Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1979 06 27

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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I ~~~~._._._.~---._._._._.~_._._._._.~_._._._~._.~.~ lAbovel Rick Johnson took the CMC OCIR 12&cc Pro c:Iua.lBelowl Tony W....ket 1331 end Goet Breker dueled heevlly et CMC Seddlebllc:k. Mark Stone,lookln' ..rIou. et CMC·. Speedway 117 night motocross. th~n Donni~ Ha~n (C-A). Ha~n caught Bau~r off guard on th~ last lap and snuck th~ qui~t CanAm by him on th~ downhill. Surprised, Bau~r tri~d to fight back, but Ha~n eff~tiv~ly shut th~ door on him in th~ few r~maining corn~rs. (Hon) 125 !NT DIY II: 1. Doug Duboc:h IYaml; 2. John 3. Melt Whiting IYarnI. 125 JR: 1. Richaod Hoff...... lSun; 2. B,ot lSuz); 3. Phillip ISun. 250 PRO: 1. Donnie _IC·A); 2. Tony_ot lVaml; 3. Ron T"""" IYam). 250 INT DIY I: 1. S,.... Platt IYoml; 2. Kevin Duffy lVam); 3. Phil Joh.-. lOoK). 250 INT DIY II: 1. Jatt Lyodole lHonl; 2. Rage< Dion IMaiI; 3. Pet. MurfayIDMGI. 250 JR: 1. Dovid Pettigrew IMoil; 2. Tommy Hodgin ISuzI; 3. Rob Binlday's Continental Moto-sports Club event. In th~ first 125cc Pro mota, Scan Burnwonh (Suz) dropJlC'd down th~ starting hill just ah~ad of a fast, scr~aming pack. A sudd~n strok~ of bad luck f~lI~ him on th~ SKond lap, though, and put him back in that pack. H~ salva~d a sixth at mota's ~nd. 42. Rick Johnson (Yam) took th~ h~lm at that tim~ whil~ Mik~ TriJlC'S (Esc) k~pt a c10~ watch from b~hind. Willy Simons (Yam) mov~d into third a short ti~ lat~r' and proc~~~ to mak~ it a three ridu rac~ for first. TriJlC'S appar~ntly stan~d to fttl un· comfonabl~ in th~ Yamaha sandwich and slipJlC'd by Johnson as th~ ~an lap 10. Johnson wmt down a coupl~ of laps later as he calM dIf>4D a JaPPtlf1.DdA-4I and was bump~d in the leg from b~hind, giving him a charlie ho~. By the time he got rolling again, TriJlC'S and Simons w~re long gon~. Koji Masuda (Suz) and A. J. Whiting (Yam) also slipped by and th~ ch~cker~d saw th~m finish in that ord~r. Burnworth start~d w~1I in th~ SKond molO, also, but was displac~ by Tmps who I~d th~ whol~ show aft~r following Burnworth for less than a lap. Simons finish~ th~ rac~ b~hind th~ two, but it was good ~nough to cop s~cond ov~rall. LOP's Gary Denton (Yam) h~ld third for th~ first half of th~ molO, slipJlC'd back and scratch~d his way back to fourth, just holding off Whiting and Paul Th~d~ (SoP). Two qualifying motos and a consolation rac~ d~cid~d which 250cc Pros would advance to the two moto final. J~ff J~nnings (Suz), Tony Wank~t (Yam) and Randy Rodrigu~z (Mai) ~ach won th~ir qualifiers. In th~ first of th~ final matos, J~nnings Sttm~d to b~ a bit fast~r than ~verybody, though Wank~t was abl~ to stay with him for the first half of th~ rac~. H~ fad~d to fifth at th~ ~nd. Ron Turn~r (Yam) did his tim~ in th~ runn~r·up slot, but slow~ toward . . . t:P~ ,aM ... passc:d S&ae Bauer b, Results MINI JR: 1. MicNol; 2. Dono Anderson ISud; 3. Newton AaMIdo lSuzl. 100 JR: 1. _ Lopp lSud: 2. Tony Totono lSuzl; 3. Toddllf_dlVarnI. 125 PRO: 1. Mike Tripes lEoel; 2. Willy Simorw IYaml; 3. Scan Bu,"wortlllSuzl. 125 INT DIV I: 1. Bryon Antonoc:ci lVoml; 2. Poul Conc>CliuIll1'" _ &cl. '" _mon Pete Vetrano (SoP). I Grissom, Anderson top Pros at Speedway 117 MX By Rod Eschenburg Photo by Photocross CHULA VISTA, CA,JUNE6 Suzuki rider Scott Anderson scored his second 125cc Pro win of the 1979 season in an unusual manner. In the first moto it was aU Scott M~er after last wttk's winner Jack K~ and Chris Harold came to~th~r in a rath~r viol~nt way, and And~rson had troubl~ off th~ gat~. In th~ ~cond round K~ jum~ into an ~arly lead with Harold in s«ond, ~~yer in third and And~rson in fourth. Th~n all of a sudd~n, Harold was in th~ lead, M~~r drop~ out and And~rson was in a cl~ third. Th~n And~rson shot by K~ and took th~ ov~rall with a 3·l! finishl Th~ l!50cc Pros had th~ man that is probably the all tim~ ~at~t night rida in S~way 117 history r~turn to action: Suzuki mount~ Mik~ Stan, and it would be nic~ to say that h~ mad~ his r~turn a winning on~, but n~w Pro Kirk Grissom "didn't hav~ no r~~ct" as h~ w~nt wire to wir~ in th~ first moto and blast~ Stern in th~ ~cond for a two for two win, St~rn was th~ mast~r of th~ turns, but with th~ incr~a~d jumps this y~ar at S~~way 117 it was youth showing th~ way, Looks lik~ we'll hav~ to put a bounty out on 125cc Int~rm~diat~ rid~r "Wailin' Woody" Carlson, as th~ San Di~go Kawasaki rid~r onc~ again blast~ a good field of ridas in a two for two go. Th~ action for SKond was ~aIIy torrid, and it boil~ down to th~ ,

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