Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1979 12 19

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Arizona Motorcycle Dealership Sales $1,400.000.00 net, over $100,000.00. Sell for $425.000.00. $200,000.00 down. Act now before the pool< _ . Call 1602l9lM>9584. 1501 YZ125E new condition, mUS1 see to appreciate. many _ •• $800.00. (71411126-6616. 1501 Uke Development Technician . WIIh knowledge of motorcycles to develop"es for MW models. Must be experienced with .11 standard e-ionce power and hand tools. helpful. Contect Personnel Dept" 1605 S. Mountain. Monrovia, CA. EXECUTIVES. ride comfor18b1e. swiftly anywherel 450 Maico Magnum under _ e . (213) 349-1001. 1491 Top Junior 500 (213) 357-2186.(2) Pans Manager Help Wanted E-"'"<:e and releronc:es required. BARGER HARlEY-DAVIOSON, Canoga Park. Call Lorena II (213) 999'3355. 1451TFNI Distributor Reps Needed Hond.Suzuki of Poway Looking for racers, ~ deel on MW bik.. with .-ni-tpoo ... II,ip. Cal _ _ Bob Emde. Close out _ on '79 CRI25, 250 & '79 XRI86, 250. & 500 all below _ COIl. Sale ends 12130179. m4174&4151. 149) To cover all ....... excepl Southern California. For MW. feat, growing oompany. Send resumes to: WHITlEY ENTERPRISES. 3905 Schenandooh. Oceonaide. CA 92064.1501 San Diego Honda Dealer Needs Reps Wanted HoIlmon Racing, _ _ company in the MX rT'IIWket ta tooking for safes representatives. For more information. conl8Cl Lars L.arsaon or A.C. Baltken II IBOOI 542-6224 in California. For outside Cattfornia call IBOOI854-2812. 1501 Suzuki-Yamaha Ser. Mgr./Mech. W_ negotiable based on ability. Strong .,.burllion & e1ectriC8t beckground. Veer around work. ~ e m Wyoming 30,000 populllion Excellent biking, hunting filhing and IIknng. SAVALA'S SPORTS CENTER 1175 0 - Dr. Box 1361 Rock Springs. Wyoming 82901 (J07) 362-5531. ITFNJ46) partsper1lOnS and mechanics. Commission or hourly available. We have two stor.. in Sen Oiego. Paid vacation and bonuses avei..... Caw owner Bob Finished top five in National overaU Junior points. Top TT bike, 2nd Western Regtonets. ,Ascot % mi. main event bike. 31d fast quatifier and main event bike Houston 79. arad Hurst riding fresh and ready to race, Experienced Mechanic $2900. Rob Muzzy 150319~. f501 Ctoein saw & small engine. full·time employment. VIlClIlion. hospitalization, good _ for rigtlt mono UNCOMPAHGRE EOUIPMENT CO.• P.O. Box 1645. Montrose, CO 81401. (J()3) 249-5783 - Mr. Dusio.I491 - v , -... San Joequin Valley, VIUI... Cal. SALES IlOnl _ _ ie"ced _ and ..... & PARTSPERSON Top Suzuki OPPORTUNITY Sales order desk penon. self......... Enthusiastic type. experience tleIpful. Salary + benefita. Conl8CI _ Oel>t.• 1605 S. Mountain. Monrovia. CA. (213) 357·21 86. (2) _ . Male or ........ ColI PASADENA SUZUKI l2131796-4129. I48ITFNI M... have shop experience and own toola. Co"."i_o" plus _ _ minimum. LOIS of 'Mll'k on TriI.aroph only. Cal Dove II BRmSH CYCLES LTO., 1835 W. Canon St., TOtTOnCO. CA 90501.12131 J28. 8815.1501 Business Opportunities TIRED OF WRENCHING? Sandpoint. Idaho Triumph motorcycle mechanic II you have the i _ and talent to modify your own moIorcycle. you moybe int.....ed in 'Mll'king with Craig Ven.. At • secret mountain top studio overlooking the oc:aerl, on en exciting MW project. Job . . . . Jonuery 1, 1!11O. Call Carol II 18051 541-3330. VETTER DESIGN WORKS, '1 AIle Mir. lerle. San Luis Obispo. CA 93401. 149) _no Manufacture Reps Very prolilabIe available many ,,_, of the ooumry. ElIfering high quality aNI cov.... Stock replecemont, 2 _ end apecialties for din .nd motOCfOlO tr_. Inquire MASSCO SEAT WORKS INC. 7231 Gar_ Grove Blvd. Suite A Garden Grove, CA 9284117141893-7070.1501 W_ negotiable _ , Al BaIt.. fork kit and _ kit with Luft ' ....lIOir. 12 inch travel. $900.00. AlIt for Dele (714) ~167. (49) on ability. Y_ round work. Sout-.m Wyorn;Og 30.000 populllion. Excellent biking, hunting, fiIhing and skiing. SAVAlA'S SPORTS CENTER 1175 0 - Dr. Box 1361. Rock Spring•• Wyoming 82901 (J07) 362-5631. CTfNI46l EslabIiahed. thriving buainesa with ..