Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1979 07 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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TEXAS MOTOCROSS Rio Bravo MX Park, Houston, TX. 5 mi. E on E Mount Houston Rd.. off Hwy. 59 Norlh. All classes. Trophies thru 6 places to Am, E•. 100% p.b. Entry $8 Amf$15 Ex. Prac. 6:30, race 8. Swimming, showers, game room, grandstands. 7131458· CALli 0090. CHAMPIONSHIp· EVENTS AMA Winston Pro series 7/15 7/21 7129 8/3 815 8/12 8/19 8/25 8/26 9/2 9/9 9/16 9123 9/29 RR/Sea.. Point. CA TI/C.dena, CA Mile/DuOuoin, Il ST/Sana Fe. IL TI/Peoria. IL RR/Pocono. PA HM/Des Moines, IA Mile/Indianapolis, IN Mile/lndianallOlis.IN RRiLoudon, NH Mile/Syracuse, NY Mile/Meadows. PA Mile/Sen Jose, CA HM/Gerdena, CA I AMAIToyota Supercross Series 7/14 11/10 losA~.CA Anaheim. CA 500cc World Championship Motocross 7/29 815 8/12 Holland Belgium Luxembourg World Championship .Observed Trials Italy Sweden 7/15 8/19 Finland 8/26 9/16 Czechosklvakia International six Days Trial 9/10 W. Germeny Trophee Des Nations 9/9 Stockholm. Sweden Motocross Des Nations 912 AMA Natiomll Motocross 1251250/500cc 815 1251500cc MX 8112 Houston, TX l25niOOcc MX Binghamton. NY 8119 . 8126 l25niOOcc MX Charlotte. NC • l25niOOcc MX St. Pet_g. Fl Finland Tourist Trophy World Championship Road Racing 8118 50th Ulster GPliretand Road Racing World Championship Grand Prix 7/22 Swedem Rnland 7129 8Il2 8118 9/2 AMA National Enduros England Czechosovakia France Eatern Region 8112 l00mi NlIfI 9130 Ithaca Dirt Riders NewYOfk 100 mi. Nat'l 11/14 Columbia Enduro Riders South Carolina Twin States Nat'l W. Kentuckv Trail Riders Kentuckv central Region 8/18-19 1017 400 mLJack Pine Net'l lansing M.e. Michigan Black Coal Nan IN, IL, KY, Enduro Riders Indiana , Western Region 1017 100 mi. Nat'l Double Crossers M.C. California 10/14 100 mi. Nat'l Prairie Dawgs M.C. 10/21 125 mi. Nat'1 Mt. Baker M.C. Washington 100 mi. NlIfI F",WestM.C. World Championship F750 Road R.acing 7/15 .Catifornia 11/14 100 mi. NlIfI Redding Din Riders california FIM/AMA International Events 7/22 7129 815 9116 125cc USGP lexington, OH 25Dcc USGP New Berlin. NY F·750 Road Race MontIIfoy. CA Dtympiad. O $1 50 714557 3323 213323 5055 CMC STADIUM STYLE MX Fremonl Raceway. Fremont. CA. All new (rack layout & surface ... Supercross type drop back start gate. All classes. Entry $8J$10. Spectators 52. pit pass $1. Open 5 p.m .• prac. 6:30. race 7.30.415/355-4760.651·2545. CMC MOTOCROSS Chula Vista. California. Speedway 11 7. Take 1·5 or 805 S. from Chula Vista to Jct. 117. go E, 5 J.lJ mi. across from Brown Field Airport. Prac. 6·7 pm. sign· up 4:30·7 pm, 1st race 7:30 pm. Entry $10. 150% Pro p.b. Trophies Sptsmn. Spec, $3.50, under 14 $1.50. CMC license required. Info: Speedway 117. P.O. 80x 995. Chula Vista, CA 92011.714/420.7414. Thursday 1 ,WEEK WASHINGTON AMA MOTOCROSS BeUinaham. WA. EVil 255 1 ml E, L on Hannogan Rd.. 1 ml Mini thtu ()pen classes. Entry $5.50. Mt. 8ak.. MC. PO Bo. 132. Bellingham, WA 98225. 206/733·1694. Frid~y CMC MOTOCROSS Ascot Park. 18300 S. Vermont Ave.. Gardena. CA. Fltst race 7:30 p.m. Sign up 5·6:30. prac. 67 p.m Entry $10. 150% Pro p.h. CMe license rQq. Trophlcs awarded $ptsmn class.. Adults CALIFORNIA SHORT TRACK & TI SCRAMBLES Perris Rac8"N8Y. Perris. CA. Hwy. 74 to Ellis Ave., turn west % mi., right on Bunon Rd. Beginner thru Pro classes. E~ry memb. reg. $3. Money race $6/p.b. $5. Free camping. P.R.C .• PO Bo. 1294. Perris, CA 92370. 7141657-4897. SADDLEBACK SATURDAY MX Seddleback PIt.• Orange. CA. Gete opens 7:30 a.m.. Drac. g.. 8:30, race 9. Pros race 40 min., others 30 min. Entry $9, Pros $13. No membership Of mail enlr( req·d. 33.33% trophies. 714/495-4nl . TI SCRAMBLES RACES & MX PRACTICE Elsinore R,,"'eway, Lake Elsinore, r ~ p..\~' y. 71. off at Lag"'.. ~~ p..~.oNn. Main S1. ekit & R.O ""'" Cyn. Rd. Cash purse to Experts. 40% trophies to Sptsmn, class. For info: 714f6742646,676-4718. CALIFORNIA PAR.A. MOTOCROSS Woodland. Washington. 5 mi. E 01 1-5 on Hwy. 503. A l I _ . 100% Pro p.b. Entry $8.50 Am/$12.50 PTos. Home of Gresham T0V0t8 Pro series. FOf info: Action Oz. At. 3. So. 379 E. Gresham. OR 97030. 5031665- 6707. PARA MOTOCROSS MIn. View Cycle Perk. Sandy. OR. 5 mi. E of Sandy on Rude Rd. All classes. Gate open 8 a.m., prac. 9. race 10. Emry Pee Woes $5/Nov $6/lnt $Ii.50/Pros $10. 100% Pro p.b. FOf info: PARA. PO So. 365, Sandy, OR 5031666·9438.668-4851 ; AMATI Bellingham, WA, exit 255 off 1·5, 1 mi. E on Hannegan Rd .• 1 mi. BOfl25/250l75Occ classes. ~ mi. Semi Pro n. Entry $6.50. AMA NiGHT SCRAMBLES $and Hill Ranch. Brentwood. CA. Cotner Camino Diablo & Vasco- Rd. All classes, Gales open 4:00 p.m.. prac. 6:15, ,ace 7. 41 51634·3328, 634·1667. '~~'in':;,~~, M~A ~82~~~ ~~i R.A.C.E. MOTOCROSS COfona Rcwy.. Hwy. 91 & Buchanan, Corona, CA. Mini thru Open. 100% p.b. to Ell:. 7141689·1913,735-1705. MOTOCROSS Sandy. OvPfV r

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