Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1979 06 27

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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NMA MABTON NATlOHAlS Mobton, WA. _ MX Chompionohip - . C lOt 811 riders _ &819-11 2 & Over lOt minis. Up thru 18 lOt All New! Express Yourself n motoreyCloo. Bike _ 501IlOI l001125125Occ. NovRntJE. _ ... For info: lMry Ward _ _ 4739. NMA SANTA FE NATIONALS Sarita Fe. New Mexjeo. National MX Championship Se>ies. C _ lOt eI' riders egos fHlI9. I lit 2 & 0 - lOt minis. Up thru 18 for ITlOlOtcyd... 8ike siz.. 5OIl101t 00I12!i125Occ. Novl IntlEx c _ . R>< inlo: Dave VIllil 505/842·5048. MOTOCROSS Sunrise Valley Cycle Park, 2 mL N of Adelenlo. CA on Hwy. 395. All c _ welcome. Enlry .81$12 Pros. MX School on Saturdey - star1S el noon. For info: Nick lIfesevich. 15224 7th SI.. Vietorville. CA 7141235- MOTOClIOSS Cycle Heven Perk, Long _ . CA. Aa_ from LS _ _• I bit Eol V..-.. Thomee Bridge. AI _ + V.... 33% braes. Gient trophy lOt I .. plece riders. Sponamen entry "0. Pros $14. Gete opens 6:00 e.m.. ai90 up 6:30-8:30, rice 9.00. Half time drewing lOt p. TX 78242. CRe MOTOCROSS _ k Park, Doange, CA. AI _ . 2 _ _ -=h. Cash p.b. to Pros. 30% breis 10 spllmn. Enlry .91$13 Pros. --'- .. DBCSA MOTOCROSS ~ MX Park, Seve>s, TX. FrOtn Sen Antonio take U.S. 87 S 10~. Toke Stuert Rd. S lOt 1 ~ mi. & follow signs. Split p Rd. AI - . Gat.. open 6:30 e.m. sigrHJp 7-8:00 a.m., Pfac. 8:00. rece 9:00 I.m. Entry SptImn. .,01Ex. $15. Wetch lOt .3. 30% Ex. p.b. For inlo: RI. 2. ~ Sox 1430, lIfentwo<>d. CA 94513. 41516343328. 634-1667. PARA/MULKEY MOTOCROSS 3 mi. W of McMinnville, OLR on Hwy. 18. Get.. open 7 •.m., race 10 a.m. Entry $8 Nov/Jr; $13 Pros. .3.50 lIOIe fee. 50% Pro p.b. by molO down 8. 30% 1».... FOt info: PARA. 7100 S.W. Hampton, Suite 121, Tigerd, OR 97223. 503/6205301. Ar.,RA CLUB RACE Kincade Cycle Park, Anchorege. Aialka. Enlry: E•. "5. Nov. $10. Minis .5. Sign up & pac. 9-11 ..m. Racing - . . et noon. Alaska Me Racing Aaaocietion. 90712n-2201. NMA BARONA OAKS NATIONALS Serone 0ekI Park. lakeside. CA. Netlonel MX Championship S ..,... C _ lOt eI' riders egos 6-8, 9-1 1. 12 & DVM fOt minis. Up Ihru 18 lOt motOtcycles. 8ike sizes 50180I1 0011 25I25Occ. Novl 'ntlE•. Ron I..ence 714/$3328. AlASKA ST CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES ROUND II Kincade Cvcle Perk. ~. _ . Entry: Ex. $15, Nov. $10. Minis '5. Sign up & prac. 9-11 e.m. Racing . . . . at noon. For more info: 9071272· 2201. AfM ROAD RACE Sea,. Point International R8COWII\I, Hwys. '.fT & 121. Sonoma, CA 95476. For entry & info: 7071938-8448. 7339. 