Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1979 12 19

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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_._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._.. O'Mara. Phillips dropped out with apparent bike trouble on the second lap. Dircks seemed to be having some bike problems also, as he started to slow down and O'Mara passed him on lap five. Dave Crawford (Moto-X Fox Suz) had moved into fourth, Tibbs McCullough (Suz) into fifth and Bob Blose into sixth. Mike Brown (Yam) was making a remarkable recovery from a bad start and moved into seventh on the eighth lap. Bob Blose finally got around McCullough just four laps from the checkered flag. All positions then held frrm, with Chappy Blose taking first, O'Mara second, Dircks third, Crawford fourth, and Bob Blose fifth. The second 125cc moto was probably the most exciting of the day, when the gate caught Blose sleeping. O'Mara came out in the lead, but caught a rut on the first turn and fell. and All riders missed him, McCullough took advantage of the situation with Dircks second and Blose squeezing into third. Blose put a first lap pass on Dircks in the S turns, only to be passed back almost immediately. A mistake by McCullough let Dircks, Blose, Crawford, and Brown all by. The battle was definitely for the lead, as Dircks continued to ward off the hard charge by Blose lap after lap. Finally, on the 10th lap, Dircks skidded high on tbe short sweeper at the starting line and Blose slid under him to take over the lead. O'Mara, meanwhile was blitzing his way through the pack and had moved into second on the 11 th lap after Dircks retired with a flat tire. Blose had slowed, not realizing tbat O'Mara was closing in fast. Time, however, ran out for O'Mara as the checkers waved Blose across the finish line first, O'Mara second, Brown third, Crawford fourth, and Bob Blose fifth. Overalls went first to Chappy Blose, second O'Mara, third Crawford, fourth Bob Blose, and fifth to Brown. Chappy Blose, riding with a Bosch plug in his Kawasaki, picked up the lion's share of the purse money plus the $50 a class bonus, given by Canyon Raceway, for winning both motos in each class. Olson masters DeAnza's ups and downs tor Old nmersMXwin By Bob Alloy SUNNYMEAD, CA, NOV. 25 DeAnza MX Park, with its "Banzai" downhill, sweeping turns and interesting uphill, is always a challenge. Thirty-five Old Timers just jumping to get out there on the line saw lots of action and good fun. Our thanks to Ed Michetti, operator of DeAnza MX Park, and another cheer for Ed who is also an "Old Timer." Starting the action was Marvin Olsen in the Masters class. Marvin just flew around, taking both motos. He seemed to' find the smooth lines instead of the chuckholes tbat most of us found. Marshall Jennings placed second in both motos. The Expert class started out with Ray Sanchez taking the lead with the holeshot in moto one. Ray was in there for 10 laps at which time Chuck Woody took over. So it ended with Woody first, Sanchez second, Doug Archibald third and Joe Bray fourth. Moto two began with Woody taking the lead and taking it all the way to the i~ finish. Twisting tbat throttle all the way was Sanchez for second and charging in with third place was Lou Sorenson. Winning fourth place was Norm Elledge. In the Amateur class it was Lowell Smith and his Yamaha taking first place honors. Coming in second and in very good form was George O'Haver. Ed Scheidler was third. Moto two was George Spearing's. George blasted into the lead and just kept on moving to win. Placing second was Ron Clawson from Tulare, and Smith was in with third. Bob Klatt in the Novice class did it to us again, and he just ran away with both motos for another first place trophy. Bob will be joining the Amateurs next year, so watch out. Paul Mayhew on his KTM captured the number two spot in both motos. Mayhew looks well mended and it's good to see him in action once again. Coming through to win third in both motos was Larry Escamilla. E 0') l' 0') ~ 0') I -l V ..c e V u V ~ • Results MASTERS: 1. Ma-vin Olsen IMail; 2. _ a l l JenningsISuz). EX: 1. Chuclt Woody ISuzI; 2. Ray Mantova IYam); 3. Lou Sor..-.; 4. Norm Elledge. AM: 1. Lowell Smith IYam); 2. George ~ing; 3. George 0 ' _ (Maij. NOV: 1. Bob Klatt (HuI); 2. Paul Mayhew IKTM); 3. Urry Escamilla (Henl. Tripes wraps up titleatCMC CarlsbadMX By Mark Kariya CARLSBAD, CA, NOV. 25 Rick Johnson and his Yamaha won the day's battle of the 125cc Pros, but Mike Tripes wrapped up the war, his third place more than enough to clinch the Continental Moto-sports Club's number one 125cc Pro plate in the last Pro points event for 1979. Johnson blew away the opposition in the first moto, winning by over 55 seconds. Eric Baker (Suz) came up with second place after dicing with Bobby Sullivan (R&D), who crashed three laps from the end, putting him out of the chase. Paul Thede (SoP) was a closing third, followed by Ross Maeda (Suz) and Andy Northrup (SoP). Tripes finished sixth after starting out second then being forced to slow and pit to adjust and tighten a floppy set of bars. In the second