Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1980 02 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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. . . .d .. c. y. •• _ ·.0 · ·••• or y. • dco-CO PipeliDe off Cardwell ~o~ th~ end of the molO and was knocking on Davis' and M~ks' back fend~rs as th~ cr~d th~ ch~ck ~. The ov~1I w~nt to How=on (1-1), followed by My~rscough (2-2), Davis (4-4), StullS (3-5) and M~ks (8-S). o 00 0') ..... Results MINI JR: 1. Brent Froed IYom); 2. Andy Bradshaw l!(awl; 3. Yue! K~lion IYoml. MINI SR: 1. Dannv St_k ISuzl; 2. Darin WoIIioms (Yom); 3. "Avin' Freckle" eo. (Yoml. I llOcc ClASS: ,. Danny S'_k (Suzl; 2. Jeff Milts (Suz); 3. Gary WoMonh (Yom). 125 NOV: 1. Mark _ (Yoml; 2. ~_is IHanI; 3. Mike Smith ISuz). 250 NOV: 1. Moe Von Kirk lSuz); 2. Craig Mooln .... lHan); 3. Rev Ram;roz (Han). OVER 30 "A": 1. Jake W. .en ISuz); 2. Scan Eniot IHusl; 3. Goegg ~ IHuol. OVER 30 ''8'': 1. Dole R. Shonlc (Suz); 2. Mike 8nIdIhlIw 181"" Into tho flrs1 tum at San Antonio. but fell rnom.nttlater. Ken Howerton 14) won. Howerton and Myerscough shine in Texas sun By John R8nnlkko. Jr. SAN ANTONIO, TX,JAN. IS Kent Howerton showed up the day before the race to help the Dirt Bikers of San Antonio lay out a new track which included doubl~ jump even h~ was unabl~ to I~ap. On race day, howev~r, aft~r many a knobby had ~roded t~ jumps, t~ "Rhinestone Cowboy" lea~ his way over t~ "unjumpabl~" doubl~ humps to a perfect 1-1 rid~ in th~ com- a bined 250/0pen Expert class. How~on's Suzuki t~arnmat~, Brian My~rscough, destroyed th~ 125cc Experts taking both moto wins whil~ doing stylish reve~ crrossups off th~ n~ doubl~ jump. My~ough also rod~ th~ combined 250/0pen Expert class, but r~mained How~rton's und~rstudy, taking ~cond ov~rall with a pair of second-plac~finish~. A wav~ of 125cc Expert ring-a-dingdings cam~ through th~ first tum of th~ first moto sid~ays. Whil~ Bryan Taylor (Yam) grabbed for th~ insid~ ~I ~tat~, Brian M~rscough rock.~ted around th~ outsid~ with Weldon "Rip" Ri~bschl~a~r (Yam) and John B~rsch (Hon) pancaked in b~tw~n. My~rs cough dusted ev~ryon~ through th~ next tum and left RieschJ~a~, ~h, Taylor and oth~rs in his ~xhauSI. M~rscough continued to ~ untouchabl~ for th~ duration of t~ moto. Taylor ~Id second on th~ first lap, "Rip" and ~rsch in tight formation with him. Tony N~ham (Hon), Russell Ragen (Suz) and Nicky Marsh (Suz) followed. ~h put his Honda into second plac~ for good on th~ second lap and I~ft th~ ot~rs to fight for th~ r~maining spots. Marsh catapulted to third plac~ on lap thr~ as Taylor f~1I back to last place som~h~~ in a back section. My~rscough continued to pull away and Taylor ~n onc~ again to mov~ his Yamaha/Moto-X Fox-sponsor~d monoshock~r through traffic. Taylor held fourth plac~ at th~ thr~~ quart~r mark wh~n h~ cam~ around dragging what appeared to b~ th~ r~ar brak~ stay bar. H~ pulled off for a bit of quick pit work and got back into th~ rac~. My~rscough won by almost a full 34 minut~ ov~r ~cond plac~ B~rsch. Ri~bschl~a~r, Marsh, Rog~rs and Taylor follow~d. Ri~bschlea~r hol~hot th~ ~cond moto, ~ating out Taylor on th~ out· sid~ lin~ of th~ first tum. "Rip" m~ a tum and had to doubl~ back to got off th~ track, taking sol~ possession of last plac~. M~anwhil~, ~rsch led lap on~ with a fast-moving M~ough looking to ~t up for a pass as Taylor trailed in third. Th~ next lap had a ~ \cackr, Myerscough, who rod~ th~ \cad to tM check~red flag. ~h, Taylor and Riebschlea~ crossed th~ second moto finish lin~ in that ord~r and th~ ov~rall w~nt to My~rscough (1-1), ~rsch (2-2), Ri~bschl~a~r (!l-4) and Taylor (6-2). Nicky Marsh