Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1979 12 19

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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CLOSEOUT SALE . I· 1979 SUZUKI GS750 GS750E ~ - '. CALL FOR SALE! SUPER SAVINGS 6 MO. WARRANTY Financing Available ifd , ..... '·'OMC·1 S15.71 . . . . JACII1S ... LUD ".51 6:1::' .-5 ,,,- '13.51 &• I IDMlUm IUIS.SOS lUIS EMITS fACfOIIY SUIUII ~:t5 .... $119. .._11IIII_......_ ..... ... sign up 6:30. proc. 7:30. roco 9. EntrY .13 Sptsmn; Semi Pro .3 plus '15 to puno. Ex. IOf lJopfly '13. No Support _ 12512SO/Opon only. Ply. Plymouth. moutIl Rocewey will cae IOf good alt. two _ I "*" FO< inlo: C.E.S. Promotions. PO Box 221. Sutter CA 95685.2091267.0312. c..... MRA MOTOCROSS MedlOodY _ 2 motoo. Free comping. 714I66J. 8068; 653-5840; 653-7979. CMC MOTOCROSS Lodi Cycle Bowl. btwn. locli & Stockton. CA. 99 Fwy. Minis to 750cc Open. Enlry $8. 150'1(, Pro p.b. Vets & Old Tomors _ . Get. _ _ 8:30 Lm. Brool twy. 70. Troclt under "fi>.C~ 'be RivOf Bridge S~ .... Rd. _it. go ...~O -', Shed Rd. 1251~~~fi>. .....; NaYI JrlEx Spt. c.>~- MinilPPl1 001 OT'" _, .Support - . EntrY .13 SplIrm; Semi Pro & Ex. S3 + '15 to purao. Free Comping. lOCO rain a shine. Chorte Sexton: 91_2727; 695-2088. rf9 [).J6 MARATHON locIi Cycle Bowl. Lodi. CA. Minis to 750cc Open . Entry .e. Minis race one hour. Sptamn. roco III hr. Got. opens 7:00 •.m. 209f.l68.7182. [).J6 MOTOCROSS Send Hill Ronch. COt_ Comino 0 _ &. V-.:o Rd.• Brentwood. CA. Gotoo open 6:30 Lm.• sign up 7:15. roce 9 welcomo. 8ntrY All _ '15 Ex.• 80'1(, p.b. SplImn 'II, 30'1(, bt_. Spect. $lOL Free camping. 71418538068; lI6J.6lMO; 863-1979. AME MOTOCROSS Sprocltots Pork. 1I00"."fieId. CA. Poot ~~OllOtm .• '13 Proo. ('~"? Proo. 30'1(, SplIrm . . . - . Got.. open 7 •.m.. proc. 8. roco 9. AME Iic. t8Q. All - . AME. PO Box 1421. _ . 2131B111.snB. CA 91335. AVENAl FLYING HARE CROSS COUNTRY A_. CA, 3 mi. N 01 A _ on Hwy. 33. Umed from 1-5 Uono Avo. turn off). All _ including Proo. Vets & Old T.".s. Tropflios. 100'1(, p.b. IOf Pros.•12 pre enlJV; '15 post; 125 Proo. Roco rein Of shine. Pothfindors MC. 2826 N. Founh. Fresno. CA 93703. 209IB643166. HANGOVER MARATHON Send Hill Rench. Brentwood. CA. COfner Cemino 00010 & Vasco Rd. Gate opens 8 a.m., 1lJ.12:00. All rid. January 4 NATlONAlS WI! Rogora MemorioI Comor. Bldg. 8. lJnivOfoily 0.. & CrMtIine Ad.. - - . . Ft. Worth. TX. Proc. 7 pm. roce 11:30 pm. 92 dbo mufftors t8Q. CIeoooo 0-51 CO thru Q.86cc miao mini thru e-ta. oontingoncios. Trophioll, cooh prizes. _ds to cIeoo chompa at end of aeries. For more info: 817(261· 5Il35. lONE STAR INDOOR TRACK'N SERIES Will Rogers Memorial CentOf. Bldg. 8. Uni-.ity 0.. & Crestline Rd., downtown Ft. Wonh. TX. lJ.51 CO thru Open e _ Proc. 7 p.!".• - . . 