Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1979 08 15

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Business Opportunities KTM420 Not raced - demo bike. (714) 5J5.5OOO or 12131 J58. 0502. (311 Dealership for sale Yamaha. ~i. Norton. Bultaco. AJS. & OKW. For .... for peril & acceeaorieo in¥erttory of '105.000.00. $80.000 down plue good aec:urity on baIonce. Contael B~I at ENCINO CyCLE 12131 345-0475 or 12131 9872566.1321 • Yamaha dealership for sale '0 Groeood from $250.000 '300.000 per _ . $75.000 full price. Send all inquiriel.o CYCLE NEWS. OepL VI. P.O. Box 498, Long 1Ieach. CA 90801.131) 1973 Triumph Hurricane 12.000 original mileo, $2.800. Call _ 629-2699. 1311 5:30 p.m. 19161 '79 VZ125F Yamaha ExceIenl condition. 3 month MW. Fortca and _ Nt up. muot ..... fB25.00 or offer. Aller 5:00 17141 B282463.131) 70 CZ ** '73 CZ ** 74 CZ All 250', - '150. '250.•350 - or all lor '700. 17141 633-5801.1311 Yamaha XS750E Spare tank. dre. shop manual included. Excellent condition. '2000.00.(714) -'-7.131) Sidecar racer Complete. Hondo motor. good cond.. reody to race. $1895 O.N.O. Ale. McL_. (415) 924.()327.131) Help Wanted Motorcycle Service Manager Mult _ at _ 3 _ . e.perience wiIh Hondo. Will conoider ,....ed _ . Good PlY plan "" right _ . SHERMAN OAKS HONDA 12131 788-2251 ask "" Gene. 1311 Colorado job opportunity EJcperienced -. UNCOMPAHGRE rnotoreyde & - EQUIPMENT _ engine ~ . ohop CO.• P.O. Box 1845. _ . CO 81.cll. I303l 245783 - Mr. Duoio.(32) . • • Wanted • • Hondo ..-.anic thet'. tired of _ing "" ~ end wents to meke serious money. Contact W...en at BURBANK HONDA (213) 845-2117 or 12131 ~. 125/TFN) Sales rep wanted MolcoIm SmiIIl ~ Ioolting "" a ao-cut. _ . and t.d workingisrnotoreyde _ _ to producto. In the gr_ Soft loIce .... Send ,."". to Jim lewiI. c/o MAlCOlM ,opt"" _ ' . SMITH PRODUCTS. BBB 92507.131) _gil. RMnide. CA • $$Honda Service Manager$$$ One of Southern California'. Ieoding motorcycle _ is ~ a highly qualified _ manager. '""'- goal is perfection. Kaw _ience helpful. Excellent benefItS. top PlY commenour.... with ability. Seo Allen at ONTARIO HONDA. 931 W. Ho~ Blvd.. OnlMio. CA. (714) 9B3-0695. 1241TFN) Honda mechanic HoutIy + comlTOalion. 1IIlCOlion, medical & profit Only Il8Ildy & dependable with roferenc:eo. who is Iookihg "" a long lMm poeition. Clil or _ "JACK" SIr. Mgr. at 12131 749-6235. 2531 S. SL. Loa AngeIeo. CA 90007. I231TFN) Immediate opening - Cycle News Sales e-idio", -..,;p in SonIa CIorillI VIIIIwtv. GS & RM _iellC8 -..ct. Wol train right _ . CROSS ROADS CYCLE CENTER 1806) S6363. 131) We neod • "'" lIlarter "" a telephone _ rep. poeition to aoIicit _ to .eU Cycle _ vie the .eIephone. ExceIen. benefito. IIIlwy comrnensurate with ability. For further information contact Torn Culp II CYCLE NEWSIWEST. 2201 Cherry Ave.. Long _ . CA. 12131427-7433. 131ITFN) Wanted experienced Honda mechanic Pro flattrackers _0. FOR SALE: Maico Aoating Brake & Tooling Dirt bike dioll'ibutorol This is a hot MW product to odd to YOU' ~ne. Fits." MaicoI thru 1979.lncIudeo detailed drawing. maoter _ . and 22 jUll completed pr.. production prototypel. For more detailo & price call Merk II 14081 245-1921 or write 516 E. Maude Ave.. Sunnyvale. CA 94OlIi. 1311 Distributorship for sale Motorcycle dioll'ibutor. LA. _ . _ . acceuorie!. office & _ _ equipment. Excel..." _ .erms. A owner retiring. Direct inquiries to T.P.L ENTERPRISES. 9B25 M-., Ave.. C _ . CA 91311.12131 ~2941.