Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1979 07 04

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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II You're Missing Out • ~ III E lli~ :'" '. "I""""L" ~.J.£J t. no Have you missed one of these action packed issues of Cycle News? If you have, you need only fill out the blank below to be sure you never miss out again. Get all fifty issues delivered right to your door. Cycle News delivers motorcycle news, local, regional and national, every week in big action pictures with inside scoop on everything that happened and why. There's more; you get Tests, Products, Calenda,r, Results, Want Ads and Interviews. All this for just thirty (30¢) cents per copy when you subscribe at only fifteen ($15) dollars for one (1) year. 'Subscribe to Cycle N ews/West 0 r----------~----------------i 0 Fill OUt and send I TODAY o IVLY $15.00 I ! I r-------......;.--.. . II You'D see it first in California! You'll see it first· in Cycle News I W~~Be-~;~ -Cio"""'Wd I The CYCUDWSIWeit We don·t care how the hell • 1.-. do it in Califomia! my .....1&1I' Un::;;"J' 1.00' Cyclr N~••/W,," I bon~oclORd my paymeot. p~ omd my FI'ft Bano~r I cb "Tb~ Besl Go w..," 0 UYOII·U tee it rmt i.D Califom.ia·· .......•........•..•...........•..•........... 0 "WDCHTHTDIlC" 0 p ..,..,:::-:-:e_::_IrO_IC_ ri_n'_legt_·b_ly) Ci,y --,--_-----;---SlO,e Zip Mail 10 Cycl~ N~••/W.." Box 498, Long Bacb, CA 90801 TbililoKn~ol 0 PI~oICbiIJme 0 I woo, Cycle N~ws (I year) 515.00 0 50 wm. Canada and Mexico(! yr.) 2nd cia.. 525. (2 y~an) 527.00 0 100 w«l<. O,h., foreign ra'

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