moto, Johnson snagged the holeshot for the second time. picking up an extra $25 for the feat from Joe Erler's Escondido Subaru. Tripes started out fifth and could easily have been excused for sitting there and cruising since he only needed to finish the moto in order to insure the number one plate. However, the innate competitive urge and simple pride forced his right wrist to assume the full-on, go-fast position. With that, the latest Team Cycle Works member set to work, letting nobody stand between him and Johnson for very long. By lap five, only a healthy chunk of real estate separated Johnson and Tripes. The Suzuki pilot chipped away bit by bit at Johnson's lead, finally closing to within two seconds at the checkered. Northrup held off Thede in the fight for third while Sullivan rode in fifth. In the first Open Pro race, Bill Rick Johnson (12) won the CMC 125cc Pros. but Mike Tripes took the title. Jewell (MM) took the lead from Rory Holladay (RRE) on the first lap and held it to the finish despite a few broken spokes and a deflating front tire. David Gerig (Esc) rode a tremendous comeback race after falling over in the hairpin on the first lap and letting the rest of the pack go by. Gary Trusdill (TCW) picked up third with Chip Howell (Hus) fourth, slowed midway through the race to check bike problems. Dale Andersen (MM) pursued them in fifth. Jewell led for a lap in the second moto. Gerig, who got a mediocre start, flew by him on the uphill on lap two, though, taking advantage of Jewell's slipping clutch. Lee Ramage (Mai) zipped by in the same section on lap eight, relegating Jewell to third. Anderson and Howell finished next. Kawasaki rider Phil Johnson led a tight pack of 250cc Pros for a couple laps until his throttle broke. ScottJohnson(Hon) took his place at that point, tailed by Cole Brothers Suzuki-mounted Tony Gomez. By lap five, Gomez decided to quit waiting and made his move by Johnson on the downhill. Johnson tried to snatch the lead back, but his efforts proved fruitless and he forced himself to accept the runner-up spol. Bryan Maloney (Hon) passed Thede for third several laps from the end with Bun Wald (Hon) fifth. Thede outstarted the others in the second moto and led the first four laps before fading back to an eventual fourth. Maloney started out third and apparently knew the fast way up the \ uphill as he passed first Wald then Thede there and wound up leading the whole thing. He kept it up for the rest of the moto to get his first CMC Pro win. Scott Johnson carne up with a third to earn second overall while Gomez, mired in fifth, picked up third place money. Results OPEN PRO: 1. David Gerig (Esc); 2. Bill Jewell CMM); 3. Oola Andenen (MMI. OPEN INT: 1. rom IllomMy IYam); 2. Randy Norman IYam); 3. Ken Layboume IHusl. OPEN JR: 1. Robert B _ lSuz); 2. Oave Pin. . lYam); 3. Jim Castillo (SuzI. l00JR: 1. TIm HaleCSuzl; 2. Robbie JamM (Yam); 3. Kevin Travis (Yll. MINI JR: 1. "'ani< Bru",,- (SuzI; 2. Bill Anderson IKawl; 3. Chris Whaattey (Suzl. MINI INT: 1. I8ry Bu..... (Suz); 2. Ronnie Sevmour CSuzI; 3. Alon War IEscI. 2!iO PRO: 1. Bryan -.ev IHen); 2. Scott Johnson IHenI; 3. Tony Gomez ICBS). 2!iO INT: 1. ~ Gochmanoslty Ie-A); 2. Mike _ lYam); 3. Nictt Ha-tnolI (Suz). 2!iO JR: 1. Rick Piggott (Yam); 2. Jim McCarley (Yam; 3. Robert Dykmans CVam). 125 PRO: 1. Rick Johnson CVaml; 2. Paul ~ ISoP); 3. Milea TripeslTCWl. 1251NT: 1. Ray Thorton 1Esc); 2. Robbie NolinlYam)' 3. David Moos (Hen). • 125 JR: 1. Riclwd Hollman (SuzI; 2. Don Blain lSuzI; 3. Jack Geiger CHon). • 8rekertakes DeAnzti money By Ron lawson SUNNYMEAD, CA, NOV. 25 An excellent turnout highlighted DeAnza Cycle Park's $1500 motocross. with well over 300 riders making the trip out to the hills of Sunnyrnead. But in spite of the large number of riders trying for the cash, most of the purse went to U.S. Norstar's Goat Breker, who took his two Kawasaki Uni-Traks to the top of the 250cc and Open Pro classes. In the 250cc class, the king of the holeshot artists was Craig Gormley (Yam). He instantly pulled ahead in the f1I'St few laps of moto one while Breker was in ninth place. Gormley continued to pull ahead until lap four when he crashed and gave the lead to Curt McCuistion (Kaw), but by that time, Ron Turner had time to push his Luft Shocks Suzuki into a strong second place where he started to put the pressure on McCuistion. For five laps Turner looked for an opening, then when he began to feel some pressure himself from a rapidly approaching Breker, he made his way into the lead. Breker followed Turner past McCuistion on the next lap and then started giving the new leader a run for his money. The two of them quickly pulled away from everyone else while they dodged in and out of lapped traffic. Turner managed to hold out for the rest of the race. however, and Breker had to be satisfied with a second. McCuistion held onto third over LOP's Gary Denton (Suz), Bob Marino (Yam), Pat Hubbs (Mai), Danny Burtt (Suz) and Don Griewe (Yam). The next round saw Gormley again pull a strong holeshot, this time with Burtt and his Redlands Suzuki right . .. 29

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