, 250F's & 4OOF's 1979 IT175F's - 1979 Husky 250 & 390 OR's These bikes ava ilable at virtually dealers ' costl 1980 IT125G's & 1 T250G' s Buy Now And Save BIG $$$$ ..__ ~ 'AM AIH T sc y~ ~ /"II'. . 2420 Narbon ne Ave ,. l omita. CA 90717 (T orrance/ South Bay A rea) (213) 534-2311 , , I # 39...

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