found it tough finishing any ~t~ than futh as M ~ without a ~at for most of tb~ moto. San Antonio rid~r Mik~ Bradshaw (Hus) got tb~ jump on t~ 250/0pen Experts as h~ led th~ first moto start. How~rton, Dav~ Stutts (Yam) and R~r Brown (C-A) ~nt~red th~ first tum ~hind Bradshaw, but ~xited without Brown. Losing traction in th~ sw~ping tum, Brown unloaded in traffic and was T-bon~d by Mik~ M~k.s' front wh~l. M~k.s got back up and into th~ rac~, but ringing ~11s k~pt Brown off his scoot~r and h~ called it a day. How~rton had th~ I~ad by lap on~ with Bradshaw, Stutts, J~ K. Davis (C·A). St~v~ Cardw~lI (Hon), Brian My~rscough (Suz), J~y Balcom (Hus), J~rry Surb~r (Yam) and oth~rs on his trail. Th~ "RbineslOn~ Cowboy" handl~d first plac~ quit~ w~lI from th~n on but Stutts took ~cond plac~ from Bradshaw just two laps lat~r as My~rscough spttd~d toward th~ front. During lap four My~rscough c1~d on Stutts and Mreks (Hon) had charged from 15th plac~ to II tho In th~ second half of tM moto, Stutts h~ld off My~rscough in som~ supertight racing until My~rscough got by on th~ whit~ flag lap. Bradshaw rod~ fourth plac~ but fad~d to Davis' charg~ and finish~d fifth. M~k.s pulled in at ~ighth plac~ at th~ check~r. Stutts and How~rton led th~ start of moto two witb Bradshaw and Doug PaI~ (Hon) in tight formation immediat~ly ~hind th~m. On th~ first lap around th~ track, Stutts and Bradshaw w~ren't included in the lap charts apparently having fallen in a back area. Lap one had How~rton in front followed by an inspired M~ks. Myerscough, Davis, Cardwell, Charlie Martin (KTM) and Paley wer~ among the lead~rs on lap one. My~rscough took M~ks on the second lap and began to cha~ Howerton. Stutts began a long charg~ from back in lIth place which put him sixth by mid-moto. Howerton and My~rscough learned th~ir Suzukis to put untouchable times and distan~ on ~o~ whil~ M~ks. Davis and Cardw~1I held spots three through fiv~. Stutts was abl~ to pick wh~r~ ~ ~ Rosa IYom); 3. Wr/It zan- (Yaml. KLUNKER: 1. Robert " ' - (!(aw); 2. Joey a.wIHanI; 3. Maurice A. Lvon (Yoml. 125 INT: 1. Medr.. SCiwicque tHan); 2. Glenn Ingr8m tHan); 3. Lee D..-(Hanl. 250 INT: 1. -.ev CIortl!HanI; 2. Jeff EIIio CC-AI; 3. Jerry Former (Yoml. OPEN INT: 1. Brion _ (Y.."; 2. Kyle _ lMIil; 3. Glen M....-IC-AI. 125 EX: 1. Brion Myerscough ISuzl; 2. John _ tHan): 3. Weldon Rilbact' IU (Vern•. 2!iOIOPEN EX COMBINED: 1. Kent _ tsuzl; 2. Brion Myerscough (Suzl; 3. Joe K. Dovia IC-AI. Sullivan, Spencer, and Anderson dash for cash at Mosier By Charlie WI8S8 ARLINGTON, TX.JAN. 20 On a day that was described as miserable weather-wise, North Texas MXers were "gain' for it" aU day with exciting racing taking place with ~ach drop of tb~ In Pro action, Randy Sullivan, Kirk S~Ctt and Mont~ Anderson had th~ spectators out in w~athtt with som~ int~ racing taking plac~ d~pi~ th~ adv~~ conditions. In th~ morning action, with a small~r than normal turnout, th~~ w~r~ a f~ n~w faces in th~ winn~r's circl~. Mik~ Cook. (Suz) I~d tb~ parad~ in th~ I OOcc Novic~ class with Ed Brak~ (Suz) ~dging out Kyl~ Ratliff (Suz) for ~cond, Ratliff h~ld on for third as Winston Moor~ mov~d up to fourth after two rounds of racing. gat~. Aft~moon practic~ follow~d th~ morning program as th~ Int~rmediates and Pros test~d th~ir ~quipm~nt on a track that was plagu~d by a light mist that continued for th~ duration of tb~ program. Th~ goggl~/vision probl~ had littl~ eff~ct on tb~ quality of th~ racing b~ca~ th~ racing was mor~ uciting ~ach tim~ th~ gat~ hit the ground. In 125cc IDl~rm~ate action red rock~t ac~ Rodn~ Wigginton (Hon) blasted th~ troops with a pair of moto wins. Wigginton