Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1979 07 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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.......................... lIlcc MINICYClE ClASSES STOCK a • 1.. Chris MonIy CSuz); 2. Som S""" (1(8wl; 3. Chris Swift CSuz). MOO EX: ,. Ronnie Lechien CSuz); 2. Kenny Dunlap ISuzl; 3. Som S""" lK.wl. SPECIAL 105 MIM 112·181: 1. Ramie l.Jlchion ISu"; 2. Som S""" lK.wl; 3. Chris SwifllSuzI. SPECIAL 105 MINI 19-111: 1. _ _ ISuzl; 2. Scott Brown (1(8wl; 3. Tho< B~·lSuzl. STOCK !NT 112·16): 1. Todd _ ISuzl; 2. Jon Faure lKawI; 3.lMry _lSuz). . MOD !NT 112·161: 1.lMry _ CSuz); 2. Jon Faure lKawI; 3. Todd _ lSuzI. STOCK NOV 112·181: 1. Arnie Lemon lKawI; 2. Randy Rush lKawI; 3. Chorteo Ootwday lSuzI. MOD NOV 112·161: 1. Arnie Lemon IKawI; 2. Randy RUIb lKawI; 3. Chorleo Osterdoy lSuzl. STOCK INT 19-1 11: 1. Tho< Iljornotad ISuzI; 2. Frankie ~ ISuzI; 3. Brandon Scheider ISuzI. . MOD INT 19-11): 1. Brandon Scheider lSuzI; 2. sean FramptDn lSuzl; 3. John Conney lV.."l. STOCK NOV 19-111: 1. Todd _ lSuzl; 2. Lanceb Bernett lSuzI; 3. John Flores ISuzI. STOCK NOV 1&31: 1. ROll'!!' Ogle lKawI; 2. Rick W_er ISuzl; 3. Ronnie Thoma lVam). MOD NOV 19-111: 1. Todd Porker ISuzl; 2. John Flores ISuzl; 3. Lance BernelliSuzI. JR CYCLE ClASSES . STOCK 19-11): I. Scott Browh ISuzl; 2. SelIn Frampton ISuzl; 3. Todd Perker ISuzl. , STOCK 1&31: 1. SlIM! Hole ISuzI; 2. Danny Hembree ISuzI:3. Ronnie Thomes ISuzl. MOD 19-111: 1. Brendan Scheider Iltal; 2. Scott . Brown ISuz); 3. SelIn Fromplon ISuzl. MOD 1&31: ,. Stelle HolelSuzl; 2. Ched Mitteg ISuz); 3. Denny HembreeISuz). • PEE WEE I~I: 1. Jomie Conney ISuzI; 2. Clifton Stuert ISuzl. MOTORCYCLE ClASSES 125cc EX: I Qev;d McGhee lKawI; 2. Scott Heml~on ISuzl. • 125cc INT: 1. Bryan Antonecci ISuzI; 2. Jock L_is ISuzl; 3. Gory Rodriques lVoml. . 125cc STOCK NOV: 1. Scott _ ISuzl; 2. Rick Kenyon ISuzI; 3. Cherlie Herri.. lKawI. 125cc MOD NOV: I. Chorlie Herrin IKaw); 2. Don SelIv lSuzl; 3. Bob Voon-ISuzI. l00cc INT: 1. TIm HelelSuzl; 2. Bob Corne ISuzI; 3. Billy Evens IYaml. 10Q!:c STOCK NOV: 1. Scott Hewett ISuzI; 2. Donnie Herrin IYaml; 3. Keith BernettlVaml. l00cc MOD NOV: 1. Scott Hewett ISuzI; 2. Mertv . Stone lSuz); 3. Keith Bernett lVaml. • "I've been asked so many times 'What's the toughest radn,?' and my answer Is Stadium Radng, there's no radng anywhere that can compare. The toughest them all Is coming up this Saturday night at the 1. .A. Coliseum. I've ilever won If - but If's gonna be different this time. I'm gonna rIde rIght over anybody tliat gets. In my way. This race Is rough, the track Is the roughest, and I'm' going out there to beat them allo Come 0' .watch me~" , COCA-COLA SUPERBOWL OF MOTOCROSS ~ THIS SATURDAY NIGHT - LOS ANGELES COLISEUM TICKETS AT TICKETRON NOW - 10,000 GREAT NEW SEATS WILL BE RELEASED SATURDAY,· AT THE GATE more ticket Info at 714/645-8990 CYCLE TOURS, INC. proudly presents CRe night MX: A International Racing Adventure Barbacovi 'amily affair By