8:30 p.m. Trophres, cont1ngenCles. cash prizes, awada to dass champs at end 01 lOtioll. 92 dbe muff... req. For more info: 6171267-5635. January 5-6 CMC GOlDEN STATE SERIESMX Sodd'ebri Pork. Orongo, CA. S4000 Pro _ on Sun. '25.000 _ _ to Proo plus 150.000 in coo,~ocios. Spoomn. ride Sot. '801 ConAm plus .10.000 in SplIrm. _ 10< - . Spoomn 8ntrY $\ 0/$13; Pros '251'35. 19l1O CMC _ _ roq. Info: CMC. PO Box 1402. Coate _ . CA 92826.7141557-3323. [).J6 SEMI PRO MXJAMA REGIONAl CHAMPIONSHIP PROMX Seors Point Int_ionol Hwvs. 37 & 121. Sonomo. CA. Guoronteod purse of $3000. For' more info: 707193S4l4411. -OV. January 6 MRA MOTOCROSS MedIad MX Park, Kirtlend Rd.. Whit.. OR. Sign up 7·9 a.m., prac. 8-9, race 9'.30. Entry $61.10 Pros. 13 specmors. All _ plus Minis. Pro money roco 100'1(, p.b. (no lie. req.l. Turkey elMo. OT ctoso. MIlA. PO Box 1471. MedfOfd. OR 97501. 503J664-5744.ll64-Q41. CMC MOTOCROSS Soddlobock Pork. Orongo. CA Got. open 7;30 •.m. signup 8-9. proc. 8-9. lim roce 9:30 •.m. Junior & h'tlll entrY $8 moil••10 post. Proe '13 moil. '15 poll. Moil entrV to: CMC. PO Box 1402. Coate _ . CA 92lI2I. 71 01/557-3323. DeANZA MOTOCROSS o.wa cycle Pork. Sumr. . - . CA. 10 mi. E01 _ . CA ... KeD to ~ 011 _M-.3O'Ifo_ i, Ied".e ..., . . . . to Spoomn. Il1O'1fo ...... to_&PwoWea EntrY .12 Ex.. $8 $pobmn. ...... - . odd $2. _ not req. Patt _ Sot. & Sun. tor proc. G.- _7:00 LIft•• proc. 8:30. rOCO 9:30. ~ _ 2 mc>lOL Free camping. 71~ 8ll8II; lIli3aIO; 863-7979. V-. CRe MOTOCROSS Indion Du-. CA. ~ 5 to 14-126. All - . 2 long motos & cooh 10< ....... 2 . - & bt... lor Sptorm. Emry 1101113 Proo. Gotoo open 7:00 •. m • proc. 8. roce 9'.30. Memb. req.213/ll3l).7S19. January 1 sign up doses 9, prat. 9:30. race RUSS DARNEll MX SCHOOl Indion Ounes. V.lencio. CA. Limited entry. $50 per student. Gift eenilicotos ovoiloble. CoIl fOf r_iono. 2131767-1854; 8482995. make January 5 December 30 •.m. ... INDOOR STADIUM MOTOCROSSIPIT BIKE lONE STAR INDOOR TRACK'N SERIES Will Rogers Memoriol CentOf. Bldg. 8. Uni_sity Or. & Crestline in .r.-votions 00fIy. •10 deposit will reserve. Gift certificates .voiloble. EnlJV leo _ not inc. dIIiIy got. leo ",,",god by lJocIt. For nfo & reseMItions:; Russ Dem.n. 922S T _ Avo.• Sun Volley. CA91352. 2131767·1854; 848-2995. logolhOf. lCOfed eepar81ely. $25 to overall winner. Entry $7 per bike. $3 to w.leh. l0011251250IOpen cLasses. Race rain or shine, snow or sleet. For info: 4151634·3328; 7IIlI-5695; 524-7013. UEA SilVER OOlLAR FAMilY ENOURO Anderson Dry lok.. lucome Volley. CA. Entry S9 IOf one loop. '12 !Of 2 loops. 3 men odd 'I Q8l' ridOf. UEA. 740 E. GreenviNe Dr., W. COWW. CA 91790. 213191~2B4. TEXAS MOTOCROSS l.k. Conr"" MX PorIt. Conroe. TX. Proc. 8 Lm.. lOCO

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