1).36 SHORT TRACK Salinas Airport, california. Hwy 101 & Aitport Blvd. All c _ & minis. 100% p.b. to Experts. EnlJy $6. Pr8C. 10.-race 12. Info: 84 Carlton Dr" Montarov, CA 93940. 40818992401 Ot 394-8225. June 3O-July 1 June 25-29 RUSS DARNEU MX SCHOOLS _ MX. Seettle. WA. 5 day treining comp. EnlJy $125 per studentJ.25 deposit. For inlo: Ru.. Dornell MX Schoola, Telfair Ave., Sun Velley, CA 91352. 2131767-1854, 3671722. 9225 June 27 1).36 SHORT TRACK Petaluma Fairgrounds. Petaluma. CA. All classes plus Minis. Gete open 5:30 p.m.• ll'8C. 6:15. race 7:30 p.m. $5 rtde, $3 watch. 41~1682;707~7282. June 29 ATCIODYSSEym Chula Vista, California. Speedwey 117. Take 1-5 Ot lI05 S. from Chule Vista to Jet. 117. go E. 5 ~ mi. across from Brown Meld Airport. Sign-up 5-7 pm, 1st race 8 pm, p<8C. 6:30-7:30 pm. Inlo: So-lwav 117. P.O. 995. Chule CA 9201 I . 714/420-7414. V_. eo. AME NIGHT MINI MX Indien Dunes. Velencie. CA. Posl entry .7. Prac. 7 pm, race 8 pm. All eJeaoes. 30% braes. AME lie. req. For info: AME. PO 1421. Resede, CA 91335. 2131881-5778. eo. AME SUMMER SERIES MX Indien Dunes, Velencia. CA. Post entry .9 Sptsmn., .,2 Pros. Pro p.b.. 30% 1».... Proc. 7:00 p.m., roce 8. All cleaaes. AME lic. req. For info: AME, PO Sox 1421, Resede. CA 91335. 2131 881·5778. June 30 AME MINICYCLE MX Sp Rd. All deAes. 80% Ex. pune. Geteo open 4:00 p.m., sign up ~:30. prac. 6:30, race 7:15 p.m. EnlJy $8. _ '3. 4151634-3328; 634-1667. CRRCIWERA PERFORMANCE RIDING SCHOOL Oak Hill Raceway. Henderson, TX, $1 5 admission. AU current or potential road racers are welcome. CRRC. 3305 Roschdale. Houston. TX. 5121 447·1120. • NMA BARONA OAKS NATIONALS Barone Oeks Park. Lakeside. CA. Notional MX Championship Se>ies. CIeaaes lOt ell riders egos 6-8, 9-1 1, 12 & 0Yef for minis. Up Ihru 18 lOt motort:ydes. 8ike _ 5OI8OI1001125125Occ. Novl IntlEx. Ron I..ence 7141496-3326. July 1 PARAIWASHOUGAl MX e - Hwy. E of Vencou_, WA 10 WeohougeI. WA. Foilow signs. Gete ~ 7 e.m.. race 10 e.m. Entry $8 JrlNov; .,3 Pros. 13.50 gete I... 100% Pro p.b. by molO down 8. 30% 1».... For inlo: PARA, 7100 S.W. Hampton. Suite 121. rogerd. OR 97223. 5031820-5301. MOTOCROSS Sendpoint. ldeho. Woodaide MX. 1 mi. E. of Sendpoint to the Y and then N. Approx. 5 mi. to Selle Rd. Follow signs. 125, 250, Open. Pro only. Enlry '25. '5,000 guar. pur... Sign-up 710:15 em. p<8C. 9-10:15 em, pit meet 10:15 1m, race 10:30 am. .3 gele ed. Info: 20812~. 26J.ll515 Ot 263-6124. 1).36 SAND HILUARGYU MOTOCROSS SERIES Send Hitl Ranch, 8rentwood, CA. Slarting gete et both traeka. Riders must race .. 6 evenlS to qualify for finel trophtes & p

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