Nanette Marie in Germany VALENCIA, CA,JUNE22 Every sec;ond and fourth' Friday night of every month, you'll find the whole Barbacovi family out at Indian Dunes putting on a night motocross race on the Interna· tional Track. And now, as the gas shortages dwindle into the woodwork, rider turnouts are getting up for the weekly occasion. Led by ~ead honcho Jack, the Man of the California Racing Club, family members putting the whole show together -are Mr.s. Barbacovi, who scores inside the green and white Nomad trailer that is known _ well Dy all of the competitors, eldest $On Greg who announces in between his slots on the radio, son Tony', who when not flagging rides the 125cc Intermediates, daughter Cathy, ·who also flags, heads sign'ups and scores, and the littlest son Jeff, who in between squirreling around, manages to ride in the Mini Beginners and get in a little flagging every now and then. In Friday's Mini Beginner action, Jeff Barbacovi swept both moros for his first overall victory of the season, topping Dale Knapp, who put on a strong charge in the second molO that almost earned him the lead until he went down. Third went to Jason Davenport. In the IOOcc Beginners, John Julander grabbed both moto wins to defeat Richard Albarran's 4·2 score and Marco Folchi's S·S. Donna Gilo took secon.d the first molO, but tangled with Folchi in the second arid went down. Two divisions of 125cc Beginners were J1In, and in the first Gary DePillo took the overall by sheer consistency as his S·2 finishes topPed Mike Corbino's 2',S, and the tie for third overall between Paul Provenza and Mark Pierce, both with a moto win 'and a ninth. 54th International 6 Days Trial v tlt"" to ~e\>t. 'LOt \ \ ~e\>t. 1979 .--------------------------------~ : • TOUR APPLICATION _ • Please reserve my space. . as deposit or $ • Enclosed please' find $ • payment in full. Please reserve space for persons. Make checks payable to Cycle Tours. Inc. Full name Mr. Mrs. Ms ~~ State City Phone as Zip, - - - - write or call Marti BUY DIRECT ,.: • • • CYCLE TOURS. INC. lifo APA Travel 450 N. Roxbury Drive. Suite 203 Beverly-Hills.,CA 90210 foraddi~ionalinforma~ion • • • • I • 213-858-7601 • • ~--------------------------------~ from Manufacturer and'SAVE Free Engraving & Delivery ...... .-:===~ s-. , -long tr8ftl. &n -Tnwelllmltlng (for younger riders and stadium eventSl tile cIocI!.1o tile dreecl8d v..... _ d1a. _ Symp\OlIls IncIIlde: Fever (0¥lIfhe8Ilng), Exh8llStlon (facllng).-Short· ness of travel, and Stuttering (over fIt8fY ripple on the track). An overnight operation et the MOTOOESlGN clinic con cure' these symptoms permanently. We guarantee in' -compression valve rnF only) -Reservoir installation, RegUlar or Super Pro .Nltrogen pressure and 011 changes .Complete stock ot replacement , parts creased shock performance. Call or write for t:OfI1plete detatls. DEAL£~ INQUIRIES INVITED SMa shock to: MOTODESIGN 3240 Central Ave., Memphis, TN 38111 1101-324--7755 31

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