Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1980 02 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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BMW "750" 77 Bultaco Frontera '73 Full Dress, low mil.., MINT, $2000, DBys 1213162911081, BIle. (71 41 ~1.151 37Occ, VfJfY cleon, emes, $775 - Mike 17141 84lHl170. 161 WANTED: HONDA XR 185 or 200. 17141 661·2nl. 3 bike trailer 151 Large wheels Wllh spore, $200 Hodaka 125, good cond.. $2OOImekeoffer (7141 871·n90. 151 ....79 RM N 250 Suzuki Absolutely perfect condo OHUN shocks, pons cIeon ond rTllIlched. IleloloI (mony in coIorl. - . ridor ~. an Ind _ highlight lhe '79 World ChMIpionship. AMA c.meI. I'orriluIa 750 Ind morel 192 _ . 300 + p/>oloI. ha'dbound. 110253A '29.95. Add .2.25 hondIing. lJIe Vou, Me. AE or COO to phone IDII free 1-48001 lI28-e8OO. ClASSIC MOTORIIOOKS, Box lIDf'. __ Will ..... lot. - . for IIiII or e.J. CIIl HONDA WEST 17141 531· 0742 or 12131924«lll6. I!iOITFNl Yamaha 4-stroke Desen r~ TT, Veoco .... Cumuns. Terry kit. White Ilroo. pipe. lota of goodieI. W" _ I n d super a.:-. WI 54020. m r_, _ r _ . $1050.00 I'n _ I (7141 974-321B.161 Match.... 500 Single 1989 GlIO CS 4986112. 151 ~ 1egoI. S6liO firm. I805l I'm young and pretty, My body iI -..;luI. my _ . . perfect. I'm ... Ind fun. rm not free. but rm _ . " you .... me rm. K.T.M. MCS25O. 12131380-8409.l8l 1978 Bultaco Astro 250 e - I n d ~ on... $BOO or .... off•. Must sell or trade lor pdup. C209l847·n21.I5J RM125N _ 74 Ford200E new, ha'dly ""'" used. only $700.00. (7141 631· 5083. IS) DURAl". • FOIl'_. .A -MOUNTAiN VIEW 'I. DISTRIBUTING (I. -415-989-10g ..... LNaoa. . . . . . . lIO'II'n& •• _I",e& ..... Ten 'em you saw It in eyeleNews br_. Nights 12131374-7B96.161 '0 $S.3!iO.OO. Setf contained. 1 yr. old, custom conversion. new tires, ond _ . See _ociate. Call. more info. WANTED - YAMAHA 400 or 380 MX ENGINE. 18051542-6154.151 6.S.M."Inc. Congratulations Bosco Graham on your baby boy, from the Wild Bunch at Castre! 1976 yz 80, likB new, never raced, S400 '" belt 0"er.121314J6.7310.151 78 Yamaha VZ 125 E, $700.00 Excellent condition, never raced, few houn. (7141 BJ9. 1496 or (7141531-11838.151 77 Yamaha 400 11" travel front & rear. desert tank alae. Call aft. 2 p.m. WANTED: W/R GEAR set lor '76 AW Maico 250. Consider complete W/R motOf' any lize. Lynn Orman, 3809 "E" Ave. NW.. Cedar Rapidl. Iowa S2405. 151 (7141599-1768. lSI 78 Chevy Camper Special Rode twice, barety broken in, original tires. Broke knee, been stOfed for six months. Best offer or trade XA 500 Hcmda. 141SI365-4365. 151 79 Maico 400, cherry 350 V-8. Turbo 400. air, Cruise ContrOl, AM·FM. 2tanks, runs on reg. Header. 29.000 mIles. *6.200 080 0' tradem. (714IS22·3390 WOfk,I2131 798-2218 home. lSI Wrecked mom's car SeI~ng my yz 125E. Fresh lap end. new chain. sprcockets & air fitter. Only $700.00. (7141 592·2253 StevB.ISI 1980.250 yz G White Bros. mono & fOt'ks. Metzefers, never raced. Days (1141553·9534, eves. (7141 735-9464. lSI Trade KTM 400 for 250 Trade 'n. 400 MC5 engine. new piston, bore & rebuitt trans. f", 250 MCS or GS6 engine. Day 14081425-7455, after 7 p.m. 140lll n4-49B2. 15) 76 Honda CR 250 Clean, $400.00 lirm. Musl sell. 12131425-5779.161 _A-nP'UTYu-n T___ o-a ,' -..- ......... in ,...VAMAHA 1 . ~ Trill.. Blk_ in Stock 7Sr1 Van Nuys Blvd., Van Nuys, CA 91_ C213171O-13lll1 1213J9M.7 . Open P.M. Fri. Nhn 1.Me. SUZUKI .... SIMI. VALLEY CYCLES Z902 LOS ANGELES AVE. SIMlVALUY.CALlF. (80S) 52%·5454 _ ... HUSQVARNA T... "'0 . . . . - - . .., . 1,[5(1 _ _ .. __ 12_ w_ _. T..... " . .. 0....--.'0_.....n _ 11~.'" ~M,,*T_ .MTAD_ '''''w MOTO-CROSS BRAKE SERVICES '00 ,... ftOOf'! '01'0..;... . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . - 5..wcMdo Of' MAlCO ...... THE MOTOItCYCLE SRAIlE SPECIALISTS - - ' Conl. L- "'"OtO$ lil(tlJlIIlIlI(O ()fIIIL'I' WI'" lolL' AODIIlSMO 11WlL""- - . . . . . . . OtC. . . . . "OI'l .... ~ 0-18, ell .1010 ,-- l1lftnlU1tla . . . . ......... '" T_ Pl£ASE PRINT .,x_ C't'Cll . . . . . ~o LONG • .-o. CA.., " • " eye:. New. c.n"o' " '"tK)nsibl. t_ ~ phone '*"'"" THE GREAT COAST·ToCOAST WANT AD OFFERl '1'_ . . """ ..... "'IN W-c_ _ ift m.E"lfvrofOlyt1Datora _ _ Of' wor.... oo ~""' __ 1)00.- .... "_21 City (213)35..3068 ~ PIIrts • Accassories 7t4d ''/I 7uztMI 46 1537 E. Walnut. ........ CA 911. L -_ _ 213-796-2711 _ _--' Stat. PAINT BOLO HEADLINE HERE ILeave spac••, ill Service • Motcwcycle Sales - - - - - - - -..... l i I M _ t l__. c.rtl e:...tiI e.d 0-.". • '11_ CfMn Braka Drum Tru ing . Braka Shoa. Rallnad ==="AYtl. • Zip flOLO H£AOlIN( 1200 EI(TRA COMMERCIAL RATE: 10 Of' tI,_a ..OOcN .... U.lll!1i-... _ " ' ...... ~t1". . _ .. I I J I I []IIrr:II~1 BSA & TRIUMPH PARTS-NEW & USED SHIPPED ANYWHERE Specielizing in BSA & T,iump/> Repairs Jim Hunter Motorcycle Repair 1140 S. CVPt_, Unil A l.lI Habra. CA 90631 17141 ~ 11ill3 - - - - - - - - ----------Ai1o. .- __

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