Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1979 06 27

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Malcolm Rllthmeil edged Martin Lampkin by 4.5 points to win in Canada. Bernie Schreiber finished third. within seven points of the leader. World Championship Observed. Trials Series - Round seven Rathmell, Lampkin wage six-hour battle at Calgary By Harlow Rankin CALGARY. ALBERTA, CANADA.JUNE 10 Malcolm Rathmell edged out fellow' Yorkshireman Martin Lampkin by 4.5 marks for the victory in a six-hour battle at the Canadian Round of the FIM World Trials Championship Series. This win moved him ahead of the USA's Bernie Schreiber in the current standings. "Barging Bernie" almost had the win, but 16 a final check of the scoring moved him to third Spot for the day. World Champion Yrjo' Vesterinen finished this seventh round in fourth place. but still retained his series point lead. Sections throughout the 30-mile affair were tight; in fact. the one-liners couldn't have been put across better by a full-fledged comedian. Riders also were u'1irnpressed by the section markers and the apparent vision of some observers. The first group, only two sections. took the 29-man entry an hour to complete. Rastus took the first bit of rockery with one and "five'd" the steep climb out of section two. Lampkin took a two on the first section, and was the only rider to manage a three out of the second section; everyone else took the maximum. Schreiber and Vesterinen matched singles on Section one. while Marland Whaley went clean. Whaley was zero and zero on the second group, sections three and four. Here, Malcolm paused for two and a clean. Lampkin got through with a one and a clean. as did Schreiber. Vesty went for two and five. The first four-section group (five through eight) was a clean sheet for Lampkin and Rathmell. Schreiber took but one prod on six. but Whaley and Vesterinen took fives here. All three were clean on five, seven and eight. Rathmell doubled up on group four with a three-five and three·five. Vesterinen took out three more threes and a five. Schreiber etched out a three and a pair of fives, finishing with a three. Marland was nearly . impressive here, riding a clean on nine. 11 and 12, then stopping for five at Section 10. At group five (13 and 14), Rathmell and Vesterinen both throttled to five and I zero, with Lampkin punching in three and one, Schreiber twO and one. Whaley footed twice at 13 and made 14 a clean. Group six was almost a four-section disaster for Whaley. taking the maximum three times before going. clean on 18. Vesty took five at 17, a dab for 15 and clean rides on 16 and 18. Bernie grabbed two singles on 16 and 17, and zeroed 15 and 18. Rathmell did the two-step on 15 and 16 and went three and one on the remainder. Lampkin legged out a pair of threes for 16 and 17, chalking up one for 15 and a flawless ride on 18. At the next group, riders were met by a massive gallery of spectators. The four sections (19-22) here featuring steep rock climbs and descents, as well as some fast-running water. Malcolm settled for three. went clean. managed a siQgle and then a two. Lampkin didn't fare much better with the same score. a collection of twos and ones. • Veste'rninen almost matched Lampkin. but kept his card clean on 22 instead. Bernie stayed on his mount for three at 19, clean at 20, one at 21. but a tree stopped him cold at 22. Whaley took the max at 19 and 21, riding a nice clean on 20 and making twO prods at 22. The eighth group (23-25) added more fives to their scores and to everyone·s. Manin got three of them, while Malcolm, Vesty, Marland and Bernie picked up two each_ Rastus managed a single shot at 23; Whaley and Vesterinen got two·s. and Scheiber went for a three here. Four sections were the order of the day at group nine (26-29). Rathmell, Lampkin, and Schreiber matched each on 26 and 27 ,with singles and clean rides. Bernie dived for fives at 28 and 29 while Rastus scratched for three's and Lampkin went three and four. W~aley took a pair of fives after a two and a zero. Vesterinen also had problems with this group, taking a three on 26. then forcing a clean, a two and one on the remainder. Malcolm enjoyed the best rides at the 10th group (30-33). He singl~d at 30 and 31, taking a three at 32 and cleaned up at 33. Marland ditto'd ths score and added one at 33. Schreiber went down for two morC!' fives, but redeemed himself with one and two prods at the end of the group. Lampkin prodded for threes during 30 and 31, then left for the last group after one and two performances on the remaining sections. Vesty scored ones at 30 and 33, stayed clean at 32, but punched for five at 31. Everyone was c10ckwatching well before the last group neared the end of the loop, making only short inspections before 34 and 35. Whaley was best here with a single and a clean. Ratnmell and Scnreiber took three's at 34, but Bernie went clean on the final ride where Malcolm settled for one. Vesterinen and Lampkin both fived at 34, Mart escaped 35 with one prod as Vesty scrambled for three. As a result of this round, four places changed in the World Championship title chase. Yrjo Vesterinen retains his lead with Manin Lampkin closing to within eight poins. But Malcolm Rathmell bounced into third spot ahead of Bernie Schreiber. Ulf Karlson, Rob Shepherd. Charles Coutard, Nigel Birkett. and Jean· Marie Legeune all remain in the same positions. Marland Whaley replaces Jaime Subira in 10th spot. Top Canadian rider was Wayne Woloschuk with 139.4 points and 14th place. • - Results 1. Malcolm Ralhmell 73.1. 4.1 IMon!; 2. Martin Lampkin 77.6. 1.6IBull; 3. Bernie Schreiber 80. 2 IBull; 4. Yrjo 1I.. 85.2. 5.2 (Bull; 5. Marland Whaley 92.8,4.8 (Mon); 6. Rob Shepherd 93.2. 5.6IHon1; 7. UIf Karl",," 96.6,5.6 (Monl; B. Jean-Marie Legeune 106.6. 3.6 IMon!; 9. Charloo Coulard 120.8. 5.8 ISWM(; 10. Eddie Legeune 125, 0 tHon(. Til" I,rsl .I;Kurr (71./) u Ihf' If/tal JCur,', 'ltf' s.'('lmti (of II iJi ,It*, !,oints I,Ul m' I;n." ""Iy. ,.inon WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP OBSERIIED TRIALS SERIES POINT STANDINGS: ,. lI_inen 1891; 2. Lampltin 1611; 3. Ralhmoll C56l; 4. ~ C54l; 5. Kartoon l43I; 6. Shepherd 132); 7. ~ 128l; 8. Ilirltett 1221;9. J-M ~ 1201; 10. WhIIey4191.

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