Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1979 07 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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made such a statement. Rather, he put his signature to a quote from Mike Goodwin. Allowing an advenising agency, ignorant of the true aspects of motocross, to proclaim Bob Hannah as "the world·s best motocross racer" (p, 5) as well as labeling professionals like Jim Weinen, Many Tripes and Tony DiStefano as "other" superstan is absurd. Bob Hannah may well be the mOS1 consistently fast rider in America. bur his performances in world competitior is somewhat less than staggering, 111 his three GP attempts, he has mustered only one moto win out of six. Twice as an American representative in the Tropbee and Motocross Des Nations, bis team has .been unable to - equal the U.S. best score, second overall in 1974. Supercross is a good show for tbe fans. The big money and publicity are good assets for the riders, And enough cannot be said about Mike Goodwin's contribution to the Phantom Duck. But let's keep Supercross in the proper perspective, especially in the advertisements, which might just decide the future of aU motocross, America's No.1 Weekly Motorcycle Newspaper Sharon Clayton, Publisher Tom Cu.lp. Marketing Director Caroline Gendry. Sec. to the Publisher Margie Southern, Sec. to tbe Mlle.g. Oir. Advertising Jim Ryan, Sales Manager. Skip Johnson, Sales Manager. Linda Brown. Advertising Coordinator. Editorial Charles Morey. Managing Editor. Dale 8rown, Editor. Bobi McGann, Editor. Graphics and Production Judy Klinger, Production Manager. Marion Hatashita. Cindy Torres. Typography. Dennis Greene, Laboratory. KENTM. TAYLOR Fremont, NE Accounting Mike Klinger. Manager. Jeanne Hammond. ACC1S. Receivable. Donna O'ryan, Aut. Acct5. Recdvable. Terry Dailey. Credit Manager. Circulation Rheha Smith, Manager. Barbara Taylor, Tammy Taylor, Shirley Short, Assistants. Te,rry Pratt: Dealer Sales Manager. Reader/Dealer Service Gin Harper. Want Ad Sales Service and Support Chris Aitcheson, Receptionist. Sam Dickinson. S&S. West 220. Cherry Ave., Long Beach. CA P.O. Box 498. Long Beach, CII 90801 (213) 427-7433; L,A. Line 636-8844. E.t 4190 Fint Ave.. Tucker. GA. P.O. Box 80&, Tucker, GA 30084. (404) 934-78&0. Cycle News/Well (USPS .41-340) is published weekly eKcep' 'he Ii.... and last week of ,he calendar year for $1& per year by Cycle News, Inc.. 2201 Cherry Avenue, Long Beach. CA 90801. Second clUI pootage paid at Long Beach. CA. POSTMASTER; Send form ~ Be8ch. CA lIOIlI'l. Subtcription rale5: One year, second clUi mail, SIS; two yean, 1eCOnd. clul mail, $27; ,h= ,.,al'S. second c1ass mail. $37.&0. Cycle News welcomes unsolicited editorial material inclading storic:;, cartoons, ph()(OI. etc. Such material, if publilhed, becomel the C'xclusive property of Cycle News. Such accepted materi.1 i.J subj«t to revision as is neceuary in t~ sole dilcretion of Cycle Ncws. Unsolicited material which is nOl used will be returned if accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope. All uNOlitieated material will be handled' wirh reasonable care, bownef'. Cycle News uaumes no responsibility for the wety. lou or damage to such material. Reprinting in whole or part only by penniJSion of hIe publishers. Advenising rates and circulation information will be sent upon request. See S..R.D.S. Copyright" Cycle New•• Inc. 1m, Tredemerk Cycle Newa reglete..d Petent Office All right. r.."",ed. ON THE FRONT PAGE: Mark Barnett 1301 held off a deter- mined Mike Bell for the Superbowl of Motocross win; and Kenny Roberts showed the sears Point competition why they call him the King. Photos by Charles Morey and 4 O.Brown. JAMES BRAMMER San Diego, CA to Cyc\e N - . P.O, Box . . Long U.S. Immortal Marty Marty Tripes is overdue for San Diego·s Hall of Champions, Brad Andres, Don Vesco and Marty Smith are immortalized there with other San Diego champions who bave excelled in other sports. The Harley-Davidson that Brad Andres rode to fame at Daytona is still an eye-catcber in the museum. as it has been for about 20 years. I expect wbat would be required to nominate Marty Tripes for the Hall of Champions would be for one of his sponsors or parents to list Marty's national and international achievements and submit it to the Board of Directors of tbe hall to call their attention to him, If selected, a head shot and two or three action photographs would be needed for display in the museum in Balboa Park. the satisfaction of knowing they are helping to improve and further enduros. No enduro rider