Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1979 07 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Rickman THE Rickman Rickman 125 ZundsppI250 Mont... engine _ Lorge DlIlJibulIlr. TARGET PRODUCTS. INC., 2724 W. Main St.. _ . CA 91801. 12T31 -.,. _ GUYAHIAD OFYOU ~.(7ITFNI '76 Husqvarna 380 CR . 38mm Mikuni, Curnuns, Vesco, skid plate, many letras. $700.00. (714) 828-5953. 1271 USESTHIS. Shell Yamaha Late nlodeI 750. Engine rebuitt in May with new rods, bore with slipper pistons. No. 3 cam & C.D.!. Bik. is. deen & wet! lTI8imained expert mount with some _ . Injury forces ..... 1805) 763-1759 d'oys - !lites 1805)_70. (27) ••• '79 Honda CR 250R ••• MUlt "'I!! 17 ~ Fo. Airsho•• must see to bellev.' Low houn. $1550. 714 Bell helmet. Scott goggles & size 32 JT IeIIthonl - $75. (7141 54&ll722. 1271 • 77 IT 175, 73 MONTESA 250 TRAILS IIoIh bikee in XLNT Cond.. very low miles. $700.00. $800.00 "'.1805)252·1844. 1271 79 RMI25N. SUZUKI. BETTER THAN NEW and _ . 520 Ch. Kit. lev.... P.P. Fend.... Metieler & DunIop.inn Andre Bars & more. Went to 250. $1025 080. C7141747-3154.1271 '76 Husky 250WR Porfact condition. _ eveything; rims. tires. choin & sprocItets. ..Is. bushings. Itc. Enduro reedy with VDO.lights. and strlltliconoe plat•. None finer. $900. 12131248-3740. (27) GOODfiEAR $ 1 .SCOTT \ • ~fj) eE ~ ..' ... WARNING ~. .... -, , ... " 1- I ~., ~ '., JOFA RM400N still in the crate Suzuki RM400N won in the Suzuki Slalom. $1750.00. brand _ . Groot buy. &ic Bak.. (7141753-7573. 1271 Umited S\lpply Kawasaki 1300's With shlIft drive. Best off... R&R SPORTCENTER. 532 24th St.. Paso Robles. CA 93446. 180S1 238-0442. 1191TFN) Out of gas7 Burn an environmentalist Don't lit the _-sniff..s escape getting thoir share NEWVZ 250B MOTOR only -X-5 Road Rae.. Cycle Factory 250. lots of Call a11. 6:00 p.m. 1916) 6855995.1271 ex".. 79VZ125E Cherry cond.. "F" cylinder. fork•• pipe. lu11 !lhocll. call . Cliff 12131 596-n63. 1271 . Trick T-Shirts "Ban low Perforl'TliJf'lq8. Drivers. Not High Performance Machme-." Quality white on black shirts. 55.95.each. 5-M-l. Bo. 382A. Green Farms. CT 064J6. 12B) of the blame. A colorful bumper sticker with the above rnesaege .. yOurs for .1.00. Proceeds go to help gotting good Iegisletors ..acted. Send your doIlarl to CORPAC. 1900 Point West W.y 1102. Sacramento. CA 95815.19161925-7429.1271 -Sticker Pack $6.00 '" 50< lOCh individuolly. Send to: STICK-EM UP. 1858 Catalina Ct., Livermore, CA 94550. Dept. eN. t35l Magazines wanted Private perty wishes to purchase a comp~e set lor portionl theroofl of both CYCLE & CYCLE WORLD. Please send oil replies to Cycle News Dep•. TC. P.O. 80.498. Long BlOCh. CA 90801. 12'1 Racers Matchless Collector specials 1. 1960 G-8OCS. showroom condition. $I 650.00. 2. 1959 G-12 CSR Competition Twin. showroom perflCl. $1500.00. 3. 1967 G-85 SCrambler. complet. and robui~. $1200.00. These have .11 been restored by Robert EmJeo. 