Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1979 07 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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._._._._._._._._._. and Dan Moore! On the Shadow Glen course of Indian Dunes, Gibson ran away with the Veterans Pro class, while Moore pulled off a win in the Veterans Expert class, and the Senior division. And none of the dasses were a pushover. In the Pro class, names lik-e Joe Price. Jimmy O'Neal. Larry Shoemaker, Alan Olson, Ken Ratzloff. and DMG's Bob Hayes lined up alongside Gibson, anyone capable of grabbing the victory. In their first go around, Gibson shot out into an early lead, with his closest challenge coming from Ratzlo·ff. Olson ran a close third, while Shoemaker, Price, O'Neal and Hayes gave chase. Price's charge was the only successful one from the rear of the pack, as he worked into fourth on the second lap, grabbed third two circuits later, then worked Ratzloff over for eight laps before slipping into second. Ha,yes dropped out by the third lap, and O'Neal went,the 15th, but the Price/Ratzloff duel went right down to the wire, with Ratzloff stealing second on the very last lap. Shoemaker g'r-abbed fourth a lap earlier and held on to finish in front of Olson. Gibson returned the second moto to roost the field again, leading ~he entire race. SllOemaker gave chase from second the first two laps, but the third time around Ratzloff put the moves on and rode around The Shoe for second. Price, in the meantime was struggling back in fourth, not able to mount any strong charge to pass Shoemaker or Ratzloff. By the eighth lap Price called it quits as Gibson clearly had the WIn sewn up while Ratzloff picked up second ahead of Shoemaker, Price and Olson. Dan Moore's two class victories were a bit tougher to take, especially in the Expert division. The first moto saw Moore lead the race from wire to, with pressure being put on all the way by Ron Brehm. Bob "Crash" Crost held third for the first three-quarters of the moto, until he faded and let Doug VanDuzen take third. Steve Oglesby and Pat Murphy rounded out the top five. . In the second moto Brehm jumped out to the lead follo,,!ed by Gary Willison, Dudley Duncan, Murphy, Van' Duzen and. Moore. Van Duzen worked his way up to second by the ~hird lap, but Moore took a lap longer before moving up to third. From there, 'Moore methodically pi.cked off both riders carefully, and took over with four laps remaining, then held on for the win. Second went to Van Duzen, followed by Brehm, Murphy and Willison. The Senior win was a bit easier for California Racing Club-sponsored Moore, as he took both molOs with wire·to·wire wins. Second went to DMG's Bob Hayes, -l"ho rode 2-3, foll~wed by Bob Crosta's 4-2 and Doug Van Duzen's 3-4. Kent Shepard took the Beginner win, while the Novice win went to Ron Howell, as well as the Junior division. The two Intermediate divisions went to Dan Sanchez and R.A. "Buzz" Moeller. • -. rll.llllelm ~ race III elle u.s. -ellIs rea- ella"',...... 1=OrInula rkPlug. . . . 7SCJ _ LaguIlG5eca. There's only one Formula 750 cycle race in the U.S. this year that carries world championship points. It's at L.aguna Seca, August 4 and 5. You'll watch the best cycle racersintheworldcompetefol'over$8O,OOO in. prize money.-And you'll see superbilce races, sidecar races, plus a great new AFM District 36 MotoCross race tor amateurs. And you can stay at Laguna Seca's own campground, complete with restrooms and showers. So get your tickets now to the race of the year. r ----------------------., La,.... 1 1 Please send me tickets to the Champion $pad( Plug 200 ICJI at VIP tideetsat$25.00" Saturday tideets at $4.00 5ec:a RaCeway on Aug. 4-5. 2.y tIdlets at J12.00 _ dIarge 01 £Jcplration 01 ZIP.'------, 1 Tick~ts a'so at Ticketron, Macy's, BASS, Emporbn and CapweWs. AlIA L .. __ 1 JR: 1. Ron Howell (Husl; 2. RaV Voung ISuz); 3. Jav Wea_ISuz). NOV: 1. Ron Howell (Hus); 2. Ron Rye< IVaml; 3. Chuck Dalton IVam. BEG: ,. Kent Shepard IVaml; '2. Son; Mount (Vam); 3. Randv Hodges (Suzl. 1 ICHMJPlON.1 .._' ;;.;-;.~mw Don't be caught without a Cycle ,News HAT! '1 , .I Mail to: Cycle News Products P.O. Box 498 Long Beach. Ca. 9080"' Name --=-_ Address _ City Zip State _ PIeeM send me _ _ haUslat $5.95 eech - CiC LCerd-'-.l..e--'xpr'---'-.-.L..J,o Crosts (Mail. INT: 1. Dan Sanchez IC-At; 2. Herb Townsend (Yaml; _ {Pflone PRO: ,. Ron Gibson ISuz); 2. Ken Ratzlaff IMeil; 3. Larry Shoemaker (Yam). SR: 1. Dan MOOfeIMai); 2. Bob Haves IDMG); 3. Bob 3. Lou Sorensen (Mail, 1 1 1 1 1 Sunday tIdlets at $9.00 1 ( )Enclosed is my chec:lc or money order. ( ) Please to"" OVlSA 0 llaster Charge. Card No. date _ 1 Signature Camping facilities available with 2-e1ay VIP tIdlet. Please sendme tIdlets at $10 for 1 each campsite. 1 CITY. NAME ADORESS 'I Mal'.coupon to: TICKETS, P. 0. 80x SCRAMp, Monterey, CAA T E '408-373-1Bllj. ST 93940 TOTAL: $ Results· EX: 1. Dan Moore IMail; 2. Doug Van Duzen (Mail; 3. Ron Brehm (Yam). INT: 1. R.A. MoeIl.. IHusl; 2. Dan Sanchez IC-AI; 3. William Miller ISuzl. . Order yours today! ,,~ f~ . 1 each large & small Cycle News stickie with order Credit CIIfd limit minimum $5.00 Please fill in your complete . 8CCOUnt number and expiration elate, Sig~re -L.-I-..I..-J.-l-.l..--'--" ----.. _-_ _., n . _ .. _~-...... - fOfAl .... , - ---...-..c...-, .... .._ 1o , __.. , ", ....... -_"*c-... 10 __ ___ ~ - of_flc'" _ 33

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