was flawless as Rodn~y Wallace (Hon) cam~ back in th~ ~cond round to finish ~cond. "T~rrible" Tim Butltt (Yam) drop~ to third (after a second in round one) when Wallace slipped by in the deciding second round. Randy "Fluid Form" Sullivan (SUl) dominat~d the 125cc Pro action by taking a pair of wins. Sullivan cam~ from behind 10 win in round one as ~arly I~ader Mik~ Brownl~ (SUl) fad~d and lat~r took a soil sample dropping him to fifth. In his ~cond Pro effort Greg Fouts (Yam) came from behind in round on~ to tak~ second behind Sullivan. In round two, Sullivan was OUI front ~arly with Fouts testing turf (he later DNF with a frayed throttle). Brownlee had problems also, as Ronald Dawson (Suz) came back from his first moto third to finish ~cond ~hind th~ f1~ing Sullivan who was racing by him~lf most of lh~ day. Overall it was Sullivan, Dawson. Chris Swank (Hon), Fouts and Brownl~ aft~r two rounds of topsy turvy racing action. Th~ ~t rac~ of th~ day took plac~ in round on~ of th~ 250cc Pros. Kirk S~Ctt (Yam) led as Mont~ Anderson (Yam) applied th~ pressur~. Witb four laps gon~, And~rson slip~ by only to ~ repa~ by Spenc~r ~fore the lap ended. Anderson forced his way back by again only to ~ r~passed witb o~ lap ~aining. As th~ chwen cam~ out th~~ was less than on~ second ~arating tb~ pair of speedsters with S~c~ holding tM ed~ over And~rson, Jim Thomas (Hon) a distant tbird. In round two, S~cer got away ~arly as Anderson was left to work traffic~. In th~ t~n·lap moto. Anderson c10led tb~ gap, but S~ca nevtt ~ally f~lt pTellllJ'ed until th~ final lap. Spcnctt h~ld on to win with Anderson a c101e second, ~ Goocbon (So2) moving up to third and Jim Thoma (Hon) holding on for fourth ov~lI. Kmny "Q.uick Draw" McGraw (Yam) ~ down th~ Opm Intermediates with a pair of fine rides. McGraw cam~ back in th~ second round to umeat first round winna Wayne Rattliff(Yam) wbo managed a fourtb in round two for second overall. Tony SaIIegoa (Mai) put bis red bike in tbird in both rounds for a consistent third with Don Lackey (Yam) founb ov~rall. Mont~ Anderson (Yam) pushed bimsdf and bis cycl~ to their limits in th~ O~ Pro race. Aft~ a second in round on~ ~hind Kirk S~er (Yam), Anderson ~bounded to unseat Spencer in tb~' opening Iapl of mOlO two. TM pair s~ away from tb~ fidd with less tban a second ~arating th~. And~rson was unabl~ to slip away though. Finally, with four laps r~aining, Spenc~ slip~ down whil~ presuring An~rson, allowing And~rson a cusbion to last t~ duration. Ov~rall it was Anderson, Spenc~r, Rick~ Kidd (Yarn), and J~ Smith (Yam) making it a sw~p of "y~lIow birds." Results MINI JR.: 1. Shannon BUf". (Han); 2. David &.nMI IYem); 3. BobbV Coer-IYom); 2. Monte Anderson IYom); 3. Oennio ~ (SUll. OPEN PRO: ,. Monte AndorIon (Yom); 2. KiI1< Sl>er-IYoml; 3. Ridtev Kidd (Yom). MINI SR: 1. Tom l.Dng (Yom); 2. Troy Tolley (Yom); 3. 8nllt W_ISuzJ. OVER 30 INT: 1. T.C. Can. IYom); 2. Rev Nee! (Yom); 3. Rick Mc:CIny tsuzl. BEG: 1. Bill Luke (Yom); 2. Chud< PitInwl tHank 3. Johnnv Baugus ISuzl. 250 NOV: 1. ~ IloIz IHanI; 2. Gory Ifinton I~; 3. Vern JebIonaky lHanI. • 125 INT: 1. Rodnev Wigginton (Han); 2. Rodnev WoIlKe !Han); 3. Tom _IYom). 250 !NT: ,. Robert Toylor (Han); 2. o.n Hiettev (C- Al;3. S _ McMohonIKTMI. OPEN INT: 1. Kenny ~ Ratttiff IYoml; 3. TonV SelIogoo lmoi). (Yom); 2. Wovne Jones, Jones and Rhoten in spotlight at Wolf Creek By Charlie Wiese WOLFCREEK PARK, TX,JAN. 13 Texas Mxers went to battle with high hopes on a track that was well prepared for a large turnout. When the wars were over and the scores talli~d. Dav~ Jones, .:oJ

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