Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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Street • IS ·N ea t Wise old biker It isn't where you go , but how you 're going that puts' the pleasure in road riding, I've met most of my best biking experiences by accident along the way (I've met some of my accidents by accident too, but that's another subject). 1 plan to live to be a wise old biker . Most of my wisdom came from the School of Hard Knox (always put your kickstand up before riding. etc .) Some o f it 1 learned reading books (a motorcycle is a coupled caster. etc.) and some of it was told to me by old timers (cross up to turn suddenly, etc.), Some of my survival must have been instinctive. Nobody suggested that 1 use cars for cover or slow down for intersections, that just natural selfpreservation. Dirt riding taught me a lot (School of Soft Knox) and road 'r acing taught me how to use both brakes hard (School of Long Slides). Racing also taught me a lot of things that are wrong on the public road . The right racing line onto a curve may be suddenly interrupted by an Other Vehicle. Bambi may have squatted recently right : on your maximum braking po int. Laying it down may stop you sooner in the dirt , but tires usually grip better on pavement than fiberglass and steel. Someday I'd like to see a kind of Link Trainer available for street riders to give us the experience of safe accident avoidance without all the risk of the real thing. If they can check out jet pilots in Link Trainers, why not us crotch rocket argonauts? oJ CC MMA celebrates sixt h Fresno Run By Charles Clayton DICK BURLESON/HUsqvama 5 time National Enduro Champion. Undefeated since 1974 and heading fOr an unprecedented 6th national title. Dick Burleson Is a tough and thorough competitor In professional competition, where wins are often determined by a single point or tiebreaker. He Is a champion because he Is a highly skilled rider, mechanic and time keeper. And because he prepares his motorcycle thoroughly befOre each event. He uses TORCO racing lubricants like TORCO CiP-7, TORCO MTF, TORCO Fork 011 and TORCO Power Slide chain lube.To get results like these. 1979 AMA NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP ENDURO SERIES2nd AA-Chaparrals ~. 150 ml. National / ~_......" Enduro 1st OA-Stone Mountain National Enduro " . '1st OA-DUsty Wheels .Redneck National Enduro 1st OA-TurkeYl)'aCk Creek 100 ml. National Enduro 6th AA--curley Fern National Enduro 1st AA-Post Enduro Association 125 ml. National Enduro 1st OA-Llttle Raccoon Classic 125 ml. National End'uro 1stOA-BurrOak150 mt National Enduro DICK BURLESON. A CHAMPION. TORCOTHE CHAMPIONS OIL we' re going to teach you a thing or two about 011. Send $1.00for our e reeuee appll· cati on chart and an education on oil. FRESNO, CA , MAY 4·6 It would take a lot more than a gas shortage to keep some 2,000 members of the Modified Motorcycle Association from their 6th annual Fresno Run. These bikers and their ladies are well organized. Pickup trucks carrying drums of gasoline painted in the heraldic colors of various road clubs stood by in case they were needed. Security aide~ wearing MMA armbands made sure that a good time was had by all. The MMA is a California street biker rights organization. It has one other state chapter in Massachusetts. Head lobbyist Ron Roloff serves as the master of ce remonies at these MMA rallies and does a great job. MMA runs like this are not exactly family enter, tainmen t (no children allowed), but they pu t on many public events. drag races , Toy Ru ns. etc. where you don't have to be a member to participate. These events and annual $10 memberships finance the state lobbying effort. For more information contact: MMA , 2202 16th s., Sacramento. CA 95818 916/442-4727, and watch the Cycle News Road Calendar. • Dealer orde r no. TORCO OIL COMPANY -12247 Lakeland Road - santa Fe $pI'Ings. CA 90670 U.SA • 213·944.7989 "Stay in shape. It helps prevent injuries in all types of riding:' RIDE AWARE .~ 0:."1 (_ ~ ) .:::;. MlC ""."''CU! INCu.TRY CCUNCIL ,INC. MUlTljQAC ...... 15