Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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• 'it ~ Chemplon v AJI_SheII_. _ .. 7&0 _. _-.. 5 ................ _ _. _ ... III_price. _ _ . l203l434-2857. 1311 1978KTM125 1800.00. l71415J6.liOOO or 12131 JIi8G!i02. 1311 ~ It') r-4 Smuggler ~ W 1974. 20 It. l7141_. 131 ) ~~=~= < CZ -. -_~"';ioo'" ond - . JB CVCl.ERY. 2332 _ A.... s.n.-. CA 95128. 1401I28&-211I1. ITFNl 1978 KTM 400 - . . . _ . Ohlin - . ~..- bit kit. A _ wnw. 01.000. 1901 14li8-79fI. 1311 I. Triumph only 1800 _ o.vtono 110O. ~ ~ .-. SlDOed porfecl. CIII 141313ll9-4497.l33l Bell helmets u-n II_I. M7.95. RT_~.I4lI.96. S1a' II ".95. S. 1M er--. ~. For .... 1975 V Attn: Triumph Collectors Wortcr. _ indoora 9 _ Honda Elsinore _ - . _ 125 1978. _ condition, 1560.00.14151820-1413.1311 oIler_ RD36O. 7000 - . _ condIlien. '900.00 firm. CIlI-'ta' 5 p.m. 121313120- 0646.1311 3 rat1 motorcycle trailer Lighta. I." .... 1120.00. _ 0300.00.12131378-1968.1311 MR60. mini cycle. _Ill: yellow). ".95. W. PlY freight. ... Ihip COD. Send liD. color. ond money WElNSSEN'S MOBILE CENTER. INC., 51 N. Courdend S~, E. S~ PA 18302.l717142HI181.l33l Speedway CIty 2 MeoIya . . . - - . .1,800.00 - 'l.925.llO. 1 . - fnIoh engine, _ _ ..... 18OO.llO. 1·77 JAP, 1 .- • '1"1 MiIoe I4CI6I 78-2204. . . HuIII*II311 .715.00. Triumph road racer 3 c:yInder ~_ _~ oriainII c_ in _ _ roed _ . 1 I21313l:J.3753.I31) 79HUSO\1ARNA OR. - . _ _•_ - . Injury " " ' - _12131llll6-44ll5. 1311 Honda MT12&RII roadrIIcer AFMICMC _ , • _ , DJ.D...... FNnch DunIapa. hydr8UIic lIoN _ M & jeaing & numerouI . . . . 1m" .a. nut MI. ~ Motorcycle Trailers 2 to 5 nil '1300.00 or _ _.14151--.131) DeeIer incIl*- - . 12131 e:JG.3799 or 12131 861·7721. CUllOm built 1iI0lOicyde . . - . . nlTfNl NEW! TRICK! o:K\.:-V ~~~~ ~ ~·Knobby'. MIchelin ---.oidIrace & Street T1r_ ....,Ior_ Dealers Wanted Wtl sell wholesale only u.s. CVCLE PRODUCTS U7..." ........ 55Lincoln. St. Louis, Mo. 63119 Nat, Watts lJOO.325s3783 Mo. Watts 800-392·:xJB7 Turboch8rged '78 R1001RS BMW -. _ TurbcH'IIl ProcIuct deo *""i.~ Gold. H-O c:lulch, H-O ..... opringo. 400..- on ... moIDr. _ condition. MSOO.OO or beot oller. tall Lou (714) 838811I8.1311 - "pm STICKERS .~'1> 1990 MORLEY ST. ~o9~i\C~~9\e SIMI VALLEY, ~~~~~ ((io,fJ"- CA9~5 Send $1,50 for all new 79 catalog and stickers Dealer Inquiries Invited COD. WILLIAMSON SPORT MOTORS. lID 11. MIl Hal. PA 17751.l711172&3:M3 or l711172&41l21.l32l While they last II 1978 VarnIIha'. TT5llO D'. III 01395.00. VZ2!iOE'. III '1395.00. VZ4OOF. ohop demo III 015010.00. CUllOm MX ond _ paning.1Wling 11I180.00...... RD 400 paning ond cronk ,ebuilding. FUlLERTON VAMAHA 12131 J4II.8381 . l36ITFNI TZ·2!iOD. WINNER AMA NATlONALS. Chartotbi. Sachs - DKW parts LMge -.;on 'lIB. 74 - . 