Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1979 07 04

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~ II ~erformance Street isNeat Before you begin The new package from Alphabet features the latest air filter and exhaust system combination that gives you the hottest performance tailored to your favorite bike. THE Featured here is the Suzuki GS 10004 into 1 exhaust system. , Everybody has to begin sometime. Lately, owing to the shortage of unleaded gasoline, thoughtful people are starting to consider the possibility of motorcycle riding in their future. Certainly there are economic advantages over other means of getting around, but tbese have to be weighed against one's own stan'l<-rds of comfort, practicality, status and sllfety, The biggest question is, "What motorcycle is right for me?" The answer depends on you - your size, build, ability and type of riding you prefer. A rule of thumb for beginners: Select a motorcycle with an engine size (displacement) of about one cubic centimeter for every pound you weigh. Thus if you tip the scales at 100 to 150 Ibs., a 125cc model would be just about right for starters, If you weigh closer to the 200 lb. end of the dial, something in the 200cc or 250cc size is recommended. , Choose the bike that feels best to you, one that you can pick up without too much strain if it should tip over. There is a law inJapan that I think is a good one. There, you have to be able to demonstrate that you can pick up your fallen motorcycle before they give you a license. If that were the law here, I wonder how many riders would pass. If you have to ride the freeway or interstate highway, the law requires a 15·horsepower motor. All but the smallest new motorcycles are freeway legal. Should you buy used? Almost never. There is the rare exception of a beginner biker finding just the right model for him or her on the used motorcycle market, but the choice is limitc;d. Private parties don't usually part with good motorcycles if they can help it; bargains are rare unless you have the mechanical facility to deal with problems. The new models lined up on the showroom of five major and a dozen other manufacturers offer tbe first time biker a wide choice of sizes, shapes and colors. All a new biker has to do is "try on" the models in his displacement range and see which "fit." Resist any efforts of the salesman to "lever you liP" to a bigger model than you need at this point in your motorcycle career. , Economy is a good criterion for selecting your first motorcycle, Buying new, you get some kind of warranty and easy budget terms, but you have to pay full value for what you get. What if you decide early-on that the motorcycle life is not for you? Well, send in a want ad, and Cycle News will help you find a buyer. But if you hang in there for a reasonable number of miles; the motorcycle will pay for itself. Figure it out: For every mile that you park your 15 mpg gas guzzler, at $1 a gallon you save 7.5~ per mile. Your motorcycle goes at least 50 miles per gallon, costing you only 2~ per mile. The difference soon adds up, Saving 5.5~ per mile, you pocket $5.50 every hundred miles - $55 every thousand. Why, if you rode your motorcycle instead of driving that car for 18,000,000 miles, you'd be a millionaire. (Next: Tools, the keys to the lOner sanctum,) cc GS1000 4 INTO 1 EXHAUST SYSTEM by ~ EXHAUST SYSTEM 184,95 Alphabet Ram-Flo high performance air filters fit all popular 4-stroke bikes and most carburetor kits. Available in the oval style, with 400 cfm capacity. These filters feature a special pocketed foam element that is flame retardant, washable in soap and water, reuseable and High Performance! AIR FILTERS 42.l15 /SET (INCLUDES 2 FILTERS) While traveling FAST look good and feel good wearing an Alphabet headers "T"-shirt and arctic jacket. Let 'em know that you have risen a step above with Alphabet and STAGE II! see your local dealer or contact ~Iphabet direct. WE CAN MAKE ANY BIKE PER~ORM WITH STAGE II. '.00 T-SHIRT JACKET I (eI.P!'!IEl) Send $3.00, for-our 12572 Western Avenue full line catalog. Garden Grove, CA 92641 714/897-3561 44.95 w_h_a_t'_s_ha_p_pe_nln_g?_._CALEND_AR __ _ Visit our new showroom and select from the largest selection of Junior Motorcycles. Youth Acoesaorles and Motorcycle Boots In Southern California. Distribution center open to public M.s. 1 to 6 pm. (bet......n Woodman & Coldwater canyon), p---------------- I STRADA INTERNATIONAL.. INC. • 13148SalicoyStreet. No. Hollywood. CA91605 I (2' 31982·2000 • Quan. DesCriptIon Size/Color Amount 1--+----+-----+-I To'.I, _ I_Check or M 10 enclosed I_Mas,,,, Cg • HONDA 'MYSTERY' SIDECARS 'SPIRIT OF AMERICA' SIDECARS VESPA SCOOTER SIDECARS 'h~- OR.EGCN .... I,ENUE lONe ril:-,\( H C'\ ::''' .,., 213 ')OY1 j L.:' rl H') Exp, I_Visa IB of A cardl _ _Exp, I_COD $5,00 "--It enclosed _ I enclosed $2,00 for catalog & decals, _ _ I Name I Address L:~ MM5B $409.00 (!,eight & set up Included) ~~ Z~ ;.I 10% dlecount on AcceuorieI .81' __ - , - - . 25

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