Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1980 04 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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National Papers (Continuedfrom page 17) won on a BSA. Going the other direction was far more difficult. If ever a race track was made for a specific bike it was Ascot and the Gold Star. I think that C.R. Axtell and Dick Keirn saved at least one each. Keirn was the owner/sponsor/mechanic that pu.t all three of his into that long-ago 1969 National main event. It would not look good for a motorcycle that has not been made for over 20 years to come out and blow off the new stuff - but it sure would make it interesting if a few show up for the 10th. With the interest shown already, it goes wi.thout saying that the entries will have to be limited so riders and owners who have knowledge of these 500cc single four-s.trokers should contact Agajanian race headquaners at 213/ 321-5323 as .time is short. Hats off to Aggie, Don Brymer and American Honda for figuring out a way to give a lot of people at least a limited look at what they have been talking about and asking for for some time now. In wrapping this up wouldn't it be nice, at least on the 10th, to have as many former Ascot 500cc winners on hand to watch this event and be acknowledged. It's a staggering list but it could be done. It i. only proper that it all stans in the Gardena area once again. The Gold Star was introduced to oval track racing in the mid-50s by AI Gunter and George Everett. The track was the old Gardena Speedway, located on Western Ave., about three miles from where Ascot is located today. The Invi.tational is open to a total of 20 riders of which the fastes.t dozen will actually compete in the special la-lap race> Call now. • Roxy Rockwood Next Week Cyclerama spectacular Tulsa Two Day Qualifier MMRA Drags IT425 Yamaha Impression EasIe HST. Rain orshine, it's our linest per/ormance lire. o 00 0') .-I c<") CN Eagle HST was built for those sunny touring mornings that turn into slippery, rainy afternoons. This third-generation touring tire has the most aggressive tread a street Eagle has ever carried. Tests at Goodyear's San Angelo, Texas, proving grounds show that, even in 78 inch of water, the HST still lays down up to 75% of its footprint. That wet traction can help you control your bike in a sudden rainstorm. Eagle HST also h;:ts four plies of rugged triple-tempered nylon, for what many riders consider to be the optimal balance between touring toughness and riding comfort. And, although it can be used with a tube, the Eagle HST was designed to be used tubeless, for strong performance and easy maintenance. The rider who buys Eagle HST buys Goodyear's best. Beefed up shoulders and a wide tread also give this motorcycle tire good traction, handling and stability characteristics in the comers. The HST rear comes in sizes MT90-16 (5.10-16), MT90-17 (5.10-17), ML90-18 (3.50-18), MP90-18 (4.25-18) and MS85-18 (4.75-18). Rib fronts come in sizes MJ90-18 (3.25-18), MJ90-19 (3.25-19) and MM90-19 (3.75-19). Ask the expert-your motorcycle dealer. Then put your touring bike on the best motorcycle tire Goodyear has ever built. Eagle HST. GOODI'YEAR , - - - - - O u t front. Pulling CIWa}< -----:~ Subscribe and get your name on the front page of Cycle Newso _.80 Suzuki Bonanza ~ TIRE SALE Model. RM50 $"$$$5$$ Discounts RMICI $5""5$$ Diacoun.ta RMICI $$$$$5$$5 Discoun.ta RM100 5555$55$$ Diacoun.ta RM125° $$$$$$$$5 Diacoun.ta RM250" $55555$5$ Dlacoun.ta RM4OlI" $$$$55$$$ Discoun.ts OSlO $$$$55$$$ Discoun.ta DS100 $5$$55$5$ Discounts DS125 $$$$$$$5$ Discounts DS186 S$$SSS$$$ Discounts DS250 S$$SS$$S$ Discounts "Fr•• teem jack• .ta tlU April 30 20% Pta. Disc. 1 y • ., wlpurch. of RM or OS. TS - PE - RS - DR - JR Blk.s Also M4I Suzukl rnocIels In stock now! eel. for Out the Door Prices [yen L_er Dhcount Prices On Some Model. Top competitors ~ insist on alloy competition rims ..,un MABINA SUZUIU See your nearest dealer .... A...... c:A.- Sun Metal Products, Inc. W.III-.t_ a•• cL ~ (SOI~ p.o. Box t 508. Warsaw. IN 46580 3.25 x 21 MX Wrap Around $19.95 $19.95 3.00 x 21 S9-A 3.50 x 18 S9 MX 20.95 27.95 4.00 x 18 S19 MX 29.95 ., 4.25 x 18 S25 Rim Saver 32.95 4.25 x 18 S28 MX Spl. ~ 4.75 x 18 S25 Rim Saver 31.95 < 4.75 x 18' S28 MX Spl. 35.95 .& 5.50 x 17 C9 MX Spl. 39.951 " 4.00 x 18 S22 Polo (Trials' 19.95 '11 Heavy duty red rubber tubes 4.95 @ Plus FET & Postage . Shipped anywhere UPS daily. COD Williamson Sports Motors '"' Mill Hall. PA 11751 717/726-4921 af!$@JR mn ;.;:s . 19

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