Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1979 07 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 36 of 47

Gene Woods Speedway rider America's No.1 Weekly Motorcycle Newspaper Name: Gene Woods. Sh~ron Clayton. Publisher Tom Culp. Ma(k.~ting Dirc:clOr Caroline: Gc:ndry. Sec. to the: Publisher Margie: Southern. Sec. [0 Date/place of birth: March 'D, Long Beach, CA. Height/weight: 6'9"/160 lb. . Jim Ryan. Sal<5 Managor. Skip Johnson. Sales Manager. Lmda Brown. Advertising Coordinal.or. Editorial Current residence: Balboa Island, CA. Occupation: Racer. , Charles Morey. Managing Editor. Dale: Brown, Editor. Bobi McGann, Editor, Hobbies/relaxation: Jet Ski. Graphics and Production Van/car: Ford van/Corvette. Klinger,. Production Manager, Manon Hatashita, Cindy Torres. Typography. Dennis Greene.. Laboratory. Favorite food/drink: BurritosIV-8 juice. Accounting Mike Klinger. Manager. Jeanne Hammond. Accls. Receivable. Donna Bryan. Asst. ACCLS. Receivable. Terry Dailey, .Credit Mana~r. Circulation Rheba Smith, Manager. Barbara Taylor. Tammy Tayl,¥,. Shirl

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