Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1979 07 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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.. Doug Chandler (1) edged out Chris carr at the Marin-Sonoma Fair show. AnOlh~r Saturday rac~ !>dor~ th~ 750cc RR on Aug. 4 should prO>/~ int~r~ting.. Results . 100 NOV: 1. 5 _ Machodo Nam); 2. Todd Fill. lSuzl. 125 NOV: 1. Don _ I S u " ; 2. CtwiB Terry (Suzl; 3. Allen ~e (Suzl. 250 NOV: 1. Roger mcCoy IYoml; 2. Ken Be-gooon Noml; 3. Mikel.Mnbort (Hen). OPEN NOV: 1. Ron Nielaon IYeml; 2. John K.....,.,;m(yom). 125 JR: ,. Mike _ (Suzl; 2. Jell JohnlOnl. 250 JR: 1. Kevin Hildorbtend IHenI; 2. John McLeod IMoi). O~N JR: 1. Slephen Kuoonovich Nem); 2. Dovid nonce 1Suzl. EXPERT: ,. Mike Sprongot lSuzl; 2. Ken Nona (y..,,); 3. Doug McRee ISuzl. VETIOT: 1. 51... Sr. (Yom; 2. Bruce _ (Mail; 3. Som Ramey IHen). _0. Haycock, . McCullough and Hurst hot at CastieRock • By '. Michelle McDaniel . CASTLE ROCK. WA,JUNE2S With the Castle Rock TT National approaching the races are getting faster and faster. Darrell Hendrickson and Brad Hurst c1ock~ in for id~ntical fast tim~ with H~ndricltson drawing fast tim~ du~ to ~ fact he tim~ in first. H~drickson, having a str~ak of. bad luck, blew a mOlOr. which put him out of tb~ running in tb~ trophy dash. . Little brother Kurt Chandl~r took third place while Aaron Hill had an .off night ~th the stomach flu. Carr sav~ some valuable points by winning the 100cc Expert after another stirring battle with the Iittl~ Chandler kid who is very good of late. In the Olher combined show Larry Barkhaust did a number on Bob Curry whil~ Tim Bucholu surviv~ a . 250cc ovice bailie in ""'front of his hom~town crew over Stan Morris and Billy Steph~n. . Don Longn~cker found enough gas to trip down from Redding and win th~ 250cc Junior ov~r Dennis Ho~r while Jon Eichelbaugh passed and k~pt ahead of Dave Hou~r. With three h~ats of 250cc EJtpens, it was obviously going to be a heavy hitter fl1ain and when Rocky Robinson led out on the Cycle Engin~ering special, an u~t was in the making. Robinson held off Kim Jorgen~n for only a few laps, as the CUrrent Black Plate point leader didn't really like the surface, but Kim took the point before the halfway mark to show that he can ride his Jorgy Can-Am just about anywhere. Ben Zakarian was making soni~ fine mov~ through the pack when somebody parked it in t~ first corner forcing the Champion framed KX 250 to the wall, without harm. Teddy Davidson work~ well through. the pack showing th~ talent he had when he was a Rookie of the Year • contender on the old Camel Pro tour. As th~ laps c1~ T~ work~ past Robinson and at the checkered, he nipped out Jorg~~n for the win. Robinson was an easy third with Brian Thompson over St~ve Adkins and Dale 36 With a two out of three r«ord, Tom McCullough raced by the c.heckered flag for anotha fast time trial this week at 24.45. Winning a close battle for first in his heat was Don Montgomery who overcame B~c~ Scott at the ch«kered flag. Oth~r Novice heat winners w~re Brell Barkman, Chris Fitzhugh, Brian Haycock and Stu McDani~l. • Jeff McDaniel pulled out front in his Junior heat and was I~ading the race when on the second lap h~ lost a chain. John Burnett quickly took over the I~ad and held it throughout the race. Oth~r Junior heat winn~rs w~r~ Tom McCullough" Eric Swanson and Jeff Celorie. Don Dodge clirn~ on a new motor· cycl~ afta crashing his bi~e th~ night !