80, 100. & 125cc. 5 & • apeed. II... perU book .nd manual. ,_it HERCUlES DISTRIBUTING LTO.. 9Il:l5 _ e - . CA 91311. (7131882-8272. I29ITFNI A.... _.-'llIIIOWERA--'_,-' IoaiI _ . Trap epeed 143 mpIl. Many _ _ l7141 722-45418 -.Ingo, C*>rge 17141 722-4541a 1311 S Jawe-CZInd~ _ _ - . , La Mo,,"cydea. 1340 N. _ 91744. tslTFNl Puente. CA • ,Ducati Desmo 900 _ - . _ SS cleasic 78 wlmeg - . -ss 41914n·7739 VDo 139.95 plua FET Ind Ihipping. Shipped anywtw. _ . Husky & Maico, 029.95. Mc8RANN CYCLE SHED. Kor.- City. M_i.1818143&6148. l3lll Racing Proclucts For Motocross 3432 Sylvania Ava. ToIacIo. OH 43123 R&R STICKER WORLD &&Ox17 Husky tI.... HuIIcy logo on _ . 0rigineI equi....- _ wilIl Hooker headers close-out Din bike pipes for -tv v......... Suzulti. ~i. 1714187G1172O.l32l You'll always see it first in Cycle News --.v p;p...... kit COIba & mullIera + 3000 mi. M5OO.00 CIIIh 1311 calib~a~ion Of beot oft 'VPO til. . L_ than 191619116-3324. Unfinished project SpeCialists • Sales. KwteI8ki 900. . . ec Avions. Loctdwt. KarIcIr. . . brand new, lesters. ~ LTO _ . CUItOm paint. 1040cc CR150 coma. _ apringa, _ _ engine ........ 29 . . - boris, ARC magnelO. 13.110O.00 + much more. 14151 796-3131. PAUL'S SPEEDOMETER SERVICE 529 N. PCH. RacIondo 8och. CA 9lI2n 12131374-3017 l29fTFNI w_ . Speedway Service. Motcwcycle SeIes Pens • Acceseories * St.oJt 2a1 E. Colorado EIIvd.. Paudana. CA 91101 j.fAiJ,m... * 14151_Bil _.1331 77 -.. ...... _ - .Honda 7&OK_ n, love your body I Box 177. Dept. eN Jennings, OK 740118 9181757·2729 7ttICl 'n 7zalld, ?PeR '--_ _ 213-795-2711 ___ - I · T_ ............ Aaedy to win. Lo~ of _ . ~ I Freah engine. _ ..... 01595.00 """'. *_ - - - - - - - - - - , * 31979 RN's, race ready .. 46 lOlIl-TECR l~J~iii;~ .....V...,....... 1170 W.HoIt, Olliborlo. CA 71~~1'" 71~1204 4400 _ _ Call anytime 1213192~1 Of 121318116-2415 .... tor Kirby. I33l Call Jerry Dunivin at work 800cc 650cc.-- _ . 01100.00.12131893-2786. l32l TR-45 S Triumph. Lucaa Mag. Din ~ lor .!he dirt. angine. ~ TR-45 engine. New _ peril. 78 HUSOVARNA 390 CR••Int. cond.• _ _ in light ......-. 12131-.3611. l32l One brond _ . 125 RN. 1979~. rlCld 2 limes. 01100.00 Of _ . One prllCliat 125. good cond.. t750.OOIof1... One RN 400. good rICing cond.• 01250. 17141 ~3492 ewninga. MUST SEU, HAVE CIlJIT RACING. 1311 "·REWARD··· 0200.00 _ lor _ _ ngto 'ec:ovary of . . - , 1979 KLX ~, Frame 1401625. Engine ,. 001639. De¥a 17141547-5713. -.Ingo (714) 751-8667. 131)