~ Yamaloe franchi.. for motorcycles. snowmobiles. Wetbik... & all parts and 8CCOAOties. $87.500, owner contract. ConsKler the N. ldatlo lifestyle' INVEST WEST REALTY l20lll 684-9221. (49) Dealership for sale in beautiful Western Oregon We .... e _ _ Yamaha. HarIey·Oevidoon, Kawesaki deolerahip. AIoo jet akia & snowmobiles. Will aell Harley-Oavi_i franchi.. separately or $75,000.00 + $110.000.00 inventory total. Call Tues.Sal. I503l 757·9088. Mon. & Sun. evenings 1S031 7467189. AlIt for Jim Rusaeli. (49) Suzuki Dealership For Sale On The Central Coast $20.000.00 + $60.000.00 inventory 1805) 9211-3845. 1491 Accessory Store in Tucson, Arizona _iaI. Need experienced partsman E_1Od four _s. excellent profit Cal WESTlAKE SUZUKI 8l l805l 497-1783 or 12131 889-2447. AlIt for Bob Neuman.14lIITfNJ $1100.00.(2131961).3681.1491 Low miles. original with bash plate. K&N fih.. and _. _ tank. Cherry condition. $1095.00. (714) 831-7268.1491 '79RM250N Ridden twice. bfend MW. plus _as. appreciate. $1300.00 or bOlt off... 121 31 '79 Suzuki RM125N Luft ,........, _ 1501 '79RM250 Sun rim. spokes. new top end. Must ,eU now, 78 Yamaha 400 YZE saIery open, OXI*ience l209I 733-1087. Conl8CI Jim. 1491 Parts Manager '78 Can-Am 250 Qualifer 6 apeed w/heavy fiywheel. Currnutts. K&N. VOO. plus spare cabI... etc Full lighting, super quiet••nd st,eet licensed. $795.00 or B/O. (7141242-3314.1491 78 Yamaha YZ250E '79 Bultaco clearance sale Out the door prices include freight. tax. _ prep. OMV .nd Bultaco warronty. 250 Pufls. Cal Mr. _ 8l TliE OUTRIDER. 10646 PIco Blvd.. Loo ~ CA 90084. 121 3l1J79.336O. 1501 WANTED: RELOCATION III I ~iellClld _ , - . . machinial. maul worker. ooltege cyde riding _ for· out _ .. _ . *"'nicaI or fioId Yamaha RD400 super trick fabric:MDr, trudt _ , _ _. to _ , OIC" pr"'--' __ ,,-.cjde _ work. but am 01*1 to III offwa. leIIie O'Amico, P.O. Box 244. SpoI_porl, N.Y. 1_.1491 Motorcycle Salesman e-lenced. compeny benefita, excellent ....,. Call EerI8l HONOA WEST (n 41 531-0742. 142ITFN) Wanted Kawasaki Mechanic ~ rri( 12131967-4181. ,.. b Wanted _ ~iellClld Jim a Mel1TFN141) and _iellClld _ . RINCON KAWASAKI. 2e3 South 'F St., San Ilemardlno. CA 92401. m41llll4-6481.111 42 Experienced Yamaha Partsmen (213) 83H0!i8.l4OfTRI) ExceIent condition, engine modified MW. ~ & frame completely modified. $2,500 in_ed in parts. Asking $1.300.00. (213) 791).1937.149) ~ _.-p. R&O.....n.-.; ~ 79 KX 125. mint _ _, aeIling to get bigger one, riding equipment _ with $1000.00. (7141249-3728. 1491 ., c:ereer. a: Honda CR250 wanted 78 or '79 Great Xmas presents Mini 80. like MW, $250 - Vesco Skimy F8l. $25. (7141 7611-4029. ISOI Motorcycle Mechanic "The California School of the Professionals" Baket caae - need engine to fil( mine Of I will" your frame. etc. to fix you,.. 17141837-4109.1491 - " ' o r Home atudy II you'.. _ Ibout becoming 0 tolH'OteIl motorcycle mechenic you'll - . t the _ poalblo troInIng - . . You can't offord _ _ and _ can _. Wyou thinl< you """" wIoet it tokes to ***** '79 RM125N *********** 14081424-9811 or _ ) 422-91109. 1491 Super clMn. hardly ri_. _ . (7141 961).3379 or 12131895-4725. 1501 Trackmaster XL360 Honda become.po'. ......... c:oI_ '79 Can-Am 250 MX5 Extras. $1150.00 or best off... (213) 982-6011.1491 Call toll free 1 ~ 4878 CalK. _ (213) 944-0123. AMERICAN MOTORCYCLE SCHOOLS. 10025 S~. A_. Santo Fe Springs. CA 90870. I38TfNl _ work. $75.00, 7970.149) Motorcycle Salvage for sale and .......... '79 Husky 250 OR Cycle _ , repoir. Primo Iocolion, 8 _ Tum kay oporalion. "-ibIe - . 0.,0 only 9-6'l805l643-4238.1491 XL 250 engine, $75.00 ~. Ask for Rick (213) National 11 Salinas Kawasaki Chompion 750 Yamolla. _ and faat. '1 S _ TT. extro glaa and % mile pipes. Faat _ . $1950.00. Bell heed. ~e roller cam. Vanolia 10.f>1 pilllOn - all n_, Carleni fork. Spool _ diIc braI

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