Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1979 12 19

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Z1 Kawasaki 900. 1973 Fox Shox 15,." owner. Excotlont cond~ion. $1800 firm. DIvo 12131 448-9827 or ......ongs call 12131 ~2141. _ lor GH. l!iOl Original milllllllO. 6754. ondition. super 0-,. M.S. ~. 0nd•• *200.00 firm. '79 Huslty CR forks. like now. 12" tr_. $300. (9181221~701. I49l Ex_t condition. in IlOr8gO 2 yrs. MUll .... $67li 080. Extrao. AlhrSon SoLI2131941·9567.l49l Racers Froo froighl on XR-750 ports. _ you con gel _ hord to gel XR-750 ports. HARlEY-DAIIlOSOH WEST. tho notion'l 11 ~ _ ..... comploto Pl_. linool~_in-'Any_C con gel COIl + 20%. FTom now' until May 1. we ship your _ "FREE- with '100.00 min. cnIor. ColI 12131822-3426..... lor Paul. I6ITFNI Bultaco & Hodaka Clearance 2 - 1976 HoclokI. SuI*' FIIIt MX·... 1975. 125cc ""'-'II. 1976. 3lIOcc " " ' - """ mount. CUllom frame. 1976. 125cc ""'-'II. 1976. 370cc ""'-'II. o-t & MX - . - pipes - piotonI - barr. h_ - ca1l. n... _ & bit.. in ldnI. a>ndilioll. no junl<. Make off. on ... or port. Private pony 12131 J75.0737. 1501 Motorcycle Trailers • 125 CZ 1979 6 opel. - 28 hp - 1116 lbo. Phone for more detaila. BERTUS JAWAlCZ12131~171.15Ol moro~FOl~; ~c:O.,.~ t ~ -=-a ;z 'D ~ N ....... G~~ Q! YAMAHA {:;;\ , IEAM IEAM SUZUKI en '\f' Can-Am Parts shipped accoptod. MOIlerchargolVisa a>ndilioll. low miloogo. $llOO. l8051 524- TZ350B Rood ..... kit. V..., ...,;"germ. goo lIhocIndilioll. includes - . . . . $850.00 0< bee offer. l7141893Ql64 or l7141892-2094 Gwy. (49) oil lypOI.l FT.. sampl.. - our choice. DooIorI. diIlributOtl welcome. Send to: RACE READY. INC.• 10089 II6lh WIIfV N.. Seminole. FL 33543. C8131 392· 6893. IEOI/43. 46. 491 largo DMG MAICOS FOR THE DESERT 1491 mUIl_ $1250.12131444-6363. IIEW! HELMET RU'-Oll Sf/eIERS loe EACH Vwy DeoIor 2 to 5 rall CUllom buI~ rnotorc:ydo 1JIi... inquirioo invited. 121318l12_ or 12131 llll1·n21. l3IlI TFNI same CIoaod dIIfV. Mondays. SPORTCYCLES OF HOUSTON 2723 Yolo. Houlton. To... nOO8I7131862·2252. 1501 JAWA 2 VALVE Speodwoy biko. 1974. b i g _ . $1250.00.2 spood. top - . - . Bob. evenIngs l8051964- . 6583.1491 TZ250E Sot"", by Hunt Raci • wide rims. Krober ignition. FAST! Vwy cIeon. $~.OO 0< bee offer. 1415149334140< 14151992-llO52 .... fo< Lou. 1491 TZ750C _0 $5000.00. lIItoot modnieationl thrU'Out. Engino - Kol Carruther.. Over .2000 in portS. Bus. 12131 8293621. home 121313llO-2858. 121 Sunnen Power Hone Model LB 1699. lOlling 10 (491 filltUto. die! indicator. occur.o .... bor. 1%" to over 4". Vwy .0001". 14 _ good a>ndition. Call oft. 7:00 C.S.T. l7131 ~72. 1979 XR500 Honda looIlhan 1.000 milol. now Borum lifo. from air capo. Meg... I..... lIizo 9% _ boob ..., "*'Y other Wlduro or troil riding equipment. 19191 876-1273. (491 1975XR750 CompIoIaIy robuIlt. .... .-dy. - . . IIIvo _ . opocioI coma, PatricIt pipes•. . - pMlling tramo. now ~ firm. Serious inquiries Fridoy from 9:00 a.m. d 5:00 p.m.• 121113119- swingorm. _ 7636.l!iOl Turbo Rickman-Kawasaki ATP turbo in _ _ Ric:IoTelframe with improved - - . , . MTC piIlana, _ ..... Ckingod. Gerelc ignition. HolIoy luoII pwnp. CIlloma by Brown'1 of Kentucky• . . - ~ with lIlIIo/_ _• CUllom point. Oil temp. cyl _ temp. _ _ - . V.., low lor _ . Owner.- money . . - - . _ _ 0< _ $5.200. ColI 14151798-1911II 0< 141511163-2071.111 1979 Yamaha TZ250F Now in alii. _ --,. SOUTH 79RM125N ~ lib _ . $850. CoII_ 5 p.rn. 17141731· 8664.1491 CZ - JAWA - BABETTA Pw1I & ............. JB CYCLERY. 175n _124. Modera. CoIn. 93637. 1471TFN1 WANTa>; Suzuki GS 750-1000 c:arbI. ColI 12131 m· 368B.1491 BAY MOTORCYCLES. 2001 ~ ~ CA 90278.12131n2·16470<12131~.l5OI Husqvama 390 Stock 390 with Iir capo ..., - . , duly rima ..., -' Dr.• Reno. Nev. 811608.1501

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