>dore which h~l~ gain him a win in th~ fU"St Ex~n h~ai; Hurst and Randy Scott had no problem winning their h~ats, Taking th~ Novice trophy dash was Brett Barkman, who almost had a c~ean sweep. Winning his heat and trophy dash. Barkman also register~d a close second in the main. Afta tbe Novice ~rforrnance came tbe Junior trophy dash which John Burn~tt won without any trouble. The track was still slick wh~ Dodg~ got off on lap number one coming out of tum four in th~ Ex~n trophy dash, which gave Hurst his win. Thae were two ~mis for Novic~ which w~re won by Randy Patl~rson and Robby Sp«k. Th~re was only one Junior and one Ex~n ~i which Junior Tony S~ck and Ex~rt Lars Trulson both earned victori~ in, which gave them a transfer to the main. Lining up for the Novic~ main, Stu McDaniel was the only out-of-state rid~r. McDaniel, from California, took off on lap number one and show~ th~ Washingtonians the way around th~ track. BUI in lap number three Brian Haycock found a good line and pull~ away. It was a tough break for Randy Patterson who broke on the last lap. Ta~ing off first for the Junior main was Tom McCullough. Making the first turn, Jeff Celori~ fell down but bounced right back up; then on the second lap, John Burnell took a fall and following in his footsteps were Dave B~t· and Tony Sp«k which ca~d the race to be r~ flagged. Starting over with a staggered start, Tom McCullough took the I~ad. this time for good, making it his third Junior main win in a row. Closing up th~ racing for the night was the Ex~n main, in which Brad Hurst and Don Brown battled it out for tbe I~ad for a few laps. Hurst finally gain~ a big lead and coming up for ~cond was Don Dodge who overtook Brown, which gave Gary Davis a move in for third. Passing Dodge on the last lap, Davis gave it everything he could muster for a clo~ finish for second. Results NOV MAIN: 1. Brion Hvacoek. 2. B,en Barllmon. 3. Stu McOanioi. JR MAIN: 1. Tom McCullough. 2. Torry Woigond; 3. Eric Swenson. ex main; 1. Brad Hurst. 2. G.-y Davis; 3. Don Brown. Davidson Just dandy at Mariner Sonoma Fair By W. H. Spencer PETALUMA, CA,JUNE27 The Marin-Sonoma Fair fejlnJred a sportsman short track that turned out nearly 200 riders and over 700 spectators. Returning to the limelight after three years. Teddy Davidson muscl~ his way to two big victories while the local favorite, national rider Jim Mertens. won a controversial 500cc Ex~rt to the delight of his hometown crowd. Minibike racers once again stole the limelight with Kevin Bricker winning ~he Junior portion of the little guy Novice/Junior over bigger kid John Lamont. Doug Chandler nip~d our Chris Carr in one of the beller 80cc Ex~rt shows. Carr led most of the way , only to succumb to a bad fourth turn bump, which made him look over his shoulder as the Salinas Kawasaki fl~w past, which made him turn green. Ha~n. Teddy came back in the S60cc for a double win, taking over from early I~ad~r Dave Boyl~ with Brian P«or~ in for third on the Ang Rossi Yamaha. Davidson was mount~ on a ~Idom ~n Montesa that works it way around many a rider in the C~ntral Valley. Danny Malfalli had to work his €ycle Works Honda to the max in beating out heat race winner John Guy on the Sonny K~yon Bultaco while Louis Garcia teok the S60cc Novice over Davie Erikson. Joe Carrera was the runaway winner of the 500cc Novice on the Braqu~t Cycle out of Gilroy over local kid Kelly Bennell ..Joe Mit.chell has mad~ the change to Jumor, an,! although he's still diding too much .. he won th~ 500ccJunior. Jim Mertens rode his brother's TT500 to win the 500cc Ex~rt main but wound up prot~ted. Day Ryan trie

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