Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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down-hill or I could have been seriously injured. Although $200 cases were ruined, my concern is that someone had so little regard for a rider's safety that they pulled a stunt like this on a course that is notorious for its downhills and might have resulted in serious injury. I will be· back next year but won't be I~aving my bike unattended again. E • ~ E V AN LAWRENa: Stockton, CA \lIS! AME to sponsors - thanksI America's No.1 Weekly Motorcycle Newspaper Sharon Clayton. Publisher Tom eulp. Marketing Director ~roline q,endry, ~. to tbe Publislrer Advertising ,Skip Jobmon, Sales Manager. Tttry Prau, Sales Manager. Linda Brown, Advenising Coordinator. Editorial Charles Morey, Managing Editor, Dale Brown, Edito~. &obi McGann. Editor. Graphics and Production Judy Klinger, Production Manager, Barbara Bisqop. Production A.istaDt , Marion Hatubita. Cindy To~. Typo- graphy. Dennis Greene. Laboratory, Accounting Mike Klinger, Managef. Jeanne Hammond. Accts. Receivable. Donna' Bryan, Au" Acct>, Receivable. Tttry Dailey, Credit Manager. Circulation Rheba Smith. Manager. &oarbaTa Taylor, Tammy Taylor, Shirley Short. Aaisu.ntl. Reader/Dealer Service Gin Harper. WaDI Ad Sales Service and Support Chris Ailcbeson. Receptionist. Sam Dicltinlon. sa:s, West 2201 Cherry Ave.. Long Beach. CA P,O, Box 498. Long Beach. CA 90801 (215) 427·7455; L.A, Line 656·8844. East 4190 First Ave., Tucker. GA. P.O. Box 805, Tucker, GA 50084. (404) 954·7850, Cycle News/West '(USPS 141·540) is published weekly except the first and last week of the calendar year for S15 per year by Cycle News, Inc.. ~201 Cherry Avenue, Long Beach. CA 9080 I, Second c1... post~ge paid at Long Beach, CA, POSTMASTER; Send form 3li19 tD Cyde N_. P.O. Box._ Long Beech. CA lIOIlI1. SubsCription rates: One year. second class mail. $15: twO yean, second class mail, 127; lhrtt years. Sttond class mail. $57,50, Cycle News welcomes unsolicited editorial material including Slories. canOON, photos. etc. Such material. if _ published. becomes the exclusive property of Cycle News. Such accepted ma.lC'rial is subject to reviJion as is necnsary in the'sole discretion of Cycle News. Unsolicited material which is not used will be returned if accompanied by a self·addressed stamped envelope, All unsolit~ated material will Ix handled with ~asonablif' care. however, Cyde News Ulumes no responsibility fOT the safery. loss or damage to such material. Reprinting in whole or pan only by permission of hIe publishers. Advertising rates and circulation inform,ation will bc sent upon request, See S:R,D,S, Copyright· Cycle Ne_. Inc. 1979. Trede....... Cycle N _ U.S, reglatentd Petent Office. All right. ......",..j. Intemetional RR request Can anyon~ ther~ .t~ll m~ wh~re I can find out more about int~rnatiof\al road racing? It's difficult to wait till th~ events ar~ ov~r to piec~ togeth~r bi~ and pieces about this class or that senes. I'd lik~ history, cat~gories, a scattering of rules and requir~m~nts. aU th~ things that ~nhanc~ an understanding of how and why th~ rac~rs and machines ar~ constructed a c~naih way. qualify or disqualify for this or that. I und~rstana th~r~ is' a book (for somewh~r~ around $25) from a publish~r in Wisconsin call~d, I think, Motocourse. that d~als with th~ subject. What do you know? Would writing to th~ FIM b~ worth anything? But, then. do they sanction or have anything to do with,. say, Isle , of Man, or th~ enduranc~ races like Bol D'or. or Imola? Any ideas you hav~ will be appreciated. STEPHEN MARK BARTELL Los Angeles, CA We'll try. The book you mentioned, Motocourse, is published in Englo.nd, but availo.ble in the U,S, at some -bookstores or by writing Classic Motorbooks, P. O. BoJC I, Osceolo., WI H020. Enclose 122.9' plus 11.7' shipping and handling and be sure to request item number 10226A, Motocourse 1978-79. Etlruer editions of Motocourse might also be availo.ble. The .FIM sanctions almost all professional motorcycle races involving an international rider field, We don't know how much help wnting them would be, but here's their address: Federation /nternationale Motocycliste, 19, chemin William1292 Chambesy-Geneve, Barbey, SWltzerlo.nd, ,Editor. ZAP praise 4 ON THE FRONT PAGE: King Kenny Roberts leads