Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1979 11 14

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Yamaha jumped in with 500s, if that's what it takes to get them to jump, then at least a dozen riders would be getting more support than they are now. I heard Honda commit to the fact they had over 100 dealers that they were going to put into din track racing if the 500 rule were created. I am sure that before they would make such a statement they did in fact have the 100 pre-selected. If the rule were.changed from 750 to 500cc, less than 50 Experts that are trying to make a living -racing would be affected. I only base that on the average number of Experts that have entered National dirt track races these past two years. It seems the 500cc side has a good argument on this one. Any rule change that affects no more than 50 individuals can't be all that bad. In other words, what we have to race with now is not bringing out the numbers. They are decreasing, according to statistics. If we are to beli~ve what has been stated by Honda, at least half of the current 750cc riders, if the rule changed to 500cc, would then be able to find factory rides on full or partial levels. That leaves only 25 people unhappy. But everybody cannot come up with a good 500 overnight. Some guys have worked years to come up with a fast 750, and still can't. How about looking at it from the standpoint that both sides give a little, for the real and honest betterment of the sport of racing? Somewhere there is a way to race 500s and still continue, at least for awhile, the 750s. After a lot of thought and discussions with many people, I would like to pro~ two ideas as possible solutions, or at least, assists. The first would be to create a 500cc division within the Expert class. Try it at all of the National dirt track races on the half mile, mile and TT tracks for one season. At these Nationals, any Expert could enter (Time trial) in either class, but nilt both. Take the 24 fastest 500s and 24 fastest 750cc riders. Each class would have three heats, a semi and a final. All of the purse money, except the money for qualifying, would go' to the riders in the final only. We would accomplish a great deal in a short time with this proposaL The that went to field machines in the Expert class at Nationals could do so immediately. It would open doors for Experts that are looking for support and backing that do not have it at present. This would allow riders a new avenue in racing and allow any rider to ride a 750 when he wants, or a 500 when he wants. For best results, there should be a 500cc point system. I feel that it should be identical to the one we have at present for the 750cc riders. ., Sponsors TOYOTA TRUCKS ~ !llfflNJm!{Jl ~ [j) All FOIICE ~ castmI WORlD SPEEDWAY QUAlIFIER FRIDAY NIlE, NOV. 16 ABC Television broadcast the World Rna's from Poland wtth 120,000 fans - We're on .... work TV again. Let's show a selkKIt crowd in support of an AmerIcan World Champion! AVE GREAT SEATS :D WEEKEND AT NOV, 16, 17 & 18 IOV.17 ~ TRUCKS TRIPlECROWN series ifler - FRI. NOV. 16 ll. - SAT. - SUN. IOtorcycles. riders signing exotic custom you! atew Motocross Championships. 13) 830-7519. or endorsed b'{ the AMA END TICKETS NOW_ . EASY AS 1 - 2 - 3! 5:00 p.m. weekdays ~ Office America'. lop speedway racers In the onlyU.s.qualfler for the 19110 World Championship race on the finest 14 mile . 0\101 In speedway history. Tl'le track i. buill and groomed lor Friday nlghf. speedway. Immedlalely aIIer the races Ihe doze,. come In 10 push the molocrosIstarl line, the start bnIak8r and the last tum Into place to reacIy the field tor saturday nlghr. COCA· COlA MotocrOll Anal•. STAR! SPEEDWAY 1. Scott Autry 2. Bruce Penhall - 3. Kelly Moran 4. Bobby Shwartz 5. Alan Christian 6. Gene Woods 7. Ron Preston 8. Dennis Sigalos ..., 9. Shawn Moran 10. Dave Sims FOR MORE SPEED WEEKEND INFO CALL (714) 752-0503 The sticky question, "What about the Grand National title?" comes up, of course, from our diehard traditionalists. Why not continue to reward the so-called Grand National title to the high point 750cc rider for at least a year or two until the 500cc class is established. The high point 500cc rider could simply be the 500cc Champion for the year. There is plenty of publicity there, and I am sure more than one aftermarket company would put up contingency money, just as they do now. Probably more. This might be one answer to the question, '''Where do all the Juniors disappear to after they move up to Expert?" There are many of them right now that know they do not have competitive Expert-class machines. A new 500 could well fill the bill. The second proposal would take longer but would start on the ground floor. Put the Novice and Junior riders on 500s for all types of dirt track. Right off, somebody is going to say that Novice riders used to be allowed to ride 500 and 750cc machines. That was nearly 20 years ago. When Novice riders were indeed riding the big bikes, they had no swingarm frames, no brakes and no handling. Back then, most of the Novice riders came off the street and street bikes to launch their racing careers. Today, how many Novice riders (AMA) do you know that have not raced big bikes before they get an AMA license and are limited to 250s? Any Novice with any ability has a lot of laps on big bikes in some type of racing. BY'putting Novice and Junior riders on 500s, it could 'be set up for a one or two year test period. The safety record, I feel, would be no better and no worse. Too much of it depends on track conditions and reactions by the officials who run the race. To back up this proposal we could then fmnly establish a "Junior Invitational" for each National din track event. Allow only the proven Juniors to ride; take out the politics and friendship :.spect that is fast creeping in and ruining the present "Invitational" haphazard program that we now have. This would place the 500s in front of the fans and display the up an

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