Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1980 02 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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AME 125cc Pro winner Steve Schmitz is pursued by John Whelchel. Wil... Kevin Olson l2) 8nd Greg Zltterkopf cIce in DeAnza's 2IiOt:c Pro c8a. Lowe thumps to DeAnza MX win By Ron Lawson SUNNYMEAD, CA,JAN. 27 The dark clouds that hung over DeAnza Cycle Park never let loose with the expected rain shower last Sunday, but their 26 cov~r mad~ it cool and kq>t th~ motocross track in good condition all day. In th~ O~n Pro class, Matt T~d~r of Suzuki of Pomona and DeAnza ~Iar big·bor~ king Jim Low~ had a close on~ for th~ top mon~. At th~ start of moto on~, T~d~r was in front whil~ Low~ and his L&L Cycl~ Honda thum~r w~r~ in fourth ~hind Bob Brotm (Yam) and Rob ToIl= (Yam). Low~ cut his way into ~ond by lap two, but T~d~r didn't wast~ th~ lap ~ith~r and ~ had pull~ out a strong I~ad. For a coupl~ of laps Low~ slightly r~l~ in th~ I~adtt. but th~n T~d~r start~ to ~t his act tog~th~r and pull~ away ~~n farth~r. II was on th~ fifth lap that T~dd~r w~nt down and aIIow~ Low~ to shoot by into t~ I~ad. H~ remount~ in t~ to salv~ ~nd plac~ but in th~ r~maining laps h~ was only abl~ to mak~ up half th~ tim~ that ~parat~d him from Low~. Tollnon was all by him~lf in third wh~n th~ ch~k~r~ flag cam~ out whil~ Eddi~ Mich~tti was fourth and Brot~n was fifth. In round two it was thum~r pow~r that show~d th~ way to th~ first turn and th~n all th~ way around t~ track 15 times. Th~ ~ntir~ rac~ saw Low~ in front pursu~d by T~dd~r. S~v~ral times th~ two of th~m w~r~ sid~ by sid~, but th~ four strok~ was just mor~ suit~ to th~ hilly track and would pull away on th~ slopes. Mic~tti was a distant third ah~ad of Brot~n and Mark Mangold (Yam). TM 250cc Pro class niark~ t~ first Pro win for K~vin Olson (Hon). H~ holeshot t~ first moto with Mark Barnes (Yam) and G~ Zittttkopf(Mai) in close tow. On th~ second lap, F~ Combs (Suz) also cam~ into t~ pictur~ by moving into second plac~. But Zitt~rkopf got back on th~ gas and ~took th~ numba two position at th~ halfway point. An ~xtr~m~ly close battl~ follow~ wi~h Zitt~rkoJlf finally passing Olson on th~ ~ry last lap. Combs got third ah~ad of Barnes and Butch Tarvin. Moto two saw Barnes I~ad th~ first half with Olson and Zitt~rkopf dicing for a close second. Ziu~rkopf pa~d both rid~rs to tak~ th~ I~ad th~n Barnes was forc~ to stop for a mom~nt 10 r~adjust his handl~bars. Olson took second. thm had th~ I~ad Qrop~ into his lap wh~n Zitt~rkopf got a flat fronl tir~. Ov~rall it r~ad Olson, Zitt~rkopf and Combs. Results PEE WEE 1: 1. B.M. Scon IJiml: 2. Wes Klein: 3. Bobby David ISuzl. PEE WEE 2: 1. Buddy Antuez (Suz); 2. Mo.e Michen, IYaml; 3. Man FosteriYaml. MINI BEG: 1. Scan DlMd 1Kaw1; 2. Ross Dano", IYaml; 3. Gary SaIlerlVaml. MINI NOV: 1. Trini Camarena (Henl. 2. Mike Thompson IKowI; 3. Randy ~ence ISuzl MINI !NT: 1. Ty Maddux lVaml; 2. Jos/l Wheeler ISuzl: 3. James McManus ISuzl. 100 NOV: 1. Jim Pearson ISuzl; 2. Dean Gluskuter ISuzl. 125 BEG: 1. Mork Reulman lSuzI; 2. Joe Wil<:oK ISuzl; 3. Jason Aparicio lSuzl. 125 NOV: 1. Terry Knight ISuz); 2. John Blood ISuz); 3. Ti Swartz lVam). 125 INT: 1. Taylor Morcell IKowI; 2. Sam Rami,ez ISuzl; 3. Mike Howerd IHan). 125 PRO: 1. Paul Thede ISuz); 2 Rob Tolleson IYaml; 3. Dennis VenerlHonl. 2SO BEG: 1. Jim Bmwn IKaw); 2 Greg Roberg tHon); 3. Dave Anderson IKawl. 2SO NOV: 1. Dennis Shaffer tYaml; 2. JIm Galat,oto ISuz); 3. Joseph Rami,ez IHonl. 250 INT: 1. Duane Mapes IMail; 2 Keilh Dyson IHusl; 3. Mork B,anch ISuzl. 