-lIagnIfIcent Mags.
Stylish mag-type wheels.. plush step saddle.
spiffy bk:Jck paint job and high-performance tires
are just part of the pretty package.
DcmcIy Dampen, etc.
Shocks on rear suspension otter 5 load
settings and 4-way dampers. So you've
20 di1ferent:wdys to damp and preload
No wonder it hcmdles better than anything
...., in its doss.
panel houses electric fuel gauge.
t~ch and tripmeter.
Se1f:cancelling turn signals are nice. too.
But enough talk.
See the beautifully engineered
GS-IlXDE nClW"at
your Suzuki. Dealer.
SUzukI.The perfOrmer. SUZUKI.