(32) It.... KTM dealership in Anaheim Southern Calilomia', "goat volume KTM. Penton. DKW. SIcho _ . Roncon & - . peril. Owner reloaoting out of . . . - must 0011 immodillely. (714) Top _ 12131391-6217.132) Parts Manager HARLEY·DAVIDSON. Conoga ~k. MUll _ exporienca and rehlfenc:eo. Call l.onma at 12131 99&-3355. I30ITFNl Available for non-moving desk position while from mo.orcycle acciden.. All off... considered. Loyal Trueod-'e 12131 464-5720 or 8225 Winon. Or.• Hollywood. CA 90068.131) Honda Service Manager Experience. oaIery + benefito. Col e.r or Bill at (714) 531-G742 or 12131924«lO6. 131/TfN) TT 500.Yamaha Factory . - _ . Biletaino Thumper Spore _ corb. _ . Or wiI ll'ain right _ . Call Jim or W.".. at 12131 773-2164. l32l Experienced Yamaha partsman Good -'unitv for quelifiod _ . excellent working conditiono: medical and dental plan. Contael LEN at T & 0 YAMAHA 121315J4.2311.I2B1TFNI Mechanic Har-Dav Agency Conoga ~ .... _ _ iellC8 and tooIo. Call s.ncty 12131 9!I9-335!i. I25ITFNl ~ Honda-.oo and _ing _ PlY and benefits. "you feel you qualify. cal Joe at HOLLYWOOO HONOA 12131 466- 7191.131) Service Manager e-v _ 2 iel ... minimum. beneIiIo, oaIery commenaurat.. with experience. BUENA PARk YAMAHA 17141523l167O. l30ITFNl Experienced MC mechanic & experienced partsman _ oppIy ..&URBANI( YAMAHA or cal 12131845- E.-. FuI~time _ writer. ~ierad _ . benefits. Ask "" eov-. TRI-CITY CYCLE. 9041 KlneUe. Anaheim. CA 92804. (714) 821-4710. 1321 WANTED MECHANIC 'ha. d. .i," lOll 01 2 IOIid __ of oonmiooion _ieo 1C8. c., 10m up to '2.000.00 and more wiIh • high volume and growing Orange CounIy Yamaha _ . Call (714) 870-9720 and .... "" Bill32l money and work. _ 42 POSITIONS AVAILABLE: SaIeoman. counter llleo. 1977 Wells Cargo Box Trailer l105B.l22ITfN) New tir... bench. mint condo '1,200.00 or belt off•. (714) 781-6595. .cl55 Pontiac S... R i _ . Cal". 92509.1311 ···SERVICE MANAGER··· Solid _ _ _ P o cennlIy Iocatod hal opening lor _ _ve. _ienced_ Now aa:epling applicatior. for _ienced peril ~ . Col lAKEWOOD HONDA-HUSOVARNA. Bill MaIlman 12131 lIllO-l354. 11 0ITfN) Guaranteed + Commission _ opening "" _ielad Honda _ _ _ SaIery + 10" guaranteed. Ask "" Fred at 12131 278-5211. l2BITFN) 00".".. 1971 Penton Start WI exciting CBr_ • a: Motorcycle Mechanic "The California School of the Professionals" R-.ce or Home study ~ you're ...,.,. ".,.. cycle _ becoming • 'QIHlOlch you'lI - . t the belt poeeible tnIining _ . You con', alford _ belt and neither con _. " you think you _ what it 10k.. to • become. about oro-.. l00cc. - . running condition. $250.00.(714) 5355000 or 12131 ~2.1311 Shell 250 MXB by KR Racing AI MW' peril. _ . hood and _II. _ by Madt no: ~: ~:er.:..~~~.=.~iet goering. fu" lot of sprock.... 38 Lectron Williamo pipe. ride side shill. Pro bui~. reody to race. All MW. '3100.00 inveelod. will .... "" '2300.00. MUll 0011 Ilk for Jr. _ 6 p.m. 12131 333«i13. 130) • Bi". Call toll free 1-800-423-4&78 CalW. _ c a I _ C2131944-0123. AMERICAN MOTORCYCLE SCHOOlS. 10025 S'-nok. A.... Sonta Fe Springs. CA 90870. I36TFNI ORANGE COUNTY HONDA. 1830 W. Chapman. Orange. CA _ (714) S3J.7344 .... lot Elmer I32l Motorcycle Parts Manager Must have experience with Honda parts and procodureo. Mature indMduel required. SHERMAN OAKS HONDA 12131788-2251 Ilk "" Gene. 1311 Call "MEN" for jobs galore hrta, service, ..... ~ . repa. executives Men or w

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