Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1980 02 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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romp. All e _ . 30% ..... dey tropllies '0 SptWmn. 100% lIA~ o W_. ",~smilNNUALR.I.e.E. - IJrfLEAP YEAR G.P. 00 0') FEBRUARY 17 100% Pro Payback 25% Trophies Six Mile Course Dave's Uphill T_ Race En~~'T="" ::0.::.::::,) lor All Veta ~~·C~'720 Oft_ or AI AlISOO'I tnUlt.. IIfWeIope - .... _. -.'N' 1 • " . . . , 11 , be 1arincI Of' '" , . ., '21 ... - ..... - .. "' £... V....I2, , \0'" l'i. t.:"l, '1111"1\\" eel. I!) , .. OtttC...,...., . . .,., LnaL 111 !IV.':::::::::':: c HA" - ..... CORONA GRAND PRill RACEWAY .. A. C. l. SPONSOR: AGE 11'15 12;30 1:30 All 125"• . . . . . . • . . . . . 2:30 T.m A8C8 3:30 of A.•. C.E. oHIe_I! DEADLINE: ALL MAIL ENTAIES MUST IE AICEfVlD IV NOON, FI;.6 ...... II" Practice (250-500) 1;30 All 0-100'1' W _ ';15 ,~SOO PrM ,10:15 Iy ENTER'NG EARLY ..... toe. . . . Aac8way To: COlO,. Recew.y 7:00 (0-125) 1:00 Pr8ct1ce AVOID THE HASILEOF RACE DAY lNTERING AND SAVE MONIV .... En,ry' 113.00 513.00 (..... 1) $20,00(_11 $8.00 (md) • . 110.00 (Petat) • . ~0pen .. .- CYCLI • •n PHONE NUMBU ( (Zip) (elY) from which Iui,' _lei of at. \olIhide I .,. '*iving. I..,.", dwt I em going 10 engege in u.. higNy ~ ae:tMrieI; 0/1 my own voNbon. I heNbyllfFnn . . I ...... w - ~ tuMv-- of at. ttu.dl1o my permn ~ property therein. 8l"Id'I riIb . . . . . . ttwft:t•...., r. ....... iI CIll.-d by at. negIigInc:e 0/1 enaItW~. 1affirm 1hM when I __ . . . r.-ric:lld - . 1 do . . . . ~ pertidpan1 in at. ~ concIul:1Ied tNreIn. If 1 1m WIiured, in .., ...... or my ptCIp8I'ty it dIfNged. in -rv ",.... .... I WI' within the ~ __, 1 wiI gr.,t I tuI and UiCOidtiu..1I r - ' - tar ."" in;uriae ~ '=' my perIUn or any dImeDt to my ~ ..... trait CJillIllINfS. ~ ottici*, ~ prornuIIIrs. or 0Ihera who . . rwpor1IibIIe lor the ae:tMtiIe wiIhin at. ~ _ . On ....... 01 rnyIllIIf. my heft. nec:utors. or ~......... I . . . 10 hold ~ lind indemnify III week ownera. ~ aIficiaAa. ~ prornuws. r. 0IMrs who . . ,......,... for at. KrivitieI within the ~ ..... k:w "'y ~ or ....., to my ptnCln or propenv. READ CAREFULLV BEFORE SJGNING INTO REST'RtCTEO AREA if......-v IHAVEAEAOTHlSENTRYBlANI( -av. Sunny Valley. OR. 11 mi. N from Grants Pass on 1·5, exit at Sunny TEXAS MOTOCROSS Rio IImio _ _ Park. Rio 1Imio. TX. 5 mi. East on E. Moun. Houston Rd., off 59 North. AH _ . Trophies 1hru 8 places to Amo, Expoodv _ _ MOTORCYCLE CHAIN LUBE February 10 pating Yamaha dea'ers Of by mail from: Ftdetity TK:ket office. 1622 4th Ave. -Suite 2. Seanle. WA 98101 ladd $.25 service charge). General admISSion $6. 12 & under $1. reserved $8/$10/ $18. February 9 TEXAS NIGHT MOTOCROSS Lake Conroe MX Park. Conroe. TX. Sign in 8:00 p.m.• rICO 7:00 p.m. Entry. Ex. 8151 In•. 88INov. $8/gote fee $8. All _ 8Oa:.Qpen. Tropllies e< gift certiflC8tBl to 8 ptec81 in Nov. _ . Fe< info: Jerry's Conroe Suzuki, 610 Loop 33lI. Conroe. TX n301. 713/7564118: 273-2338. 0.36 SHORT TRACK Hills Ferry Speedway, Newman. CA. Hwy. 5..... on Newman. Hiils Ferry Rd. north. River Rd. west. Gates open 4 p.m., prac. ~:15, race 7. Entry $7.50. 2nd bike $5, oemi Pro plus $3. 0.38 & trICk rules strictly enforced. Admission '3. under 12 $ 1. 408I86J.0588. 2 _ _ "'- camping. 7 1 ~ 1IOllll: 863-6840; ~7979. MARATHON Sand HiU Ranch. 8ron_. CA. Comer of Camino Oieblo & Vasco Rd. 825 '0 av«all winner. 30% trophies. All _ ride ~. lCOfad _ately. No bikes started before 8 a.m. Gate opens 8, sign up until 9, 1 ptac. lap 9:30, finiall by 11:30. Entry $7. ride e< watch $3. Inlo 8151798-6895. 638-3328. Tom Andenon. CMC MOTOCROSS Carlsbad ~. c.rlsbad. CA. All _ _ Gat. open 7 a.m.• sign up 7·9. ",ac. 8-9, lim race 9 I.m. Jr/lnt entrY $8 ~. $10 poll, Pros $13 mail" $15 posl. Mail entry to: CMC. P.O. 1402. Costa M.... CA 92626. 718J557.J323. AME MINI MOTOCROSS Indian Dunes. lIalencia. CA. Post entry $9. All elesaes. Gates apen 7 am, IXee. 8, race 9 am. 30% bf.... AMI: lie. req. Fe< ,nlo: AME. PO 80x 1821. Reseda. CA 91335. 21318815778. CRC CANOY ASS FAMILY ENOURO Sidewinclar Rd. exit. Bamow, CA. 1.. CRC point run of the V-. All classes welcome. All but Minis. Women & C ridora . . . - 16 go 2 IooI>s- Special Club C~: clubs on. . 15 rtders w/.cores from 10 best ridora _mining the club thet Chempionship trophy. All club ,..". ride 1st & are lCOead-Y, Onl8rio. CA. ~10 10 _ SL exil. All Entry

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