Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1979 12 12

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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,through it_ and got ready for Sacramento. We ran second in time trials but we changed the gear and won the heat, and then we won the main event ... no, we were leading the main event and an oil line slipped off and a rod broke. That was it. . But we'd proved a point, because everybody figured we were done and I think anybody who witnessed that race knew who should have won it. And if not ... well, we didn't prove our point. • I ~ E 0') - I:' 0') s ~ CN I-< Top Ten in National Championship Point Standings: 1954-1961 Q,) ~ J Q,) u Q,) Cl 1954 1. Joe Leonard 2. Paul Gold8mith 3. Charlie West 4. Dick Klamfoth 5. Bobby Hill Albert Gunter 7. Bill Tuman 8. Ernie Beckman Harry Fearay Charlie Carey 76 39 31 23 21 21 20 18 18 18 1955 1. Brad Andres 2. Everett Bra8henr 3. Joe Leonard 4. John Gibson 5. Jimmy Phillips 6. Don Hutchinson Albert Gunter 8. Paul Goldsmith 9. Bobby Hill Bill Meier 1960 80 54 53 40 25 21 21 16 14 14 1956 1. Joe Leonard 2. Brad Andres 3. Albert Gunter 4. Everett Brashear George Everett 6. Charlie West Ed Kretz, Jr. . 8. Barry Bebb 9. Dick Klamfoth Tom McDermott "It took me four years, and I was up with the front-runners." Daytona Beach victory eluded Leonard untlI1957; then he followed up with another win In '58. 1. Carrol Resweber 2. Joe Leoanrd 3. Bart Markel 4. Troy Lee. 5. DickMann 6. Brad Andres Everett Brashear 8. Albert Gunter 9. Stuart Morley 10: Sammy Tanner 49 45 35 26 25 18 18 15 11 9 1961 32 21 14 12 12 7 7 6 5 5 1. Carroll Resweber 2. Joe Leonard 3. Dick Mann 4. Bart Markel 5. Neil Keen 6. Dick Klamfoth 7. Roger Reiman 8. Don Burnett 9. Albert Gunter Ralph White 62 39 38 34 14 13 12 10 8 8 "I started thinking about this car 8ituation - racing automoblla8." Leonard'8 record in the four:wheeled rank8 i8 phenomenal. with an Ontario 500 win and two USAC Champion8hlp8 among hi8 credits. 1957 1. Joe Leonard 2. Albert Gutner 3. Dick Klamfoth 4. Carroll Resweber 5. Everett Brashear 6. DIck Mann George Everett 8. Roger Howk 9. Gene Thiessen Ed Kretz, Jr. 41 35 20 18 17 14 14 10 7 7 1958 1. Carroll 2. Joe Leonard 3. Dick Klamfoth Everett Brashear 5. Brad Andres 6. Sammy Tanner 7. DIck Dorresteyn 8. DickMann 9. Tommy Morrl8 Gary Emmick 36 35 28 28 19 18 16 14 10 10 1959 1. Carroll Re8weber 2. DickMann 3. Brad Andre8 4. Dick Klamfouth 5. Joe Leonard 6. Sammy Tanner 7. Bart Markel 8. Dick Dorresteyn 9. Duane Buchanan 10. Albert Gunter 52 37 29 28 24 22 12 11 9 8 Joe Leonard's 27 National Championship Victories July 1963 July 1963 Aug. 1963 Aug. 1963 June,1964 July 1964 July 1954 Aug. 1964 Aug. 1964 Aug. 1964 Sapt. 1964 Sapt. 1964 July 1955 Aug. 1966 Aug. 1966 Aug. 1966 Sept. 1966 Mar.1967 June 1967 July 1957 Aug. 1967 Mar. 1958 Aug. 1968 Aug. 1960 June 1961 July 1961 Aug. 1961 5O-Mlle Road Race (\-mlle course) 2O-MIIe Dirt Track (mile track) 5-Mile Dirt Track (half-mlle track) 4tk:u.-in. TT (half-mlle track) 1CJO.MiIe Road Race l1-mlle course) 75-MIIe Road Race 2O-MIle Din Track (mile track) 250MlIe Dirt Track (mile track) 46-cu.-ln. TT (half-mlle track) 8O-cu..Jn. TT (half-mile track) 9-Mlle Dirt Track (halt-mlle track) 8-Mlle Dirt Track (half-mile track) 5O-Mile Roed Race r*,mlle course) 9-Mlle Dirt Track (half-mile track) 46-cu.-ln. TT (half-mile track) 2O-Mile Dirt Track (mile track) 8O-cu.-ln. TT (half-mile track) 2CJO.Mlle Road Race (4.1-mlle course) 1CJO.Mlle Road Race l1-mlle course) 2S-Mila DIrt Track (mile track) &O-Mile Dirt Track (mile track) 2CJO.Mlle Road Race (4.1-mlle course) 5O-Mlia DIrt Track (mile track) 4tk:u.-ln. TT (half·mile track) 1CJO.Mlle Road Race (mile course) 250Mlle Dirt Track (mile track) 8O-cu.-1n. TT (half-mile track) Windber,PA San Mateo. CA Sturgis. SO Peorla.ll Leconla. NH Wilmot, WI San Mateo. CA Springfield, Il PeorIa.ll Peorla.ll Hammond,lN Indlanapolls,lN Windber, Pa Milwaukee. WI Peoria.ll San Mateo. CA Peor!a.ll Daytona Beach, Fl Leconla. NH San Jose. CA Springfleld.ll Daytona Beach, Fl Sprlngfleld.ll Peorla,ll Leconla. NH Sacramento. CA Peorla,ll ... / •• H-D H-D H-D H-D H-D H-D H-D H·D H-D H-D H-D H-D H-D H-D H-D H-D H-D H-D H-D H-D H-D H-D H-D H-D H·D H-D H-D p 15

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