Rich Schlachter at Laguna seca; Rex Staten found a Penthouse Pet at Rio Bravo; Jay Springsteen waves the checkered flag at Peoria. Photos by Charles Moray. Jim Gianatsis and Gary Van Voorhis. This past July 4th, I went 'with my 'SOn Sam to a "white knuckle" motocross' at Fremont. Sam rides in the 125cc Intermediate class in CMC. and thi~ was his second race in that class, He did everything wrong in the first two motos and fmally got an eighth in the third. Usually he would have been very difficult to live with after the race but this was different, He enjoyed th~ race! The track was super, the races were. on tim~, the officials were good, etc. This brings m~ to the point of this letter - Larry and the whole ZAP crew. We went to his first series at Carnegie, and though Sam took the 80cc Gold Cup. it was lousyl But we have gone to most ZAP promotions since then and they do a bang-up job of putting on a race. Larry always seems to have the kids uppermost in his mind in th~ way he builds a track. issues troplJies, gives rain checks to riders who break in practice, etc. Here in central California we need more promoters lik~ him. Larry and the ZAP crew: keep up the good workl JIM KNOWLTON Watsonville. CA Dear Maico ... I would like to thank you for tbe parts you supplied to my dealer.. Wheelsmith Maico after my '79 250cc Magnum broke at th~ crank, the righ&side. case. and a number of other pam. You people at Maico really stand behind your bikes. I'm very grateful for the excellent service. TIBOR PAPP Orange, CA Mammo~ ubotage On JUD~ 22, I look pan in the 12th annual Mammoth Mountain Motocross. I was riding in the Amateur class and had quite an experience - my engine froze up as the result of a nut and bolt someone put in my carburetor. Th~ da.y before the race, th~ bike checked out perfectly in five laps of _ practice. The engine was go~ over again that night even though It had been completely rebuilt. Unfonunately', it never occured to met that there would be,a need to keep an eye on the bike 50 it was left unattended while I watched the races prior to mine. During this tim~. someone removed the seat. slipped the air cover back and put a 12mm cap screw and a lOmm bolt in the carberator throat. After three laps. the engine, froze up. The cases were completely destroyed. Luckily, this didn't happen on the W~ at American Motocrtllll prises, Inc., would like to express our deepest appreciation to the sponsors of our recently-concluded AME Summer Series, on behalf of all of our-Uaer participants and spectators. The success of all the Friday night events on the International Track at Indian Dunes could not have been achieved without the impressive suppert of the many sPonsors and others associated -with th~ motorcycl~ industry. The fantastic racing program was due mainly to the major sponsors, who donated prizes, monies, conting~ncia, gift certificates and promotional items, and ~veryone involved benefitted. The sponsors were: JD Engineering, Works Performance Sbocb, Electro H~lmets. NO Spark Plugs. WFO Distributors in Huntington B~acl!, Russ Darnell Motocroas Schools (instructed by Joe Su~bert), Mikuni American (carburetors), Griffin-Visa Therm in Connecticut, MTD Products in Tennessee, Bel-Ray Oil. Crotch Rocket Factory. Westlake Suzuki, GVI. Torsten Hallman Racing, WO· 40 Oil Corp., Gold B~lt. SunLine, Inc., White Bros.. Sperex Corp. (VHT), BG Produeu of Los Angeles, Big 4, PJl Lubricanu, Torco Oil. Zero Nine Numbers, Shoei Helmets. NGK Spark Plugs. Oakley Corp., Bikoni. (Koni shocks), Oakland Vibra-Tite. Ancra and Canoga Park Suzuki. We at AME hope all of our riders and spectators will patronize and buy the products from the sponsors who supported them. We can be assured that the contributing sponsors will be back again with another AME series in future months, and that we can possibly draw even more suppon from otbers in or out of the motorcycle industry. Also special thanks for the hard work by Park Manager. Walt James, Assistant Park Manager Gary Lamb and the crew. The track was prepared superbly and was 'always in good racing condition, which we all know took a lot of time. Once again. and we can't say it too many times. thanks to all of you. JERRY SHORE President. AME HARRY RICHARD Summer Series Coordinator Reseda, CA Next Week Pocono pavement party NY Nat'l MX