Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1979 04 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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How to ourKX80 , emeanest • • • RAISED SEAT KIT Adds I" toseat height, Includes additional foam and cover AIRFORK CAPS - By S& WTM - Vary pressure for rider weight and track conditions, Equalized pressure. 00 ........ ....... .... $-0 0.. < LONG TRAVEL FORK KIT - 8.0" - a must with long travel rear. Marland Whaley bested the Experts by 23 points at the SCTAIATA trials. SCTA/ATA touqhle to Whaley By Bill and Shayla Markham ORANGE, CA , APRIL 8 "Challenge" was the password for SCTAIAT A's trial at Saddleback Park. The Experts really worked, and after a tough ride, Montesa's Marland Whaley came out on top with 70 po ints. Andre Plouffe and Greg Lersch - now back from their ' ATA-sponsored ride in Europe - put their knowledge to work. Plouffe, now with number on e stand ing in ATA, took second place with 93 points. Lersch took third with 97 . Both rode Bultacos. Ron Ben igar , also Bu l-mounted , was rammed by a joy-riding motorcycl ist on ' the loop , but quickly repaired his bike and finished like a trooper to win th e Amateur class with 79 points. Bultaco rider Bruce .Davis took the second spot with 84 points and Brent Battin, also on Bultaco, came in for third with 102 points. The Nov ice- class was ca p tu red by Robert Mennell (Bul) with a 45 · pointer. Gary Con rad (Bul), eating Mennell' s dust , took second with 46 po ints . A 53 -point tie for th ird between Denny Wolff (Bul) , Mike Ryan (Mon) and Gary Miller was decided by cleans - giving Ryan t hird place (14 cleans), Wolff fourth place (12 cleans) a nd Miller fifth place (six cleans). The Senior A class was won by ATA past-president, Gil Smith (Bul) with 67 points. Jean ' Fradette (Hon) was second with 78 po ints and Art W ebster (Bul) was a bik e and a half length behind with 81 points to take th ird. It was a close ride in th e Senior B class between Bill Markha m (H on) and Glenn Byers (Bul ). Markham was ah ead by one point on the first loop and then the two were tied on both the second and third loop - g iving Markham first place 'wit h 24 points to Byers' ,25 points for second. Er ik Soderquist (Ya m ) with a solid nine points, captured first place in the Beginner cla ss. Gene Fob el (Yam) was second with 23 points and Scott Rudesill (H on ) was a close third with , 28 points. Chris Schrater (Yam) put it together to win the Kids' class with 46 points and Cindy Scott (H on) placed secon d with 64 po int s. W ith 15 sections laid out , all classes rode three four-mile loops . Most of th e sections consisted of sharp turns, loose dirt uphills, and off-camber exitsl Section six was a toughie on th e first loop for the Senior A, Amateur and Expert riders . Riders began at the bottom of a gully, immediately taking on a deep two -foot wide rut which extendedthree-quarters of the way up the section. The best strategy for this ride seemed to be to jump one's bike back and forth across the rut . . . then continue on u p to take on a' unique high bank-turn leading into a deep rut wh ich next required a sharp 180 0 turn up a four-foot bank and out th e exit! Greg Byers had the only clean ride on this one on the first loop! Section seven gave a cha llenge to th e Kid s and Beginners: entering up a wet gully, th ey made a slow left over loose rocks on up th e gully, then a sharp left turn up more loose roc k and ou t th e exit. Section eight was a dabber for the Senior Bs, who entered uphill , made a left over a crest with a sha r p 90 0 tu rn at th e top, th en back down a hill . carefully controlling speed in preparation for a right turn at th e bottom, then up a bank and ou t th e exit. Section 11 was the "Fiver of th e Da yl" Novice ' riders en te red str aig ht in. making a sha rp 90 0 right -turn, then nailing it to the wall, go ing up a slippery rock -slab off-camber to t he rig ht. Next came a slight left on u p to the top , complicat ed by a rut and then ou t th e exi t. Very few Novices made it to th e exit on thi s sect ion . Senior As, Amateurs a nd Experts ente red this same section up a three-foot bank , th en made a sha rp 180 0 turn back d own follow ed by a left uph ill th en a quick right turn over a log . Rid ers fought for traction as th e log led to a slippe ry off-camber leading to th e exit. Dave Boston , of th e Expert cla ss, was th e on ly ride r at all to ge t th rou gh it (wit h a three ) all day' SCTA's Duane Fe la n d had his hands full (and wore ou t his boot sl) in putting thi s event together a nd wound u p wi th so m e int eresting and cha lleng ing sect ions! The next trial even t will be on April • 29 at Ba rona O aks. GOLD ANODIZED ALUMINUM SWINGARM- S& WTM STROKER SHOCKS-14"long. 8.3" travel withS& WTM Freon gas type. 5-way 14"StrukerShocks. 3/4" .preload adjuster. Dual longer wheelbase. Accepts Springs.Spring weight stockneedlebearings, chain guide, and chain adjuster. SO/SO. Getthe KXSO 'Irick-up Kitat your Kawasaki dealer. Kawasaki Don't letthegood times passyou by.. To err is human.... . to get marks for it is trials KRWHelmets Win Races Bike Co lor-Mat ching KRWHelmets Win Friends '7HE FASTEST MOTORCYCLE LUBRICANTS " Trabaca Prod ucts of Californi a division of American Sports Co., Inc. 2970 E. Maria Street Compton, CA 90221 (213) 638-7814 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii '. -e.. aa.MY c:c.wn. ~CClfIIIl. HDemI& P,O. . . se, DIpl"":11.~MJrt17'Z1,(201 )~. T"'*18 uua 0'Pa .....lIC*AL . , S. l!IIl* CaIIgiI-..DIpt. "," 13.~. CA " " . (7'.) 73106174 15.

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