Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1980 02 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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2. Carlos Mejia. Open: I. David Ruggles; 2. Thomas Low. Open Sr: 1. T.L. Brookshire, 2. Gordon Cannon. 250cc Sr: I. Harold Cooper; 2. Wendal Rapp. Open Vet: I. Bruce MacDonald; 2. Al Yoakum. 250cc Vet: 1. Tom Smith; 2. Jack McClure. Women's Class: 1. Judi Burley. The course was relatively dusty the first time around. but as the Amateurs and Experts began catching the Beginners and Novices riders, the dust situation became heavy. Roeseter had developed a flat ,tire shortly after he left the pits. Sixbery soon caught. him, with the two of them switching their position numerous times. Sillbery got past Roeseler just as they rentered a section of very heavy dust on Soggy below Check Four. Sixbery hit one of those treacherous mounds near the edge of the lake, causing a spectacular dust cloud. By sheer will power alone, he got back on his bike and rode almost up to check four, but that was as far as he could manage. He had broken several fingers and possibly his hip. Meanwhile Balentine had extended his lead to several minutes. It was a long wait as he sat in the finishers' chute looking for the next rider to crest the hill. It was Roesler who flew in next, flat tire and all. Ogilvie was the next to come off the rock ledge and make a sweep around to the finish. Suddenly, however, from alon../t the heavy concentration of Novice and Beginner riders still coming off their first loop, came a pie plater ,with all stops wide open, blowing past Ogilvie only a few feet before the checkered. It was Clark. coming in for the third overall finish, leaving the fourth spot for Ogilvie. Bill Saltzman earned the first Vet honors in the fifth overall slot followed by Zarp (Open). Dan Smith (Open) had moved into the top 10 behind Zarp, taking the first Amateur Open honors. Right behind him was the first' Amateur 250cc, Pierce, chased by two more 250s. piloted by Baker and Chris Austin. Second Amateur Open honors went to Brett Howell. First Senior Open pilolwas Norman, in the 16th spot, wa followed by three "C" machines guided by Elias, Cliff Thomas, and Hamill. In the 29th slot Charters once again moved ahead of all other Seniors except for Charters, but Zuber (Sr. 250) was right behind him past the checkered. The first Vet 250cc bike was straddled by Jim Bringhurst with fellow 250cc Vet racer. Dennis Rosenberg only three bikes back. First gal honors once again went to Beck with Lori Farmer only six slots behind. Mattox earned the first trailbike title with a "chip of the old block," Bobby Charters, earning the Amateur Trail win. . Lyle. Palmer (Hwt) was the first Amate,ur Senior to cross the finish line while Senior Phillip Hendry took top honors in the 250cc class. First Novice honors were earned after a tight battle between two 250s, piloted by Geoffrey Niles and Hodgson. Two more 250s followed and were ridden by Roger Zela and Troy Moore, with C Novice pilot Larry Dysert nipping at their heels. Veteran 250cc Novice Joe Penoncello 'took the checkered next, followed by another 250cc Novice, Mitchell Berger. The next Novice to enter the finishers' chute was the first heavyweight Jeff Reible followed by C biker Dave Chumney. • II. 111_1111 IlIlell 1IIIIrIIIrs 1l0NI PART NO. SlIGck Ill. 76F·l2SOSPI Sprill btl 112 lb. - 8.9" APPUCATION Benelli: 6SO Tornado 02/76) 7SO SEI (74/78l CZ: 2SO,3SO(75/7n Ducati: 500 GTS (76/m 7SO and 7SOSS 02/76) 900SS 0517n Hartey·Davidson: SS 175, 2SO. & SX 175, 2SO (76) Montesa: Cota 125ce (72/74) Enduro 2SO H6 (78l Penton (KTMl: 125ce, 175cc, 250cc GS and MC (72/74) Sachs: SOce. 125ce MC/GS (73) Suzuki: TS-18S 05/76) Triumph: TIger 7SO TRlY, BonneVille T14DV (73/74) Yamaha: TV·250, 360 Trial (4) DT·125C, 17SC, 2SOC, 400C (76) Benelli: 2SQ.2C l73l7n CZ: 125, 175, 2SOce Sport 176/77) Dueati: Mark 3 and Desma (to 76) 500 LD Pantah (78) 750 GT (77) 900 SO Darmah (78/79) Harley·Davidson: SS 125, SXT 125 (76) Mota GUlzi: 2SO TS 174/m BSA: 250, 4SO, 650ce (All) CZ: 2SO, 360ee (66) Norton: Scrambler, Nomad, Commando Suzuki: GS·500E, GS-5SO m/78) Triumph: T·lOO Tiger & Daytona, ville, T·lSO Trident, TR6 TroR SIIack Ma. 76F·I277SP30 S,rill btl 112 lb. - 8.9" Slllck Ma. 76F-1282 $prill Rata 112 lb. - 8.5" Shock Ill. 76F·1282 Sprlll Rate 112 lb. 8.9" Shock .... 