Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1980 02 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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- "-" . Fasl I Facls o 00 C') Stacy Thornton ALONG WITH ITS SPONSORS Motocrosser Name/nickname: Little Jammer. Stacy Thornton! Date/place of birth: Nov. 7, 1962/ Olympia, WA. INTER-AM Height/weight: 5'8"'130 Ibs. I Girlfriend's name: Miss Toyota. Welcomes you to the start of the Current residence: Olympia, WA. Occupation: High school student. motocrosser. Hobbies/relaxation: and more racing. Racing, racing 1980 Van/car: Dodge van. Winston Pro Racing Season! We guarantee you will see these top products in the winner's circle with these top riders Favorite food/drink: Steak/milk. First interest in bikes: Since I got my first bicycle. First bike: Yamaha Mini-Enduro. First race: Motocross at Straddleline Park. Outcome of that race: Fourth. Most recent win: Second place at 1978 NMA National Championships at Ponca City, first in 1979 Northwest NMA qualifiers, #1 NW NMA plate holder. JB RACING TEAM 1980 -Steve Eklund #1 -Rick Hocking #17 -John Hateley #98 -Ricky Graham #41 -Brad Hurst #51 -Jim Filice - Junior Sizes/makes of current racing bikes: Kawasaki KX 125 AS, KX 250. SpOnsors: Good TImes Kawasaki in Olympia, Kawasaki Motors Corp. USA, CH Performance. Tuner: My father, Harry Thornton. Biggest gripe about racing: Tracks without radical jumps (double jumps). -Jay Springsteen #9 -Hank Scott #14 -Lance Jones #23 -Scott Pearson #95 -John Wincewicz #55 JB Racing P.O. Box 897 Placentia. CA 92670 (714) 528·3045 Most respected rivals: Jim Weinert. Pat Jacobsen, Phil Larson, Jeff Ward. Reason for racing: What can I say7 I just love it! r-S=~T==-O-::-:p=:--;~~~~:::;;~::::::~c;j;N;,:;P-;d;.;;Dept.liMI P.O. Box 498 Long Beach, Ca. 90801 Future racing ambitions: To be a Kawasaki factory rider and #1. Name Red Cycle News Jacket Sizes S, M, L. XL $33.95 Satin quilt-lined jacket with Cycle News patch. Knit collar, cuffs and waist in red, white and blue. Hat $6.95 Red and white with a Cycle News patch. fREE _ Address _ City State PIe••••end _ Zip _ m8_ _ Jeck.d.1 in size_ _ 1II111111111IWJ Card e x p i r e s - - - - - - - - Signllture _ 0' ,,,- .:.oG .....,;He6 0" , .... 1,-. i, .~X "'v 1 each large & small Cycle Now Av8l"ble iit you, Cycle New. Oeel"; .\1" , News stickie _ _ _ _ 'Oulera _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ with order _ _ _ _ Inqulrle. Invited Calif reside"'s add 6% salest""" 1 he .._ "_11<_"'_..,. . . . '.. ."'''00'1<1'' '" ",v ""tl ....,..,• • "..,.j 100:<:... _..:. 110_.....' 'M .... ,,' _ h • o PI.....end me_ _ HII1t.I, PIN.. flilin your complet••ccount numbe, .nd expi,.tlon d.t." ca." -------------- .J 1

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