Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1979 07 04

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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\lIS! America's No.1 Weekly Motorcycle Newspaper Sharon Clayton. Publisher Tom Culp, Marketing DireclOr Caroline Gendry, Sec. to the Publisher Margie Southern, xc. to the Mtkg. Oir. Advertising Jim Ryan.. Sal.. Manago<. Skip Johnson. Sales Manager. Linda Brown. Advt'rris· ing Coordinator. Editorial Charles Morey. Managing Editor. Dale Brown. Editor. Bobi McGann. Editor. Graphics and Production Oav Pauli, Production Manager. Judy Klinger, Production Autant. Mariou Hat~hita. C-indy Tor..... Typography. DcnnllGreene. Laboratory. Accounting Mike Klinger. ~nagcr. Jeanne Hammond. Aceta. R«eivablr. Donna Bryan. Asat. Aau. Rec~vablc. Trny Dailey. Credit Abnall"'. Circubltion Rheba Smith. Manaser. lIarbar. T.rcw. T.mmy T.yIor. Shirley Short. AaoiItan... Trny Pratt. Dealer SaIcs N .......... Re8der/De8ler Service Gin Harper. Want Ad SaIco Service and Support Chris Aitchnon. Alexander. Sti. R~ptioni.t. Rick West ZZOI Cherry Ave.. Long linch. CA P.0.1Iox498. Long\kach. CA908O1 (ZI5)4Z7-74'5: L.A. Linr656·8844. e..t -, 4190 Fin< Ave.. Tuclter:IG . P.O. Bo. 80S, Tucker. GA 50084. I (404) 954-78SO. Cycle NcwslWest (USPS 141-540) is published except the fin< .nd .... wccIr. ol the c.lendar year for $ IS ..... ye.r by Cycle Ncws, Inc.• ZZOI Cherry Avenue. Long CA 90801. Second d . . pootagc paid .t Long \ CA. POSTMASTER: Send form 3171 to Cyde News. P.O. Bolt . . lINch, CA...,. l.on9 Sublcriprion rates: One year, srcood cI•• mail. $IS; two yea.... ICCOnd d •• mail. $%7: three ye.n, second du. mail. $57.SO. Cycle News welcomes unsolicited editorial material including storin. cart~IlI. photos. etc. Such materia!. if publIShed, becomes the exclusive propcny of Cycle News. Such .ccepted material is subject to revision as is necessary in the sole discretion of Cycle N~. Unsolicited material which i. not uxd will be returned if a,ccampanied by a ,,,If-.ddr

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