76F-1282SP4 Sprill Rate 112 lb. - 8.5" SIIocIIIlI. 76F-1282SP20 Sprill btl , 112 lb. - 8.5" SlIack Ill. 76F·1282SP30 SpriliRata 112 lb. - 8.5" SIIacIt MI. 76F·1282SP40 s,r!IIRata 112 lb. - 8.9" SIIacIt MI. 76F·1283 S,rill Rata ' 112 lb. - B.9" SIIock Ill. 76F·I283 SpriliRata 101 lb. - 9.5" Ducati: 350 Twin GTL and Twin GTL, SOD Sport, 175/76) 860 GT and APPUClnON Suzuki: TS·250, 400 (75/77l 1l0NI PART NO. Sbeek Ma. 76F·1283SP4 0') ...-c Yamaha: XS-l, XS-2 SOOte (71/74) 2, T0-3, JR·2, JR·3 & TZ·3SO (71/75) SO (73/75) Benelli: 500 Quattro (74/77l 7 I Shoe 76K-1333 IRate lied wI9.5" SDrinq Kawasaki: KT·250 Trial (75/76) Yamaha: MX-125, 2SO, 360 (73/74) Shock No. Yamaha: OT-2, DT-250, RT·2 & DT-360 (73/74> 76F-I349 Sprill Rat. 101 lb. 9.5" G Honda: Elsinore CR·125M, CR-25OM (73/75) MT· 125, 2SO, MR-175, 250 (73/76) Shock No. 76N·1357 Sprine Rat. Filled w/9.S''' Sorin~ Rokon: RT-340 Enduro, MX·340 (74/75) Shock No. • 76F-1358 Sprilll Rat. 112 lb. 8.9" Shock N•. Maieo: MC·2SO, 400 (74/7Sl Penton IKTM): 125, 175,250, 4000S (75) Yamaha: IT-SOD. 500 XT Enduro (76) 76F-1358SP30 Sprill~' 112 lb. 8.9" UockN•. 76F·1373 Sprill Rata 112 lb. - 8.5" Plus Spacer Sback Ill. 76F-1374 Sprill btl 95 lb. 7.3" Shock Ma. 76K·1378 S,rilillate 78 lb. 9.5" Kawasaki: KX-125MX, KX-25OMX aSl Penton (KTM): 125. 175, 250MX (72/74) Honda: CX-500 (8) BSA: 500, 750cc (AID Harley·Davidson: XL, XLH, XLCH Sportsters o 00 $prill Rata 112 lb. 8.9" SIIock NIl. 76K·lm S,mlbt. FiUed w/126 lb. SDrin~s Slleck NIl. 76K·13l4 .Sprill Rata Filled w/84 Ib SD . Shock NIl. 76F-1325 Sprill R 112 lb. SlIoe CZ: 125, 175, Kawasaki: F Suzuki: 02/7 Maieo: Montesa: (69/74)' Norton: Commando 750ce & 8SOcc (69/77l Honda: CB-12S & CB-200 (71/78) Honda: XL·17S, XL·2SO, XJ:·3SO (73/761 Husqvarna: 125, 2SO. 400cc MX (72/74) 250cc WR & 400cc CR (to 75) Sbock MI. (9) 76Y·1381 S,rillbt. 112 lb. 8.5" r----------------- HONDA OWNERSI MAYFAIR P.O. Box Hackensack. N.J. I Please shipCorp.following 1851, shocks!springs #07601. the KONI cm::II Adjustable Shocks I FOR HONDA MODElS Taking 13111" or 141/4"' Lower Clevis MI. Shocks CYCLE TROPHIES Special Program for all Clubs & Promoters Buy Direct and Savel Free Engraving & Delivery Yes, we can solve your awards problems. l.owat Prices PromPt I.argest Delivery Sizes Cell· Ch8rlle KIght. 301173lH811 For 1118 Best DeeI on Trophies' In 1118 Eat OLYMPIC TROPHY CO. 701 Perk Lane; HlIgerstown. MD 21740 -..- Replace worn out units with the world famous adjustable KONI dampers. Sprills included and we pay shipping. Bank or P.O. money order - offer limited to the quantities on hand. Use coupon below. ENGRAVE..' MANUFACnIMRI I I # . Enclosed find Postal ( ) Bank ( ) Money order in the amount of $ "or Honda specily 13112" or 141/4"1 # Name _ Address _ I City Zip State _ ~----------------- Congratulations from Out Front Number Plates to all 1980 National Numbers NOW! Between February 1st and April 1st. 1980 any Na" tional Number will receive one FREE set of (4) number plates with any order. Call or write for info. G~ -E»:~~ "Hand Painted" Number Plates and show the world 26505. E. Park Ave. Milwaukie, Ore. 97222 • '503/653·1666 • "Persist in your foolishness and you will become wise. .. - S.E. Harriman Call £"""'.'5 A "hand painted" 10" X 12" radiused corner plate with clear coated pro· tection for the front. Four plates per set-$18.oo. Three or more sets -$15.00 es_ Also available for H·D XR750 a pressure sensitive vinyl for use on the exhaust pipe side. Get OUT FRONT! Order Now Nation. Leading MX Engina Builde,! RPM MX Team choose. f£!J "p'" Racing - . . For Motoe'_ 3432 SyIv_ A..... OH 43123 41114n·773I T_. 23

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