2SO PRO: 1. Kevin Olson lHan); 2 Greg Zinorkepl IMall; 3. Fred Combs ISuzl. OPEN BEG: 1. Jeff Tahy ISuz); 2. Don Torley IKTM); 3. Lee Monis IHon), OPEN NOV' 1. Jim $ponsell8l' (Yaml; '1 John Mohr ISuzl; 3. Der,en Lowrey IYam). OPEN INT: 1. David Aleman (Yaml: 2 Paul Hutfman IKTM); 3. Tony Shepherd ISuzl. OPEN PRO: 1. Jom Lowe IHanI; 2. Man Tedele, ISuz); 3. Eddie Michetti (Mal). BEG VETS: 1. Won;.", C~ne IHuIl; 2. Brad Anderson IHuIl. INT VETS: 1 Jim Galoliolo ISuzt 2. Mike Wilcox t8u11. SR VETS: 1. 5 _ Harris 1Suzl; 2. """I Wilde lVam); 3. Goorge_lSuzl. Helsser, Wanket, GerIg win at SSM MX By Terry Whytel ORANGE, CA,JAN. 19 Honda rider Chris Heisser battled his way to victory in the 125cc Pro class at this Saturday Saddleback MX. Heisser's main com~uuon cam~ from Yamahamount~ Doug Dubach who w~nt wh~1 to wh~l with H~i~r in th~ first molO and finally pull~ ah~ad to tak~ th~ ch~k~r~d flag in th~ I~ad. In th~ second rac~ H~~r found a f~w ~xtra poni~s in his DG ~quip~ CR 125 ~ngin~ and mOlOr~d away with th~ win. Dubach stay~d in th~ hunt but had to setd~ for ~ond plac~ ah~ad of Darryl Tumsti~n on a Honda. Heissf,r was the ov~rall winn~r with ~ond going to Dubach and third to Turnsti~n. MOIO·X Fox/Yamaha ace Tony Wank~t 5Cor~d two molO wins ~nrout~ to taking hom~ th~ day's tOP pu= mon~y but not without a strong chalI~ng~ from Clint Hardick. Hardick push~d his n~w T mod~1 Suzuki into th~ I~ad in th~ first rac~ only to hav~ m~hanical probl~ms drop him back to third at th~ finish. With Hardick struggling Wank~t crui~d to th~ win. Wank~t w~nt out with guns blazing in th~ second moto and o~n~d up a good siz~d I~ad by th~ finish. Hardick push~d hard to catch Wank~t but d~ tuned himself with a fall and ~nd~ th~ day with a third ov~rall. Following Wank~t to th~ check~rs was Honda rid~r Tim Mitchlison who also took hom~ th~ run~r-up mo~. Th~ O~n Pro class was a sw~p for rid~rs mount~ on Husqvamas. Th~ class is usually known as a ha~n for MaicOll but this w~k t~ Sw~ish iron carri~ David ~rig to victory. ~rig's win was not an ~asy one as M was hound~ by B~nt Wallingsford and Monty Mitc~1I in both motOll. ~rig mana~ to k~p his Husky floating a littl~ lighter across th~ rough sections and h~ld ·on to win both rac~. Wallingsford stay~d close to finish in th~ num~r two spot with Mitch~1I rounding out th~ top thr~. Promot~rJim B~hinck had a coupl~ of argum~nts with his Maico in th~ O~n Int~rmediat~ class and I~ victory slip through his hands. Whi~ BeJtinck cha~ back to finish t~ day with twO third pla~ finishes, Frank St~r (Suz) and Bob Cas~r (Yam) battl~ for th~ win with th~ nod ~v~ntaally going to Stein~r and Cas~r s~ttling for ~ond overall. Results OPEN PRO: 1. David Gerig IHusl; 2. Brent Walling5foJd IHusl; 3. Monty Mitchell IHua). 250cc PRO: 1. Tony Wanlc.. (Yam); 2. Tim Mitchl;· son IHan); 3. Clint Herdick ISuz). 12Scc PRO: 1. Owls Hei_ lHanI; 2. Doug Dubach IYam); 3. Oaryt Tumstoen IHanI. OPEN INT: 1. Frank Steiner ISuz); 2. Bob Casper IYaml; 3. Jim _ lMaiI. 2SOcc INT: 1. Jim Bfodie lHan); 2. Wayne Jones IYam); 3. Gary Goforth ISuzl 1250c INT. 1. Dennis Hulen IYaml; 2. Br.. Newman ISuz); 3. Merk DornelIISuz). OPEN JR: 1. Mark _ IHus); 2. Greg Upton IYam); 3. Man Kelly IMai). 2SOcc JR: 1. Greg Fountain (Vam); 2. Mork Woeda IVam); 3. Arthur Clever lVam). 12Scc JR: 1. Mike Hecoe IYaml; 2. Lance Sallis IHodl; 3. Rober1 Betl ISuzl. 12Scc BEG: 1. Ron Hunt IYaml; 2. John Megerv ISuzl; 3. Juan Chumero ISuz). Schmitz smokes AME IndIan Dunes MX By Judy Greenberg Photo by Bob Greenberg VALENCIA, CA,JAN. 27 The Shadow Glen course set the scene for American Motocross En-

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