12091227-7647. (29) , "'ee freight on XR-750 poria. Now you con get _ hord to get XR-750 pons. HARlEY-DAVIDSON WEST. the _'111 ~ _ . hal. compIeIo line of HorIer-OIMdoon poria in stock. Any _ C _ Iicelloe hoIdor con get COlI + 20%. ffom now until May 1. _ ship yOUf poria "FREE" with $100.00 min. ordor. CoIl 12131 822-3426. esk for ,Poul. You con",1 CYCLE NEWS over tho counter. Call Terry Pratt at 12131427-7433 • Increased Floor T,ohic • FREE Dilplay Rack • Full Rlturn Privileges On Unsold Papers. I20ITFNI lIVl'FNl Overstock Hondas Auto Husky won't stay in gear7 We fix shafts better than l'l8'IlV. Send us your old _ _I shlIft. lst gear. and $30 to: JIM McCRIMMON. 273 Calkins Dr.; Sugar Grove. IL 60554. 13121486-4465. (27) Complete. _ used. Heed. rock.. bo.. Dellorto pumper carb, manifold, K&N filter. ktvers. throttle eeIY.. cobIes. Tltllnium ,e",inars. Call B to 8. 13191 323- 163:J OREGON AVENUE LONG BEACH CA 9081 J Phone 213) 432 8880 -(91- . ' Husqvarna Sales, Service, Parts ALL 79 MODELS . Now in Stock A few 78 OR's left 8t greatly reduced prices We have one of the most complefe lines of Husky parts and accessories in the country T&OYamaha 4587.(27) PRIVATE PARTY RUE _In _In _In T. . _ : $2.1iO H " " - h 2 5 _..............•.. M Over 25 wonla. 10 c per word Bold Type $2 .xv•. _ No _ _ then6x7 M.ll1rIl COMMERCIAL RATE T _ : .. 11 thnlugh 25 _ Over 25 _ $I 30 c per word Bold Type Photoo $3.ll1rIl .. SPECIAL HANDLING' IlIInd box or R_"" Ado pll1rll HELP WANTED ADS T _ 11 thnlugh 25 _ Bold Type Works seat covers A _ for: All Yomoho VZD thru F. SUZUKI RM & RN, HONDA CII25OR. $16_50 + $1.10 shipping. MAleO & CAN-AM. 820.25. MOTODESIGN. Box 4233. Momphio. TN 38104. Order by phone 24 houn. 1901) 324-7756. lTFNl SR 500 Axtell head HONDA 'MYSTERY' SIDECARS 'SPIRIT OF AMERICA' SIDECARS VESPA SCOOTER SIDECARS Motorcycle dealersl $3 .. $3 • '78 XLCR Harley Like new condition. only 900 miles, will defiver part way. $3.000. C.II 15051 887-6974. 12BI WA~1r A~ ~~~ - WANT AD DEADLINE Friday noon for the following tN• • • dey. publication. Send check 0' money _ or etwvo It on your _ Chorvo or \/lee . . . - ..-.I. CNcIIt ..-.I Imit minimum ".00. CYCLE NEWS. P.O. BOX_ LONG BEACH. CA_l Cycle N_s cennot be responsible - for lilegibl. phon. numbers. PLEASE PRINT (29) Parts for DKW & Sachs Lorge lIIIec1ion of peril for 011 DKW end Sachs motorcycles. '88 - 74 models. 80. 100 & 125cc. 5 & 6 speed. A. B. C & 0 iron alloy botr" motorcycles. AIoo ports end repoir monUeIs. HERCULES D1ST. LTD.• 9B25 Meson Avenue. Chatsworth. C.IK. 91311. 1213hBB2BB60. 11915Ox1TFN) • ""it' -_.xpIntion- Credit CIIrd limit minimum •.00. _ til In yo.. complo.. oce_ Card expires. _ Signature _ __.1 _h_ n . _ o I t h o .... _ o n _ Item .. _ _ to pey tho _ .how" •• poorNM toupon proper TOTAL" pay . - - with .ny duo _ _ IUbjoet to .nd ~ . with tho _ _ governing tho.- 01 ouch ..-.I. THE GREAT COAST·TO· COAST WANT AD OFFER I v_ ocI_ ..... In tho W... con run In 24020 Narbonne Ave, !Torrence/Redondo areel Lomite, C+ 90717 213-534-2311 Over 100 CB850 '79 model HondoI. still in crete. CaJifornio _ overstoek. (714)840-1006 aft.. 7 p...._ Name tho E8t for only $2.00 for 25 _ or -,1f_25_".00. _ _ Address RIDE AWARE $3.00_. City State PRINT BOLD HEADLINE HERE CLeave spaces' COMMERCIAL f6. _ 25 _ or RATE: 10 _ $2. 11-25 _ Zip 30C per word. M. HUGE SI1ECIION DISCOUNT PRICESI_ _, MII1IIII - il I .'1 _ ~ _ 44 n •• • •. Area code Phone number

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