Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1979 07 04

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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TEXAS MOTOCROSS Rio BrIYO MX PIr1<, Houottln. TX. 5 mi. E on E Moun1 HOUI1on Rd.. off Hwy. 59 North. All _ . Trophies thou'g 8112 World ChlImpIonshIp Observed Trlels Italy 7115 8/19 S~ . 8125 Finlond Czec:hooIollOkio 9/1 6 International six DeysTriBl s_ W. Germanv 9110 Trophee Des Nations SIDCIwI Riders 1"14 South Corolina Twin Stales Nat'l W. Kentuekv Triit Riders r l'en)Ud< cash. 30'110 brass awarded every race rnght. 150% Pro p.b. Entry $8. 916/ Jll3.2853. SPEEDWAY COOllI - . ColilomiL Clf8nge County ~ 8 pm. Info: 7141492-9933. WASHINGTON SIR NIGHT MOTOCROSS Seettle Int","";o"" _ . _ . WA. All _ RIC. BMX. Entry $8. $13 Pro. Prac. 8 p.rn., race 7. 2081831-1560. NIGHT MOTOCROSS Mosier Villev Night MX, EUIea. TX. a-oo p.m. 2141245- 4883. SHORT TRACK _ Downa Shan AMATT BeIIinghom. WA. exit 255 oil 1-5, 1 mi. E on Hannegan Rd.• 1 m;, 1I011251250175Occ cIesses. 14 mi. Semi Pro TT. Entry $8.50. M!. Ilal<.. MC. PO Box 132Bellinghlm, ,WA ~. 2061 733-1894. OREGON MOTOCROSS' Sondy, Oregon. Hwy. 21 1 Exit out of Sondv to _ e d Rd. Follow sigm. All - . Gen. ed. $3.50. Entry """'Wee $5. Nov. $8.50. 1n8. $8.50, Pro '10. 100'110 Pro p.b. Series trophies ee. _ . Gate 8 om. Pfac. 9 om. race 10 om. Info: MI. V_ Cycle PIrt<, P.O. Box 365. Sendy OR 97065. 888451. Sunday CAUFORNIA T,a. TTIMXISPEEOWAY PRACT1CE EloinOfe _ I V , like _ • CA. Hwy. 71. oft • ~ SL, bown. - . St. edt 8 IIIiIr.-d Rd. For inIo: 714/674-2848,876471a e.... DeANZA MOTOCROSS DeAnzl Cycle Plrk, ~ , CA. 10 mi. E of RiVerside. CA on H-60 to off ,omp. All cIesses. 30% day trophies to Sptsmn. 100'110 trophies to minis & _ - . Entry $12 Ex.. $7 Sptsmn. Non-memb. odd $2. Memb. no1 req. Pk open SIl. & Sun. "" PIle. Gates open 7 I.m., prec. 8:30. race 9:30 I.m. Free comping. 7141835-5840. 863- r-.. 7979. 85304558. CoIeyviIIe. TX. 8:00 p.m. ProAm. LOCIl8d on HE _ of Fl. _214/241-1368. MOTOCROSS _ Rio 8n Blvd. tumo into Bogus IIIoin Rd.. L on e-ight. AI NMA GONZALES NATIONALS LA. _ MX - . e-t thru Beginner. EnlJy $5. 2OlII377.()497. 37559li8. June 3O-July 1 NMA &ARONA OAKS NATIONALS Berono (leks PIrt<, LIi"..ide. CA. NI1ional MX ChImpionahip Series. CII_ lOf ell ridera _ 8-8. ~ I 1. 12 & over 'Of minis. Up th

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