Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1979 07 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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worked his way to lIttond before a temporary failure in the tra~k's lighting system brought out the red flag. McCullough led for a couple of laps after the restart, but Haney's factory XR500 found its way into the lead and st.ayed there. Northern California's Robert Ryan (Tri) and Texas' Don Shobert (Yam) worked their way around McCullough to fmish 2-S. Semis The nation's leading rookie, Scott Parker, jumped into the lead of the first semi ahead of Lars Trulson and Randy Skiver, stayed in'front for three laps, but former Castle Rock National winner Skiver - who said there's no truth to reports that he'll retire soon :- found his way into the lead on the fourth lap. Parker kept his Klo~/Wiseco Harley right up against the rear tire of Skiver's Vavor 8t Olson/Fox's Drywall Triumph all the way up to-the final two comers, where he bobbled, and let the pressure off, allowing Skiver to take the single transfer to the National. Trulson finished third, Gary Davis, Randy Scott and Mike Kidd ran 1·2·S in the opening laps of the lIttond semi, Dodge then passed Davis and held on to gain the final . ticket to the National. • Trophyrece Scott Parker had a dream-comepartially-true: to put things together in the final race of the evening and win. However, with the rain-flopped program, the final race of the evening was the trophy race instead of the National. Nonetheless, he jumped into the lead and held off the challenges of Gary Davis (PME/Pepsl·Cola of Eugene Tri), though D'avis got around him briefly. Davis took a c1~ lIttOnd and Lars Trulson finished third. . National 12 The first attempt at a National start was red-flagged after Steve Morehead wheelied off the line and tangled with Brad Hurst. After another red-flagged attempt, the race got underway. Morehead jumped into the lead with Rick Hocking, Donald Brown and Gary Scott leading the pursuit. On the lIttond lap, Hurst tangled with Brown and' fel., but he had his clutch lever pulled in before he hit and was quickly underway, albeit last. Hocking jumped past Morehead to ass!1me the lead, while Micltey Fay made his appearance in the top three. On the following lap, Morehead was sandwiched by Fay in front of him and Steve Eklund pressuring from behind, Eklund was quickly by Morehead and soon after that, past Fay as well, passing him and Hocking on the same lap to take the point position. On the sam~ lap that Eklund took over the lead, Hurst was up to sixth. Two laps later, he was fIfth, with only Randy Cass, Hocking and Fay separating him and Eklund. In another ~o laps, he was third, and a lap later, second. Elr.1und had built up a pretty good lead over Fay, but Hurst whittled it to nothing within three laps, Going into the same tum where he'd fallen, he stuffed it under Eklund and started' pulling away. Eklund, seeing the (8,000 in point money and still bothered by a right hand injured before Middletown, decided not to try and berserk it to catch Hurst, So Hurst won going away while Eklund finished lIttond with a healthy lead over Fay. Goss, who had passed Hocking midway through the race, finished fourth. Gary Scott took sixth behind Hocking, and in front of Morehead, Randy Scott, Skiver, John Wincewicz and Don Smith. Scott Pe'arson was scored 12th after dropping out because his shift lever had been knocked off with the engine in third gear and the subsequent over·revving, Don Doge and Donald Brown rounded out the National finishing order. One spectator summed it up. "You can quot.e me on this," said Corky Keener about Hurst's performance, ,"that was the best ride I've seen in my career." After the race, John Wincewicz protested Gary Scott on the grounds that Scott went off the track and then returned in a different place. SCOtt said that he'd gone off the track only a couple of feet while trying to avoid a downed rider in the crowded early laps. R.eferee Walt Masterson said he would have disqualified Scott - with Gary sure to appeal - but it was all settled when Wincewicz dropped the' protest after a lengthy discussion among all the parties. • Gory Davis IT,O: 3. lMo Tru_ ITnl: 4. Frank Word IT,i): 5. Sonny Burr.IT,i); 6. Mike Kidd CH-D); 7. Mike 1 _ (Yoml; B. S.... ToItdlIhl IT'il: 9. Dennis Fromm lTril; 10. Todd Tracy IT'il. lHAP JR INVITAnONAL: 1. Jell Honey IHanI; 2. Robert Rvan IYam): 3. Don Shobert IYaml; 4. Thomas McCullough IYaml: 5. Brian Johnston ITrll; 6. Jell McDanielIT,il: 7. Kaith Day Nam); 8. Richard Hayman ITril: 9. Ray Dugan IHanI: 10. T""V Weigand IYaml: 11. Results AMA GRAND NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP! WINSTON PRO SERIES POINT STANDINGS: 1. Stave Eklund '1411; 2. Randv Goss '1231: 3. JaV Springsteen n071: 4. GarV Scott 1831: 5. Garth Brow 1661: 6. M;ke Kidd 1631: 7. Rick Hockong 1581: 8. Corky Kaener 155}: 9. Rickv G,aham 1541; 10. Hank Scott 149}: 11. mel Tad SoodylScon Pa.oonIStavo Morehead 1471; 14. SkIP Aksland 1421; 15. Scott Parker 1341: 16. Mlckev Fay C33l: 17. DeIo Singleton (31 I; lB. Brad Hurst C2B); 19. T""V I'oc>wv (22); 20. &;11v Schoeller <211. :/MAP NATIONAL: 1. Brad Hunn ITri); 2. Steve Eklund (Yaml; 3. Mickey Fey IT,i); 4. Randy Goss IH-D!: 5. Ra Hocking CHon): 6. Gary Scott ITril; 7. SIeve Morehead IH·DI; B. Randv Scon IT,il; 9. Randv Skiver IT'il; 10. John w._ _ CHonI; 11. Don Smith ITnl: 12 Scott " - - 'H-DI; 13. Don Dodge (Tnl; 14. DonoId Brown CHonI. 12-lAP TROPHY RACE: 1. Scott Parker IH-Dl; 2. Rocky Robinson (Tri).

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