wants to go out and ride miles of fire road. so we fashioned the Training Wheels aleng the same line as a regular enduro. It's designed to give the beginning rider much needed experience, and to demonstrate what an enduro is all about. I hope you do not give up on northern California enduros. You have some very good suggestions in your letter for improving them. District ~6 meets the third Wednesday of every month at Holiday Inn, in Fairfield at 8:00 p.m. Rule changes are made at these meetings, _ If I may, I suggest you join an enduro club, Our members are continousiy trying to improve the spon, and our club as well as all others, can use all the help they can get. Remember, on an enduro the rider must endure, Dear Mr. Hernandez Thank you for your letter about out Training Wheels Enduro. We are always glad to recieve comments, good or bad. because they help us evaluate our runs. Our enduro was approximately 57 miles long and tbe schedule called for four hours and ~5 minutes. the overall average speed was about 12.5 mpb. We realize there were some rough sections and therefore reduced the speed averages to try and keep the rider on time, We tried to anticipate the trouble spots for tbe beginning riders, and stationed help in these areas. Several club member's children, ages seven to fifteen years old, varying in experience pre· rode the course to help us with our evaluation. I might add here. that a girl did take the 1st Overall Trophy for the Training Wheels, Our biggest problem is land use. Because of tbat problem, we are confined to a small area, To tie the whole course together we had to go through some rough sections. We have spent countless man hours developing new trails for our enduros, but it takes much work and time, Our club members work to develop new trails on a strictly voluntary basis without any compensation whatsoever other than BILL McGIBBON President, CERA Alamo,CA Not THAT superl Within the last month of reading your publication, I have noticed the boisterously loud advenisements promoting the fonhcoming CocaCola Bottlers' Superbowl of MotOCTOllS VIII. While aU of these ad& need to ·be taken with a grain of salt, ("The world's toughest motOCl'OlS obstacle") thOle on page 5 and ~7 in the July II issue would require bathing in the Dead Sea. The content of these ads has crossed the line between radicalism and blasphemy! Hell's Half Acrel? The. track diagrams definitely show a cflallenging course, but whether or not it is "tougher to ride and more punishing than any outdoor motocross can ever be" (p. ~7) is debatable. Bob Hannab's' GP experience has been )imited to two different tracks. yet on tbe page five ad he states tllat "the ColiJeum track is tougher than any Grand Prix course." Bob baa never been to Sittendorf in Austria. Ask Brad Lackey about it. In fact, I wonder if Hannah ever THE NATIONAL PAPERS' H the last two National IT races are any indication of what is going to happen at the Ascot National on July 21, then hang on. At Santa Fe it was Steve Eklund coming from last to win after being left on the line out of gear. At Caatle Rock it wu Brad Hurst from Ian to first after falling off in the early going. What is happening in the IT's? They have long been DOted for good racing but not for paaaing to any deKree liIte one sees on the mile and haffmile, How does any rider, liIte the TT· proven Eklund, or the up-and-coming Hurst, manage to overtake and pua at least a dozen riders that are all experienced TT competitors? It'. happening more this aeaaon than ever befOre. . Castle Rock had aU the UIUa1 and the unusual this time. It rained lightlf on the event for the first time in 15 years. The lights went out - for the first time ever and fmaUy, the copy machine tllat prints the results after each race burned out! Talked with Mickey Fay before the race and before he timed his Triumph into tbe field, Said he was going to ride his Honda 500cc single for sure at the Ascot IT but he had won three main' events, at Castle Rock earlier this year on his Triumph and was going to stick with that combination, which got him from a second row stan into third in the final. Asked Eklund before the race why he opted for his Yamaha 750cc twill over his Chicago·winning 500cc single. Steve, as always, came to the point quickly, "I rode my 500 here two years ago and failed to make the final. " Eklund will be on his 750cc twin for Ascot and Jay Springsteen and crew will have to totally rebuild his Harley for Ascot. Never baa a racing bike (Continued to page 21)

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