Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1979 07 04

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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............................. I .. • • ~. t J.C~_ PhINAW: (j') 18th annual SANCTIONED ~ 2S-lap NATIONAL TT Sat. .July 21 Suzuki Slalom winner Eric Baker. I and Amateurs. But as in the Dunestown GP, Lanky Larry ran away with the race. By the time he shot down the steep hill approaching the ramp jump it was 10 seconds before Roll-Over Rick and Bent-Over Bill descended, to exchange positions several times the remainder of the lap. At the end of lap one Lanky Larry was far out ahead with Bent·Over Bill now second and Roll-Over Rick third. They all went on to finish in that order. In the Amateur class, KTM·mounted Burn-Em Butch dazzled a few of the Experts when he powered through their ranks, gaining a fifth overall at the completion of the first lap and first among the Amateurs. Unfortunately, his engine had seizure problems. By lap t~o he'd dropped back to third. Dippy Del and Dinky Dennis then moved up to first and second with Slimy Steve holding fourth. On the last lap Burn-Em Butch dropped out. Dippy Del and Dinky Dennis sailed on across the finish line hotly pursued by Slimy Steve. Buggs Bill led the Intermediates around the course for the first lap, chased by Drafty Dennis and Derailed DeWayne. Lap two presented a different picture. Just Jim, fifth on the first lap, shot up in first place; Derailed DeWayne slid up to second; and Almost AI followed him. Just Jim nearly gave it away in the last lap barreling down the long sandy hill across the river. He lost control and was well up over the bars, but recovered beautifully and rode on to win. Derailed DeWayne and Almost AI came in behind him. Dorrito Dan grabbed the lead in the Novice race and lost it for awhile to Redneck Rex, but regained it and stormed on to win. Redneck came in second with Nehi Norm on his tail. (j') 1:"'- . . Gary tries to extend amazing AMA all-time record . . . looking for six national wins on Ascot TT . Alex defends title . Steve going for big points . ~ >- ~ -, Spin 7th annual Half-mile Gardena Gold Cup Fri. .July 20 - S pm , (EXPERTS. JUNIORS, NOVICES) ...... Ofl'e'" c.r Of AN.' ..... 1-_..:S;;.P-=E-=C:;.IA;;:L;...:;0i-F:..FE;:::R;;..,;F,..;:O;.;.R;....;..;R:;.;ArCE:::....;F~A.;;.NrS AduLt 0>lId AduLt ,..,....., ....,.:~ 0>lId . . . . . . ., ~:=:.::;::::.:::~;=~R::: ...~R~_;:;;;.d~ .... .._~.;;: ~Qw~:~.t~n~Qw~_~ol~ TICKETRPN I $10.00 $5.00 $8.50 $4.25 a.-ra. c , $5 A'm,n,•• A ;.. .50 $2.75 Only Oftl" I--~=~~-=--+--+-:--+--~I----l I 1:11:\ . . dlvltD'l 01 \::IC/Coomp.DllTACOl\I'OlV'TION I ALSO AT "WHERE THE HARBOR, SAN DIEGO AND 91 FREEWAYS MEET" ~ ~ ~==::::...._...L$-1-3-.oo-L..$6~.50 $;.,.1_1._50....L..$5_._75...J 323- 1142 .... 321- 1100 (COMBINATlON.TICKETS SOLO PRIOR TO GOLD CUP RACE DAY ONLY) \ ENCLOSED IS MY CHECK ·FOR _ PI_ tIlCllIM a ..If Iddr..Hd at.mptd .,v.lope along with cheek AGAJANIAN ENTERPRISES order payabl. to - NAME P. O. Box III Gard",a, CallI. 80247 AOORESS Ot F'HONE money _ _ Results EX: 1.*y Larry lVaml; 2. Bent-Qver BiN IHoo); 3. RoIl-O.- Rid< lVarnI. AM: 1. Dippy Del ISuzl; 2. Dinky Dennis lVaml: 3. Slimy S_lVaml. INT: 1. Juot Jim lMaiI; 2. Denliled o.Wrvne lVaml: 3. Almaot AI CSuzl. NOV: 1. Oorrilo Dan (Yam); 2. Redneck RexlYaml; 3. Nohi Nom1 (Mail. CITY c::: Subscribe and get your name on the cover of CYCLE NEWS. :=:l / .Greenway takes close Corona MX Burbank YAMAHA - MONTESA By.Ron Lawson - CORONA, CA:JUNE 8 DG's John Greenway (Hon) has always been a top contender on Friday nights at Corona Raceway. but in recent weeks bad luck and mechanical problems have put him out of the money in more than a few races. Last week. however, he overcame some very stiff competition to take first overall in a very close 250cc Pro race. Throughout the first moto, it was a four-way scrap between Marty ,Miller (Suz), Gary Denton (LOP Yam), Danny Burtt (Suz) and Greenway to ZIP .STA1];: oo. . n WFD HARD TO GET ~lV~AJ ~YAMAHA STREET.OFF·ROAD. TRIALS. & MOTOCROSS Now~=""'n We ship out of state .... w. Bar.._k B.yd. Bar""'''' CA . . . . . 08'738 U .... • PARTS AND ACCESSORIES u,-,II1OCkInU.S. _ 24 H_ _ Order Servic. """'. o.-.Welc""", N._ ••ceptMiaow DONELSON ""1:~I44 M_ceII: CYCLES. 3141427·12114 332lIW_n_ INC. St. Laul.. Mo. 83114 . Service. Motorcycle P.O. Box .,1. Hw.tII__ Beach CA lI2ll4I 7141114-1112 581. . PllrtII • Accessorie. 7 ud ''/I 7 eave(, 1PerJt 2l1li3 E. Colorado IIlvd.. PaIlN"a. CA .,107 '--_ _ 213-795-2711 _ _- ' Will-TECH 35

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