Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1980 06 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Fasl WINNERS CHOOSE~ Facls o 00 (j') Mike Tripes Motocrosser Name/nickname: Michael Benjamin TripeslTripper. Date/plate of birth: July", 1958/ Sen Diego, CA . Height/weight: 5''' '''150 Ibs. Girl friend or w ife's name: Now accepting applications. Current residence: Sentee, CA. Occupation : Semi-Pro motocrossar. Hobbies/relaxation: All sports. Truck: 1979 Ford Courier. Favorite food/drink: Bean burrito/milk. WES COOLEY and FREDDIE SPENCER Winners of the Elkhart Lake AMA National and Superbike road races choose~ helmets. So should you! I First interest in bikes: 1967. First bike: Honda step-thru 5Occ. First race/outcome: Motocrossll won. Most recent w in: Bobby Sullivan Benefit at Barona Oaks, CA, April 20; 125cc Pro-1st. 250cc Pro-1st. Lightweight, comfortable protection is important on the racetrack - and that's just where Arai helmets are proving themselves to be right out front in top quality protection, Arai protection? Ask the racer who's put one to use! Comfortable, quality protection should be no less important to every motorcyclist and a complete range of Arai helmets is available for every taste and need. Arai comfort? Ask the rider who wears one! Size/make of current racing bike: 125cc Suzuki. Sponsors: Cycle Work of La Habra, Wax Research of Leucadia, Moto-X Fox, Scott Goggles, family. Tuner: Gary Truesdill. Aral helmets are available from motorcycle dealers across the country through the distributors listed below. Biggest gripe about racing: Broken bones. Wln,p.", Most respected rivals: No comment. Reasons for racing: I lova it! It's the most exciting and demanding sport of today. Future racing ambitions: To be factory sponsored. ACCESSORY DISTRIBUTORS, INC, - New Jersey (800) 932-0303, Nationa l (800) 63 1-2505 CHAMPION SALES, INC, - Texas (800) 442-6523, Nationa l (800) 527 66 11 • CYCLE PARTS DISTRIBUTING - Kansas (800) 362-2452, National (800) 8352712. ENGMANN DISTRIBUTORS, INC. - Illinois (312) 593-0770, Nationa l (800) 323-6691 • NICAN - Ontario (416) 625-3890. NICAN - Brit ish Columbia (604) 688-9857. SELF CYCLE & MARINE - Alabama (205) 841-5537, Nationa l (800) 6333426 - SAMMY TANNER DISTRIBUTING - California (213) 924-2111 , 860-4040. WHEELSPORT - Oregon (800) 452-6289, Missouri & Natio nal (800) 547 -8028. A full color brochur. lIIull1rlldng the endre ..ng_ of Arel helmets Is evelleb"; ..ndliO cents In co ins or stamps to 1:OVet postage end hendllng to Arel - P.O. Box 421, T_fIy, N.J. 07170 for your brochure by return Am C.... Mel!. Additional info: Am currently recovering from a severely broken wrist; hoping for a strong comeback. ..,j <0 ••••••••••• • ••11111111111111111 a: w z z c: fn en o ... ... DENNY SWARTZ Denny Swartz took 1st In the SOOCc Class at the Buchanan, Michigan National MX on a Malco M·1. ::D o ." :I: -< "" ;; .s ~ '" ~ < III w a: CIl ~ .;;1 '" r- }> ~ 0.. 5: CIl ~ Z <0 ~ () g o m g o ~ 0 Used by more Grand Prix, Naf/onal Enduro and ISDT 'actory riders . . NATIONAL MX CHAMPIONSHIP'"79 250 CC WORLD MX CHAMP IONSHIP ' "79 500 CC WO RLD MX CH AMPION SHIP· "79 NATIONAL ENDURO ~ :< < 5 33

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