Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1979 07 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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_._._._._._._._._--._._._.~_._._._._._._._._._.~_._._.-.- Western hotline Ex~ns produc~ a compl~t~ sw~p with V~as' Emerson taking th~ win over St~l~ and Troy Fitch grabbing third. Th~ Modifi~ 125cc Interm~i ates produc~ a )-2 finish by th~ hom~-trackers as "Howlin'" Mark Howell took first ov~r a fast improving Mike Mo~gur. The 125cc Novic~ cla~ produc~ the only undefeat~ effort of the w~k=d as Barona Oaks regular Charlell' Harrie and his trusty Kawasaki completely dromat~ large fields in both the Stock and Modifi~ c1a~ with a four for four blast. - Results These new "Red Dot's" are available in 3:00.21,3:85.18, and 4:50. 18 sizes at your Hi-Point dealer. See why the champions are switching to "RED DOT". Johnny O'Mara was the CRC 125cc Pro vietor. Klotz preparations are in our estimation, the single most important power increase available on any machine".•. DIB~ BIJ[E Magazine, February. 1979. "~hese fl{fj(j}!i&JI1JIIBII811/ KIoIz Spec:IIII Fonnu" Pnxluc:tII, Inc. P.O. eo. 1343 eN 79 Ft. ~, IN 4EiB01 • 219-74~ I A~,rtIsinp that works KX 80 MINI TRICKS Rocket Power Up Pipe Inc:n_ Top End 2lI Prejette4 Mikuni Boysen DllIII Stage Reed $74.00 59.00 20.00 12.96 2 Stage Foam Filter Kit Write for free KX 1lII125121iO 8nIc:hure lID: 28 CROTCH ROCKET FACTORY P.O.8oIl2lll4 1IIS-....'788 ~ c.IIf.13lI18 l over Keh~ in me Stock Ex~rt (12-16) class. Only in the Modifi~ Ex~rt class was Holland d=ied victory after a blazing first moto victory over the Ph~nix R&D Suzuki rider Mark Meridith, Holland came up with a flat tire in the ~cond moto which allowed Meridith to grab the win off a 2-3 finish; Meridith running b~ind Dr~ Dirks and Ronnie Lechien on the ~ond round as Keh~ also went lame after a third in the first moto. The steady riding Meridith parlayed his first in the Modifi~ and a ~venth in the Stockers into a point lead, so now it's on to the fmal Western Division One Qualifier at Saddleback and then to Ponca City, OK for the big showdown. . Local favorites Ronnie Lechien and Kenny Dunlap started the m~t out badly with crashes in their first race on Saturday - the 105cc Minis - and w~re nev~r in it from there on. Dunlap and L~hi= did come back som~what on Sunday as Lechien grabb~d a ~ond in the ~cond moto of the Modifi~ Minis for a fifth oVBall and DUnlap took fourth in th~ sam~ class off a steady (7 ·8) finish dIon. Th~ big local rid~r win of the ~k~nd cam~ in th~ Stock Mini Int~tm~iat~ class wh~r~ form~r NMA Junior Cycl~ Champ Jon Jon ~1isIe (Suz) just flat blasted an 18·rider fi~1d for a two for tWo go ~ Harry's Cycle Cen~r ridB, Tracy M~b. In the fint 1IlC!10 ~isI~ ran away with it aftB an incredible holehot and in the lIKond mota be got, off about fourth. but show~ new found musc)~ and blast~ his way to the front by the md of the fint circuit. In the Modifiecis, Jon Jon ran his stock~r to a v~ry cr~dibl~ fourth ov~rall b~hind Tracy M~b. local _rider Scott H~watt and Timmy Tom~lli; Tom~1Ii being anoth~r on~ of th~ fi~ new graduat~ out of th~Ju~or Cycles. Th~ Motorcycle c1~~ were in two words - Las V~as - as "GameTown" rac~ Kevin St~le and James Krumme took wins in the Stock 125cc Exp~rt and Interm~diate classes rep~ctively with neighbors Paul Emerson grabbing third in the Ex~ns and David Saxton taking ~ond in the Intermediates. Th~ Modifi~ 125cc 80cc MINICYClE ClASSES STOCK EX: 1. ~ HolIInd (R&D Suzl; 2. Erik Kehoe lVaml; 3. Jell Stanlord lVaml. MOO EX: 1. Mark Meridith IR&D Suzl; 2. Troy Blake (R&D Suz); 3. sam 5""'" (!Caw). SPECIAL.205 MINI 02-16): 1. Gaorge Holland (R&D Suzl; 2. Erik Kehoe lVaml; 3. Troy Blaka (R&D Suz), SPECIAL 105 MINI (9-11): 1. Brandon Schneider lSuz); 2. Jaoon Rincon; 3. Saan Frampton (Suz). STOCK INT 02-16): 1. Jon Jon Beliale ISuz); 2. Tracy Maeka(HCS); 3. Todd CampbelllKewl. MOO INT 112-1llt: 1. Tracy Meeks IHCS); 2. Scon Hewatt ISuzI; 3. Timmy Tomuelli ISuzl. STOCK NOV 02-16): 1. Doug O'Donnell (SUl): 2. lJIrry Buller lVam); 3. Chris Taylor IVaml. MOD NOV (12-16): 1. Larry Butler (Vam); 2. Shawn Shupp lVaml; 3. Ruaaall W1nkiar ISuzl. STOCK INT 19-111: 1. Kurtie Handrickaan ISuzI; 2. Frankie Brundage 1Suz1; 3. Brandon Schneider ISuzl. MOD INT 19-111: 1. Brandon Schneider ISuz); 2. Kurtie Hendrickaan (Suzl: 3. Thor Bjornatad ISull. STOCK NOV (9-11): 1. Jaoon Rincon:· 2. Scan Brown 1!Caw1; 3. Don Feeley. MOD NOV 19-111: 1. Loran Workman (Suz); 2. Don Feeley; 3. Scon Brown IKewl. STOCK ~I: 1. Roger Ogle IKawI; 2. Ronnie Thomas (Suzl; 3. Shawn Kalas (Vaml. MOOIFIED ~I: 1. Shane Sheffield ISuz); 2. Ronnie Thomas IVam); 3. Merry Richard (Suzl. MOTORCVCLE ClASSES 250 EX: 1. Greg Conradton IKawl: 2. Paul Emerson IHon). 250 INT: 1. Jerry Ebling IKewl; 2. Todd Shaefler IKewl; 3. Rod Hughes IHon). . 125 STOCK EX: 1. Kevin Steele IVam); 2. Jeff Stanford lVam); 3. Paul Emerson IHon). 125 MOD EX: 1. Paul Emerson IHonI; 2. Kevin Steele IVam); 3. Troy F_ IKawI. 125 STOCK INT: 1. James Krumme ISuz); 2. David Saxton (Hon); 3. Robbie Brown (Suzl. 125 MOO INT: 1. Mark Howell; 2. Mike Monaegur (Suz); 3. Robbie Brown ISuzI. 125 STOCK NOV: 1. Chartea Harries (!Caw); 2. Man 5ariwatari ISuz); 3. John Hemme ISUll. 125 MOD NOV: 1. Cha'ies Harries IKawl; 2. John Hemme (SUl); 3. Andy Nelinger. 100 STOCK EX: 1. T.- McCullough ISuz); 2. Oray OrickslVaml. _ 100 MOO EX: 1. Oray Dircks (Vam); 2. Tibbs McCullough (SuzI. 100 STOCK INT: 1. Scon Underwood ISUll; 2. Darran Voung ISuz): 3. Nino Bun_IVaml, 100 MOD INT: 1, Darran Vound ISuz): 2. Nino Bunerowe (Yam); 3. Scon. Underwood (Suz). 100 STOCK NOV: I, Billy Evans lVaml; 2. Andy Nelinger; 3. Mark Rouff IVam). 100 MOD NOV: 1. Stave Andra (Suzl: 2. Andy . Nalingar; 3. Mark Rouff IVaml. JUNIOR CVCLE CLASSES STOCK INT 19-111: 1. Kurtie Hendricksen (ltal: 2, Michael Knapp (Suz); 3. Brad Johnson (Suz). STOCK NOV (9-11): 1. ,odd Parker (Suz); 2. Mark Schriner llta); 3. Aaron Shupp (Ita). MOD INT 19-111: 1. Brandon SChneider (Ita); 2. Kurtie Hendricl

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